Sunday, January 25, 2015

James 4.5 years

James is so much fun at this age! We still have moments of frustration, whining, drama and some sass... but 4 has been a fun age so far with James. 
James is adventurous, imaginative, inquisitive, smart, sensitive, loving and is becoming more helpful. He can also be bossy, mean to Davis (sometimes Davis deserves it), likes to test boundaries, a back talker to me and a tease. Yes... he is still a 4 year old boy!
James loves preschool! He has really exploded in the learning department. He can recite the alphabet, count to above 20, learned the pledge of allegiance, memorizes songs, is learning basic addition and I am starting to work with him on reading.  He is very social and loves his friends. Every week he asks to have friends over. He is really good about including everyone. His broadening world is exciting to him. He likes to try new things and play with his toys. His favorite things are Ninja Turtles, Dragons, Rescue Bots, still loves trucks and cars. He loves watching videos on youtube about snakes, spiders and sea animals. He often times tells me to ask my phone when he has a question I don't know the answer to. Siri knows it all!

James is a funny kids. In this picture he is telling me that this glob of slim is baby Jesus.

He loves stealing my phone and taking 200 selfies of himself like this or pictures around the house. Its funny to see how the world must look to him!

For Christmas his preschool class did a program with Christmas songs. It was adorable. James is sitting next to one of his favorite buddies, Carter in the picture.

James still rotates things/toys that are his "buddies". This is a Dragon that was destined for the DI bin at my parents house. He clung onto it the whole time we were in CA after Christmas.

James loves his dad! One day a few months ago he said something about how he loved Haws more than me. It hurt my feelings (I know... it shouldn't) and Haws gave him a talking to about how much I do for the family and how much I love James. I don't think it helped. In fact I think it was funny to James and now he will constantly say things like "Dad is the best!' "I love Dad the most". It doesn't hurt my feelings anymore. I know he loves me. He will still tell me and his actions show it. I think he just gets a kick out of getting reactions out of us! He is a total tease.

 James and Davis are best friends... and worst enemies! Some days they play so well together. But some days it's non-stop fighting! I can't stand the fighting! I know it's just how it is going to be right now... but I can tell they love each other :) James loves Calvin. He is really sweet with him. He will try to make Calvin laugh or he will comfort him when he is crying. He called Calvin "Little Cutie Boy". Now that Calvin is mobile though, you can see where he might get himself into trouble with James. James is still territorial about his special things when it comes to his brothers.

We put James in his first sport this year. He did soccer and it was fun watching him run around with his team. He doesn't quite get the concept of kicking the ball down the field and scoring... but he had a lot of fun!

We had our first set of stitches this past week! I was giving James a piggyback ride and then Davis wanted in on the fun. So I told James to hold on tight while I picked up Davis to put him in the front. I was bouncing around with them when all of a sudden James let go! He slid right down my back and smacked his chin on the floor! It was horrible! Blood was gushing from his chin! Luckily my mom was at the house because she was in town helping Dana with baby Jane and had brought the twins over to our house. So I was able to run the twins home and have my mom stay with my kids while I took James to the urgent care. It was a pretty deep gash and he got 2 stitches on the inside and 5 on the outside. He was really brave. I was the one that almost fainted! He kept saying he never wants to do a piggyback ride again! I'm sure he will take that back. 

James can be a challenge at times, but he really is so fun to have around. I am going to be sad when he goes to kindergarten and I don't get to spend as much time with him. I just love him so much!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Christmas Time 2014

Some of our Christmas activities.

Zoo lights and Hogle Zoo

Gingerbread houses with the Proctor family. Ours was the one that fell apart. Sill yummy though :)

Christmas party at the Dowdells. Santa and Mrs. Claus made a special visit. This was so awesome! I have never taken my kids to sit on Santa's lap... this really was the best way to do it! No tears. All the kids loved it.

James insisted he put the star on the tree.

The festival of trees. Haws was out of town, so I took the boys. Each tree is dedicated to someone who is either fighting a disease and spends a lot of time at Primary Childrens, or someone who has lost their fight. Each tree has a theme and someone who it is dedicated to. Total tear jerker.

James' preschool did a little Christmas singing program. We love Mrs. Jean's preschool and how cute are these videos?

Halloween Time 2014