Saturday, July 21, 2012

Selamat menyambut Ramadhan Al Mubarak

Salam Ramadhan buat semua yg mengunjungi blog yang tak seberapa ni. Semoga ibadah kita diteirma olehNYA dan kita semua mendapat keberkatan bulan yang mulia ini.

Kejap aje kan... sekarang dah puasa. Lepas ni raya pulak... (manuskrip tak siap2 hu). Mudah2an di bulan puasa ni, saya boleh menghabiskannya. Waktu2 yang sepatutnya keluar lunch tu...mungkin boleh dimanfaatkan untuk menulis... bukan ganti waktu tido ye...;)

Sahur pertama tadi, seperti thn2 sebelum ni... menu kami ala-ala McD campur A&W.. hehe. AHA makan cheese omellete, hubby makan burger, saya makan 2 slices of toast bread and dates. Ada mcm menu breakfast buffet kat hotel tak? :P

Buka nanti... seperti thn2 sebelum ni jugak, hari pertama ramadhan mesti kat rumah mak saya. Sedangkan hari kerja pun sanggup meredah traffic jammed semata2 nak makan dgn mak on the first day of ramadhan, ini kan pulak hari Sabtu macam ni... confirm dapur saya tak berasap!! :D

Monday, July 16, 2012

Test drive Polo Sedan

Ini latest car yg saya test drive. Frankly speaking, saya tak pernah drive any Volkswagen cars before this. Angan-angan nak drive Scirocco atau Golf Gti... atau paling kurang pun nak merasa Polo Gti  warna merah yang cun dan mengancam jiwa raga itew! ;) Tapi sudahnya bila sampai di Cergaz Autohaus yg berlokasi di TTDI/Penchala...  I've decided to test drive this new Polo Sedan ... for a start...;)

~ 1.6l petrol with 16valve engine
~0-100km 12.3 seconds (lebih laju dari Cik Pug)
~Top speed 183km/h
~105 bhp
~6 speed automatic transmission
~4 air bags
~Much spacious than the Polo hatchback. Be it the boot or the interior.

Simple interior...tak nampak messy bila melihatnya.

To me, the exterior looking of this car... biasa-biasa saje. Not something that I would turn my head twice if I see one on the road...unlike Scirocco, Golf Gti or Polo Gti ;)  But once I put my feet on the accelerator... woooo... can feel the power picking up quickly!! Memang terasa sedap memandunya, cornering pun best, rasa sangat stable walaupun stereng rasa ringan (err... my layman language review...hehe) Hah... masa tu baru tahu... Uccay, this is how it feels driving a VW, eh? :P

So, what's next? Are we buying or not? Haha... soalan standard kami setiap kali lepas test drive mana-mana kereta.

Kalau ikut price yg hanya RM99,888... well, this is the cheapest VW cars available in the show room and it still gives you the VW power. Come to think of it, if i were to compare this with any other Germany-made cars, this is the most affordable (sebab kurang RM112 daripada 100K, kan? Hahaha) And the plus point here is, Cergaz Autohaus is giving away a special raya offer.... NO downpayment (but higher interest rate) OR 10% downpayment with LOWER interest rate... which I find it...SO VERY TEMPTING!! Aduhai... memang mengancam iman dan nafsu macam ni!!

And I hate the feeling of getting up the next morning and still thinking of buying this car!! Habis tu, Cik Pug camana? Cik Pug tu sebenarnya sangat-sangat okey lagi...(walaupun dah lama tak polish! ;)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sakit tangan...

Lama tak update blog... dan ini salah satu sebabnya...;)

Sekali tgk tgn saya ni, ada mcm rupa tgn boxer pulak kan? Hahaha. Tu yg ada org ingat, saya mengamuk hentak meja la... saya bertumbuk la... saya jadi buruh kasar la...atau jadi mangsa dera... muahaha ;)

Mmg pergelangan tgn kanan saya agak sakit bbrp bulan kebelakangan ni. Nak twist atau angkat benda yg berat skit... akan terasa ketidakselesaannya. Tapi sbb saya ni jenis yg...'selagi boleh tahan sakit... I'm okey...' so saya cuba meningkatkan daya ketahanan diri. Belum masanya utk berjumpa doktor lagi.

But then, last Friday... rasa makin tak selesa bila driving dan menaip di laptop. Lepas tu,  dear hubby sebut pulak pasal **Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Hah... panik sekejap.... terus pergi klinik...:P

**Carpal tunnel syndrome is pressure on the median nerve -- the nerve in the wrist that supplies feeling and movement to parts of the hand. It can lead to numbness, tingling, weakness, or muscle damage in the hand and fingers.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

The median nerve provides feeling and movement to the "thumb side" of the hand (the palm, thumb, index finger, middle finger, and thumb side of the ring finger).
The area in your wrist where the nerve enters the hand is called the carpal tunnel. This tunnel is normally narrow, so any swelling can pinch the nerve and cause pain, numbness, tingling or weakness. This is called carpal tunnel syndrome.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is common in people who perform repetitive motions of the hand and wrist. Typing on a computer keyboard is probably the most common cause of carpal tunnel. Other causes include:
  • Sewing
  • Driving
  • Assembly line work
  • Painting
  • Writing
  • Use of tools (especially hand tools or tools that vibrate)
  • Sports such as racquetball or handball
  • Playing some musical instruments
The condition occurs most often in people 30 to 60 years old, and is more common in women than men.


  • Numbness or tingling in the thumb and next two or three fingers of one or both hands
  • Numbness or tingling of the palm of the hand
  • Pain extending to the elbow
  • Pain in wrist or hand in one or both hands
  • Problems with fine finger movements (coordination) in one or both hands
  • Wasting away of the muscle under the thumb (in advanced or long-term cases)
  • Weak grip or difficulty carrying bags (a common complaint)
  • Weakness in one or both hands

Penyebabnya mmg ada... typing on keyboard and also driving.
Symptoms pun ada... pain in wrist or hand in one or both hands.

Tapi setelah berjumpa doktor... Alhamdulillah, bukan Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It was just a sprain. Mungkin kedudukan tgn saya tidak selaras atau betul bila saya menaip di keyboard. Atau mungkin juga sbb cara saya pegang stereng kereta yg tidak betul (bawak keta kdg2 mcm racer kan...muhahaa)

Untuk sehari dua, saya terpaksa sapu muscle relaxant cream dan bandage tangan saya ni.

Atas sebab2 yg tidak dapat dielakkan, maka dgn itu, proses penulisan manuskrip kelima tergendala sebentar... (excuses...excuses... and excuses...:P)

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Pesta Buku Selangor 2012

Sibuk-sibuk pasal Euro 2012... lupa lak nak bagitahu pasal Pesta Buku Selangor yg sedang berlangsung.

Okey... Pesta Buku Selangor telah pun bermula di SACC (Convention Centre) Shah Alam sejak 29 Jun 2012 dan akan berakhir pada 9 Julai 2012. Dibuka dari jam 10 pagi hingga ke 9 malam. 

Bagi sesiapa yang berkeinginan untuk mendapatkan novel2 saya... (Melodi Kasih, Kenangan Terindah, Cinta Tak Beralih dan Aku Pilih Dia) silalah ke booth Grup Buku Karangkraf. Pasti akan ada diskaun menarik menanti anda di sana!  

Monday, July 02, 2012

Champion of Euro 2012

Berakhirnya Euro 2012...

As I predicted... Spain masuk final Euro 2012 (tapi saya predict hari tu Spain bertemu Germany di perlawanan akhir spt tahun 2008 dan kemudian Germany akan all out utk menebus kekalahan mereka di tangan Spain 4 thn lepas)
Sudahnya, Spain bertemu dgn Itali dan kemenangan berpihak kpd pasukan La Roja!!! Kemenangan besar... 4-0 tuh!! Walaupun byk jaringan, tapi perlawanan final kali ni agak hambar... tak de fight, tak cukup thrill, takde drama, kureng suspen (suspen lagi masa tgk Man City lawan dgn QPR utk merebut juara BPL...:P) Itali pun main macam lemau aje smlm...tak nampak bersemangat nak fight langsung!!
Apa2 pun, saya tak salahkan Buffon krn melepaskan 4 gol... itu semua sbb defender Itali yg hancus...:P
And I think, I'm beginning to favour Spainish team more than the Germans after this...:) Salah satu sebabnya, suka tgk the players passing bola... cepat dan tepat ;)

The happy faces of Iker Casillas, Iniesta, Silva, Pique, Xavi, Xabi. This team won all the major tornament for the last 4 years... Euro 2008, World Cup 2010 and now Euro 2012. Hebat!!!

p/s: Bila stay up tgk bola...tak pulak mengantuk. Tapi bila stay up utk menulis manuskrip... mak aaiii... tak terangkat biji mata!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Euro 2012 Semi Finals...

euro 2012 spain flag logo
euro 2012 portugal flag
28 June 2012
Spain vs Portugal

Saya sokong The Spainiards (sbb saya kureng suka The Portugese yg bernama Ronaldo itu...dia mcm eksyen je...:D)

euro 2012 germany flag logoitaly team flag euro 2012

29 June 2012
Germany vs Italy

Walaupun saya suka tgk The Italian goalie yg bernama Buffon itu, tapi saya tetap sokong The Germans (dulu, kini dan selamanya...:D)

Euro kali ni saya tak berpeluang nak tgk byk game (almaklumlah... dah tua2 ni tak larat nak berjaga hu) TAPI saya tetap follow dgn menonton Euro Highlights di Astro channel tu setiap hari. Sekarang ni, nak tgk 90 minit tu rasa mcm tak mampu je... :P
So, saya ambil pendekatan yg berbeza... sambil duduk lipat kain atau gosok baju atau tgh bersiap2 nak pergi kerja tu... tetap layan tgk gol2 yg dijaringkan atau percubaan2 bahaya yg terkena tiang gol atau tersasar entah ke mana2...(apa daaaaa...  the '2 Ashelys' in the English team... :P)

And my prediction for final this time...
Spain vs Germany

Apa pula prediction anda? ;)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My heros... and their cars...

Kata seorang rakan, kereta yang dipandu melambangkan karakter dan personaliti seseorang.
Hmm... betul ke??
Bagi pendapat saya, kenyataan itu memang betul. But on top of that, of course we have to take into account; the financial status (income) and the lifestyles. Kedua-dua faktor ini memainkan peranan dalam pemilihan kereta seseorang.
Kerana itu, setiap kali saya hendak menulis novel baru... saya akan cuba tentukan jenis kereta yang sesuai untuk hero saya berdasarkan kepada income, karakter, personaliti dan gaya hidup mereka.
Dalam Melodi Kasih, Ahmad Fariq drive kereta ni... :) 
He goes for performance (not so much on the price) and this Airtrek has it. Though Fariq is an owner of an event management company (and also a contractor) but he's a humble person (tidak suka show off dgn kemewahan yang dimiliki). This 34 years old guy is the type of person yang sungguh gila-gila, lepak dan cool, kerana itu dia tidak memerlukan kereta yang posh atau gila-gila punya luxury walaupun dia lebih daripada mampu :)
 Dalam Kenangan Terindah, Akmal drive kereta ni...:)
Being a junior consultant who just started his career... Akmal saya 'sediakan' kereta buatan Mesia ni sbb ianya sporty... sesuai dgn usianya yg baru 25/26 tahun masa tu. And this car is also cheap (oh mind you... Akmal beli kereta ni second hand...hehe) 

Dalam Cinta Tak Beralih, Shaqril Hafizi drive kereta ni...:)
Shaq is a 30 years old electrical engineer. His hobby is racing and drifting . He's the man of not many words, but he loves the sound of 'mengaum-ngaum' coming from this car. And that's why he gets worried if the car got no sound....hehe) Since this is also a racing & a rally car...  maka ianya amatlah sesuai dengan karekter Shaq yg sangat gila/kasih/sayang/cintakan kereta itu... :)
 Dalam Aku Pilih Dia... Ian Redza drive kereta ni...)
Memandangkan Ian ni jenis yg tak kisah sangat dengan kereta... dan dia membeli kereta ni pun kerana ingin membantu kawan dia yg kesempitan wang... so he is okay with this old machine :) Since he's a rider, apa yg penting bagi Ian, dia boleh letak/gantung beskal (basikal) Santa Cruz dia tu kat atas bumbung atau boot belakang kereta ni...:) 
Dalam Aku Pilih Dia... Raif Imran drive kereta ni... ) 
(Kena highlight jugak watak Raif sebab dia ni ramai followers walaupun sekadar 2nd hero dalam APD)
Being a 27 years old guy who is managing his own trading company... and with his colorful lifestyle...ala-ala playboy gitu (tapi playboy berhemah....hehe) memang kereta ini terbukti berkesan untuk watak dia!! :D
Dan dalam novel terbaru... hero drive kereta ni...:)
A 29 years old lecturer who loves reading and a very simple person...
hmmm... sesuai tak? :D


Blurb: Bertahun menyulam cinta, yang Farra Nuha dambakan hanyalah sebuah mahligai indah bersama Ilhan. Tetapi semakin tiba hari...