Sunday, July 12, 2015

Calvin at 16 months

Cal, our sweet cutie boy. 
This little guy is 16 months!
He is doing more and more each day and just seems to be growing up all of a sudden. He is finally getting closer to walking. He will walk along anything he can hold onto. Furniture, the walls and now he is starting to push around his high school, bar stools and push toys! We will see how long it takes him to figure out he can do it with out holding onto anything.
Calvin is into everything! He loves emptying drawers, purses, tupperware drawers and the DVD cabinet. He also loves to play in the toilet! You gotta keep bathroom doors shut or he will make his way into the toilet water. Gross!
Calvin loves playing with balls. His favorite thing is when you will play catch with him. He has quite the arm! 

Calvin and cute baby Jane. Calvin can get super jealous of Jane. He will cry when someone is holding her. But when they get to interact on an even playing field, he enjoys her.

Calvin is usually a pretty happy kid. But thanks to being a horrible teether... this month has had its share of cranky days. He has also dropped down to one nap and if that one nap isn't very good, he is kind of a mess!
Calvin really had fun hanging out with his cousin Fox. It was so cute watching these two interact. Cal looks huge next to Fox!

James turns 5!

James 5 year old stats
37 lbs (25%)
42.5 inches (50%)

I can't believe my sweet baby James is 5! I wish I could still just call him sweet... but this boy has added sass to his name. 
James is such a fun kid to raise... and a challenge! I learn more and more about myself through my experience raising him. I find how my feelings can be easily hurt by someone so young. I find that my patience can be tested to its limits and that I am always trying to figure out new ways to discipline with out losing my cool (I've had to lost my cool to learn that its not the best way to discipline.) 
James can be rough and tough, but he also has a sensitive heart and can be quite emotional. When he is happy... he is filled with joy. But when he is mad... he can be filled with anger. We refer the those moments as "Captain Furious" moments. He is easily set off... but it usually doesn't take long for him to cool down. He usually just needs time alone. Which is where I like him when he is acting like that. 
James is fun loving and always enjoys playing with friends. He has loved preschool and I think he is going to love kindergarten. He is really smart. Which is one of the reasons I am constantly being kept on my toes. I think he will do good academically in kindergarten... but being one of the younger kids, he will have some maturing to do. James also loves his family and is so excited about having another little brother! He loves his grandparents, Aunts and Uncles and all of his cousins. 
James is an active kid. He loves playing outside, riding his bike, and just running around. He did swimming, T-ball and is now in karate. I think Karate is his favorite so far. Haws has been teaching him to ice skate and we are planning to put him into a learn to play for hockey this winter. We will see how it goes. He loves the hockey gear :) He just learned how to ride a 2 wheeler bike with out training wheels. He picked it up fast and after one day was riding his bike all over the neighborhood!
James has many interests. He loves building with anything, legos, star wars, transformers, ninjago, learning about animals, insects and sea life. He knows more details about these things than I would think a 5 year old could remember! He has an excellent memory.
For his 5th birthday, we celebrated a day early with friends in a Star Wars themed birthday party. There were about 20 little boys at our house! It was 105 degrees out, so I was really glad we planned the birthday around water play. 
All the kids had a blast! These boys are so cute at this age. We played some water games and then the kids pretty much went at it with water guns for 2 hours! My friend is super talented and made this cake.

Davis had fun with the big boys and enjoyed the food :)

Light Saber Pretzels

Cal also enjoyed the food!

On James' actually birthday, we went to the dinosaur museum and then out to lunch at Firehouse Subs, where everyone got fireman hats.

We love James. He is our silly, strong willed, first child and I can't imagine life with out him.