Monday, October 13, 2008

Play Doh and Neil Diamond

I am a little behind, but a few weekends ago I had the pleasure of helping out with my friend Kimberly's baby shower. This was our first "couples shower" and it was surprisingly a lot of fun! I knew that if Kimberly and Doug who were throwing it... it would be something Haws would be able to handle. I volunteered to be in charge of the game and I had to find something I thought would be fun for both the guys and girls. I found this idea online and it was a hit!
"One of the cutest games I ever played at a couples shower was "Make a Baby." We each got small pieces of two different colors of Play-Doh and were told to make a baby. When the time was up, we all had to put our babies on a platter, and the expecting couple came back in the room to pick their favorite baby."
 I was surprised how creative everyone was and Kimberly and Doug got a kick out of it.
It was a fun day of catching up with some people I haven't seen for a long time and seeing once again... how many things you need when you have a baby! It still baffles me to see all the gear that comes along with such little people.

Kimberly is so cute prego and Doug looks pretty hot sporting the baby bjorn (with a whale bath toy). They are going to be such great parents. Little Ridley is going to be one lucky girl. I am so happy for them!

This is Haws' baby creation. He was the runner up to win. Nice umbilical cord!

The winning play-doh baby.

After the shower, we were off to the Neil Diamond concert at the Staples Center. Besides being in the VERY top row... it was a great concert. Neil still has it!

We went to the concert with Haws' parents and his brother Wade. It was a anniversary present for Chris and Mary and a birthday present for Haws.
I didn't take very many pictures, but I did manage to get a good rear view of the boys :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Max Thomas

Cinnamon and Tom welcomed their first baby, Max Thomas, into the world on Wed, Oct 1rst. He was a big boy... 9lbs 6oz! I can't believe Cinnamon got that guy out and I don't think she can either! They are all doing well and are home adjusting to having a very demanding 3rd person in the house :)
He really is a cutie!

I had the chance to go and visit them in the hospital. He was only about 24 hours old here.
Tom and his new son. I think Max has Tom's nose and mouth.
Little Max taking a nap on my chest. He was so good when Haws and I went to visit. Cinnamon said it was all a facade. I know there must be some reason she hasn't slept for almost a week!
With all these babies being born, Haws is getting pretty good with the baby holding.
He woke up!!! And of course he is looking to mom for some help.