Awww! Hi sweet Baby Boy!! I can't BELIEVE you are one already!! You make my heart smile daily!
Here are your stats now:
- You weigh 20 lbs. 6 oz. (20%)
- You are 30" tall (55%)
- Your head circumference is 19" (93%) Woaaaa, that's a head full of lots of brains!
- You are in 12 month clothes but need to be in 18 month asap.
- You are in size 3 diapers, I tried size 4 but they are way too big.
- You are not walking yet. (Update: You stood in the middle of the floor without holding onto anything probably a week after you turned one. You took your first step on Sunday, Sep. 9th. You started walking I would say for sure by 13 months. Olivia and Audrey both walked right around a year and Owen was walking at 10 months. I'm glad you waited to walk because I'm enjoying every last thing you do since your my last baby.)
- I LOVE how you wrap your little hands around my neck and push your cheek next to my cheek and you'll just stay there for awhile. When you're tired you does this a lot.
- You started to throw little temper tantrums when Owen takes something from you.
(Just for comparison sake here are Owen's stats at 1 year: weight 21 lbs. 8 0z. (31%) 29.5" long (34%) and head circumference 47 cm. (97%) Audrey was 17 lbs. 12 oz. and 27" long, I didn't record her head size. I'll have to look for Olivia's stats (probably in her baby book but I know she was at least 20 lbs.)
You bonked your eye and got a big bruise. The night of your 1st birthday, you got a fever. No fun to big sick on your birthday but I loved cuddling you while you slept.
"How big is Ashy?" "So big!"
Look at those teeth!
I love you precious boy! You make my life complete for sure!! I thank God all the time for giving you to me!
3 Months 6 Months
9 Months 12 Months