Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My, how does time fly!

It seems like just yesterday, we were so anxious for Allie to start smiling, rolling over and eating solids. Well, now she is doing all three. She loves to sit in her high chair and watch mommy and daddy cooking and eating. Allie is all about trying new foods. So far she has enjoyed sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, pears, bananas and applesauce. We're getting ready to try peaches! A couple of weeks ago, Allie even tried sucking from a lime, and she kept going back for more. Crazy girl! She is loving rolling all over the floor, but hasn't figured out that when she rolls into the couch or the TV armoire, that there's no where else to go. She just gets upset and tries rolling that way again and again. Allie is a happy baby!