Saturday, April 15, 2017

Hank 18 months

Hanks 18 month old stats

2'8" tall
23 lbs

This is how Hank felt about being 18 months :)
Well... I think he was actually fighting Calvin for the measuring tool. Hank has joined the ranks of fighting for things and can really hold his own. I mean... look at that bod!
He is an extreme climber and has mastered climbing the backyard play-set, only falling off of it 2 times so far. I turn my back for a minute and he is standing on top the the table! He is a quiet little guy and very quick which can be trouble.
Hank has the sweetest face, gives the best cuddles (along with an occasional face slap), is a great helper and loves to throw things in the trash for me. He has a tiny bit of separation anxiety, but recovers a few minutes after I leave. He is so fun to watch. He has an cute little strut and loves being silly. He is a good eater and is finally sleeping good!
Hank is social and loves being with other kids. Is this picture of him and cousin Redge not the cutest?! Hank loves balls, can do a good overhand throw, loves putting the ball in the little basketball hoop and LOVES hockey. It is funny seeing him play around with a stick and puck/ball. 
We love you Hank! aka Hanky Panky/Hanksters.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Davis turns 5!

Davis' 5 year old stats

3'7" tall

Davis... sweet Davis. Year 4 was a rough one for him. I feel like he was trying to find his space, his identity in the family, let us know that he has a voice and doesn't want to be told what to do all of the time. Davis has always been "the easy child" and by being so... it is easy to get mixed into the chaos.
Davis is a loving, sweet and funny kids with a little bit of a mean streak and a touch of defiance. I can tell when he is feeling "too controlled" and needs to feel like he is making some of his choices. 
Davis at times still wants to be the baby, but has recently taken on the older brother roll better since James is at school most of the day. He misses having James gone and is excited when his buddy comes home. I think the time away is good because they get along pretty good after school. They are buddies. He can be patient and kind to his little brothers, like this picture of him reading them stories. Some days he just is not in the mood for any of it and will put of his cereal boxes so he "doesn't have to look at Calvin". I remember doing the same thing with my siblings! And we all love each other now :) He really loves Hank most of the time and helps him out.

Davis is a helpful kid who is willing to work, even on his birthday!

His top wishes for his birthday was going to "King Burger" and get a street sweeper lego set.
Making dreams come true is what I do.

Davis had his first real friends bday party and requested a street sweeper party. I found a lady who made these cute cookies and I made a green (spinach, no kids had any idea!) cake and stuck one of the cookies on it. Wallah! A street sweeper cake.

I have a friend whose husband works for the city and was able to hook us up with the city street sweeper! He came by and talked about how the street sweeper works and the importance of keeping the streets clean. Tony let each kid hop in the truck and then drove by demonstrating how the sweeper works. It was so fun to see the little boys excited about it, and after the shock wore off, Davis was in heaven.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Calvin turns 3... the threenager!

Calvin 3 year old stats

3'1" tall

Oh Cal. What do I say about our cute, silly, fun, crazy, spunky, moody, sassy, loving 3 year old?
Well... if you think having 4 boys makes you an expert in raising boys, I am here to tell you IT DOES NOT! This one right here has me stumped a lot of the time. I know all the "right ways" to parents and discipline your kids, but why do they make it so hard!? And reacting with out anger or frustration when your child deliberately pees on the carpet, or hits you and calls you stupid just is not natural. But this one is teaching me a lot of things. And patience is one of them. Sometimes I have it, sometimes I don't (like when he has been up since 5:30am, isn't napping anymore and is having a tantrum while I make dinner). The good thing though, is he is a delight for almost everyone else. He loves playing with cousins (especially baby Jane) and friends (especially his partner in crime Archer).
He can't wait to go to preschool, wants to be with his older brothers all of the time and is FINALLY potty trained! #2 was a long, frustration process, but I think we have finally arrived. 

Calvin is a party animal! He loves to dance and get crazy. Always up for a good time. 
He is pretty athletic and can't wait to play all the sports he see's his brothers playing. Calvin has strong emotions and the cutest voice. I love when he talks to me, telling me a story or asking me questions with his big blue eyes and innocent face. If he gets in trouble and feels really bad he makes the saddest face with a little lip quiver (heart breaking). His cry is loud and distinct. 
Calvin is so much fun to raise so far, even with all of the challenges. He has a creative, thoughtful mind. I just hope we all survive age 3. 

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Hank Turns One!
Oh it is such a happy/sad day when your baby turns one. So many emotions. 

We had a little celebration with cousins a week early. 

Had a magical night at Wendy's on his bday

And then had the real deal party with family. 

Hank really enjoyed his chocolate cake and dug right in

 There is nothing quite as cute as a baby covered in chocolate cake. 
We love you Hanky Panky!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Hank 10 months

Hanks stats at 10 months
16.8 lbs (1%!)
28.5 inches (40%)
head 18 inch (60%)

Hank is still a light weight! But no one seems that concerned. He is a healthy and happy baby.
I love how different him and Calvin look, but they are such cute buddies.
Hank survived his first long road trip to CA and I would say he did really well!

With Great Grandma Davis

Looking extra big next to Cole.

He is such a happy, easy baby right now. He is starting to crawl and I can tell this guy is going to be a mover!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

James turns 6!

James' 6 year stats:
weight: 40.7lbs (20%)
height: 45 inches (40%)

James had his bday on the last day of school (Kindergarten) He also wanted to shave off all of his hair for his bday!

We loved having Mrs. Hoffman as his teacher. She was so good for him.

To kick off the summer, James had a few buddies over for a movie night.

Then we headed to Lagoon with the twins and Bop.

Haws took on the task of making the transformer cake.

 We had a party with family. Both Nana and Bop and Grandmama and Pops were in town!

The best part about summer birthdays are the water play.

James has grown up a lot this year. His interest are becoming more boyish. Legos, transformers, bionicles, hero factory, karate and ningago are at the top of his list. 
James is outgoing, a hard worker, a "master builder", sensitive, a little stubborn, a negotiator, fun, adventurous and active. He loves math and playing with friends.  

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Hank 7 month

Hank's stats at 7 month old
head: 17.2 inch (32%)
weight: 15.5lbs (5%)
height: 27 inch (50%)

Loves his exersaucer, trucks, sitting up eating food and being entertained by his bro's.
He hates the bottle, having his diaper changed and getting tired.