Thursday, August 16, 2012

1 year old

Awww!  Hi sweet Baby Boy!!  I can't BELIEVE you are one already!!  You make my heart smile daily!

Here are your stats now:
  • You weigh 20 lbs. 6 oz. (20%)
  • You are 30" tall  (55%)
  • Your head circumference is 19" (93%)  Woaaaa, that's a head full of lots of brains!
  • You are in 12 month clothes but need to be in 18 month asap.
  • You are in size 3 diapers, I tried size 4 but they are way too big.
  • You are not walking yet. (Update:  You stood in the middle of the floor without holding onto anything probably a week after you turned one.  You took your first step on Sunday, Sep. 9th.  You started walking I would say for sure by 13 months.  Olivia and Audrey both walked right around a year and Owen was walking at 10 months.  I'm glad you waited to walk because I'm enjoying every last thing you do since your my last baby.)
  • I LOVE how you wrap your little hands around my neck and push your cheek next to my cheek and you'll just stay there for awhile.  When you're tired you does this a lot. 
  • You started to throw little temper tantrums when Owen takes something from you. 
(Just for comparison sake here are Owen's stats at 1 year:  weight 21 lbs. 8 0z. (31%) 29.5" long (34%) and  head circumference 47 cm. (97%)  Audrey was 17 lbs. 12 oz. and  27" long, I didn't record her head size. I'll have to look for Olivia's stats (probably in her baby book but I know she was at least 20 lbs.)

You bonked your eye and got a big bruise.  The night of your 1st birthday, you got a fever.  No fun to big sick on your birthday but I loved cuddling you while you slept.

"How big is Ashy?"  "So big!"

Look at those teeth!

I love you precious boy!  You make my life complete for sure!!  I thank God all the time for giving you to me!

                                                  3 Months                 6 Months
                                                  9 Months               12 Months

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Posted on Facebook- a Note to self

I posted the following message on facebook:

Note to self: Remember the next time that you want to go to the pool with four kids under 7 years of age all by yourself that it is a LOT OF WORK! It takes all morning to get ready and pack a lunch/snacks/pool toys etc. Once there it is NOT relaxing for you. You will work the WHOLE TIME. It takes a long time to put sunscreen on 5 of you, swim diapers, arm floats, etc. You will be looking around and counting 4 kids the entire time and freaking out if you can't see one right away. When you get home you will be EXHAUSTED and your back will be sunburned because you couldn't reach it and your two oldest were already in the pool when you needed it done!!!!!! But it's all about the kids and their childhood memories of the fun days you took them to the pool, right? Reread this the next time someone asks you to go to the pool!

Ha!  A lot of mommies liked this comment and agreed with me!

Monday, July 16, 2012

11 months!

I didn't take a lot of pictures this month Ashton!  But these 2 are super cute!  You love berries but boy oh boy do you make a mess with them!  You are raising your hands when we say, "How big is Ashton? So big!"  but I'm not sure I have a picture of you doing it.  Can you tell you are the fourth child and mommy's lagging a bit?

Look at you pulling yourself up!  You will be walking before too long!

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Funny things from the kids

Olivia wrote this note to the tooth fairy a few weeks ago and we left it under her pillow:

Dear tooth fairy,
I am only 7 and i lost my sixth tooth. But it got lost when I was playing games at church. It is not a caviD. In fact I Brush it every Day. It is a happy tooth. Look on the Back to see my tooth. Love, Olivia (On the back she drew a picture of her tooth. She was afraid that if the tooth wasn't there the Tooth Fairy wouldn't know she lost it, thus the note.)

Hee hee 

June 4, 2012
A coversation at breakfast.
Me: Olivia, if you don't eat eggs you won't have strong muscles.
Olivia: I don't need strong muscles, my husband will fight the robbers. 

May 20, 2012
So the other night Owen (age 2) looked at his dinner and said, "Yippee, I love this dinner, it's yummy to my tummy. It makes my muckles (muscles) strong." Then his dad gave him a mini powdered donut for dessert and I told Owen that donuts will not make his muckles strong and he started bawling and was literally devastated for a few minutes. You would have thought I broke his heart. Sorry buddy!

January 28, 2012
 My 2 year old had the phone to his ear and was listening to the recording of the operator when you leave the phone of the hook and it was like he was having a conversation with her.
Operator: If you'd like to make a call please hang up and try again.
Owen: O.k.
Operator: If you need help, hang up and then dial your operator.
Owen: O.k.
Then she repeats the same thing again and each time he says o.k.
I think he thought he was really talking to her.

Dec. 28, 2012
Audrey said, "Mom, when I grow up can I have an iPot?". I told her it's called an iPod but she keeps calling it an iPot. We don't even have one but she has seen her cousins and uncles with them and now thinks she would like one when she grows up.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

June Randomness

The girls made cards for my dad for his birthday and I had to take pictures of them because they were too cute.  They wrote "grampo"!

She is so witty and funny to me!

From Audrey, so sweet.

Can they get any closer?

Owen actually fell asleep sitting up right there.

The girls made these shirts at Vacation Bible School at our church.

Finally fell asleep in his toddler bed!

Say What?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Boulder Fire

There have been lots of devastating fires in Colorado this summer.  The closest one to us is the Boulder Fire so we thought we'd take a bike ride and see if we could see it and boy could we!

Crazy how close it is to us.  Boulder is about a 20 minute drive for us and the fire was on the mountain just above Boulder so it didn't actually make it into the city.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Friend's Party

Audrey went to a birthday party at Anderson Farms and it was HOT!!

Do you see the really large pumpkin way in the background?

Rows and rows of corn

They got to take a hay ride and feel large scary animals.

Look at that tongue!!