Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Man Bought Baxster!

I was hoping you'd imagine Will Ferrell saying this line instead of the man punted Baxster. Well I knew it was coming I just didn't know how soon. We went to Sandpoint ID leaving our shih tzu with some ward friends. I was worried the whole time that there were going to drop him off at the kennel because Baxster was quite a hand full. Well after our fun family reunion up at the Merrell cabin we went home excited to get our dog. And they were out with our dog. Thinking this was strange the guy then calls Jon and explains that his uncle wants to buy him. I was thinking not right now I haven't even seen him. Three days later they came to pick him up. The next couple days whether it was pregnancy emotions or the loss of friend I found myself crying lots over him. I still miss my dog, I swear I'm not one of those weirdos but I raised the thing from a puppy and he'd sleep next to me when Jon left for work. So I'm trying to convince myself the baby will be here soon enough to fill my void. Anyway hope everyone has a terrific pioneer day, I get the day off probably bc I live in Utah. I hope family members are planning to go to Priest lake bc I'm fighting for the days off. I will try to keep up with this alittle better. Keep posting I love reading them while I'm supposed to be working.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July

Wow sorry so late everyone. And its....A GIRL! If you forgot or haven't heard. We met our woman doctor that day named Julia, funny huh. She seemed really smart and very busy. She looked around on the ultrasound and found no evidence of a boy. Jon was shocked and I was laughing, because we were just so certain it was a boy. Jon was speechless for the rest of the night, but woke me up the next morning reassuring me he was excited or a girl. Our BIG 4D ultrasound is in a few weeks, we actually get to go over the anatomy with a radiologist tech. The pictures are so clear you get to see what your baby will generally look like, I'm sure they all look like little aliens at 25 weeks. So if our doctor missed anything in the ultrasound we will surely find it in a few weeks, so Jon's hoping. Mom came down last weekend for Amanda's wedding and endownments. It was an awesome experience for me to be there next to Amanda most of the time. Also walking through the beautiful Bountiful temple and finding mom waiting in the chapel. It was fun to have mom here she helped clean and brought me maternity clothes that were very cute. I haven't really gotten into the spirit of buying huge sizes yet. Infact I'm avoiding it. I'm feeling pretty good with the exception of mornings, lunch time, and evenings. I like to eat soup and fresh fruit thats about it oh & popsicles. Everything else I feel like I'm forcing down. Last night we went to Olive Garden I just got soup salad & breadsticks but the basalmic dressing on the salad just didn't sit well. I never got to eat my soup, the waitress was nice enough to bag my meal with lots of extras from the kitchen, when she found out I wouldn't be back from the bathroom for the rest of the evening. So not feeling perfect but much better, I'm proud to say I've been drug free for the last 5 or so days.
We wenting swimming on my day off and hope to get out in this 100 degree weather today. My tan has faded horribley & Jon's working on evening his out which may take a while (his arms & neck are black). Our first ride was down a slide with each our own tubes it ended life threatening. What started as a little kids ride for me ended where my tube dropped backwards under a waterfall that flipped my tube and sent me under water & landing on my head. The current was trying to throw my feet over my head which was a struggle cause I was fighting it. I was wearing a skirt which eventually was flipped over my head and revealed thighs that should never have been seen. It was embarrassing. I struggled to get up and untangle my skirt while reaching out for Jon who didn't notice a thing. Everyone was looking at me alittle worried, I then explained to Jon I almost broke my neck. Its been sore the last couple days and back the chiropractor I went. He and I actually are doing a project together. He asked for his pediatric degree to use me as an example. I said sure, then he said he'd no charge me for anymore of my visits. Sweet huh!
Well happy fourth of July to everyone. We wish we were home with family celebrating about now. I will try better to keep this updated.