Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Back in '84

Here is a drawing I did back in '84. It is of Voltron (and what I think is a Robeast in the back). I got a kick out of seeing this. I guess I drew this on the same day that both of my two front teeth fell out. I remember that I begged and begged for the Voltron Toy until I finally got it. I still have it today. He's a little broken, but still good. Yeah, still good.

Friday, October 26, 2007

SB Comic #4 and a Redux.....

Trick or Treat y'all. So Skeleton Boy has gone through a small change. It looked to me like his more graphic style didn't fit the other characters and environments he was in (SB comic #1, #2, and #3). So this is his new look. I made him a little scarier too, to fit his scenarios more. So what do you think? Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Planet Terror

So I finally got around to watching the Grindhouse movies, Planet Terror and Death Proof. While I really enjoyed Planet Terror, I can't really say the same for Death Proof. But I digress... I thought that Rose McGowan's character Cherry Darling was pretty sweet so I decided to do a little sketch on her with her fun leg. Kind of like the way this turned out. I think I might just paint this sketch. Man I hated Death Proof!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

SB Comic #3

Here's a quick Skeleton Boy comic that came to my head whilst watching TV this morning. I kind of miss Elementary School... Who could of ever thought. Woo!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Some Freelance

So this is some of the freelance work I've been doing. Haven't done the background design in a while so this was fun. Hope I get to do more of it. Hear hear!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Back When I Animated

So here be my student film from 2002. Uploaded on youtube, of course, so it loses some of the quality. Still watchable though. I'm thinking of remaking this film. A redux if you will. Maybe both animation and some live action. I have another film I did after this one (2003) but I like this one better. Enjoy. Wee!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Tattoos Aplenty

I have a few tattoos going on my right arm. All of which were done by Mark over at Studio City Tattoo, the best tattoo shoppe ever. Hope to keep getting more done and hope that Mark does them all. His line work is incredible. So.... there are some tattoos that I never posted the artwork of (either here or at myspace). I figured this time around instead of just putting that new artwork up, I would show pics of the actual tattoos. So here they are (in no particular order):

The Pig and Pepper (with the Door Mouse on the right)

The Dodo
Some Mushrooms (there are more around the arm but they look like these)
More Flowers from the talking garden (with Bill the lizard with a ladder)
And the last tattoo I got, The Talking Door Knob (with a view of some talking roses and a peek at the Gryphon).
The talking door knob isn't from the book, but I thought he was great in the film so I put him on my arm. Woo Woo!