Saturday, March 31, 2012

9 months old!

We've come from this....

To this...

Why did these nine months go by so much faster than the nine months I was pregnant with them. Love you boys!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

4 months!

The twins will be four months old next week! It's funny to think how fast time flies by and how much these little boys have changed.

Allie sometimes think that the boys are her dolls. She's even gone as far as putting princess crowns on the two of them.

Happy Logan!

Happy Luke!

The boys are getting so strong. It'll just be a matter of days before they are rolling over and over.

Poor Luke... he doesn't seem too upset in this photo, but we think sometimes he has night terrors about Allie smothering him.

We started rice cereal a little early with the boys...their little bodies can't handle all the formula they wanted. So the cereal helps them stay a little fuller. Logan still has not warmed up to it...

Luke is tolerating the rice cereal better than Logan. He will at least swallow it...

We got out the exersaucers yesterday. The boys love being in them. They always like standing on our laps and looking around. They are so curious and smart. So this is perfect!

Luke loves spinning the 3 wheels in front of him. He also loves smiling at Mommy. :)