Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy Valentine's!

So for Allie's first birthday, we decided to get her pictures taken. Now, in the past, she's been pretty great about smiling and cooperating. Not this time. Maybe it was the teething, maybe it was the large white screen/mat she was on, maybe it was the fear of strangers. Anyway, it was unbearable. Allie would just scream and cry anytime those photographers got near her or snapped the camera. They aren't allowed to pick up the kids, so everytime Allie ran off the screen, I was the one who had to chase her and pick her up and place her back on the spot. So needless to say, I was getting a workout. To top it all off, if you've ever walked through the mall and have seen the Picture People store, they have one studio right in front with mall view windows so everyone can see the adorable children getting their pictures taken. We just happened to be so lucky that day to have a wonderful audience of mall-goers of all ages. I especially enjoyed the grandmas stopping and watching and laughing, probably thanking their lucky stars that they were through that stage of life. At the end of it all, we got a fun picture of Allie holding a baseball (cause that was the only thing that she wanted) and a fun Valentines picture. I told Blaine that he is in charge of the 18 month pictures. Good Luck!
Even with all that, I couldn't love Allie any more!