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My TCA Peel Timeline


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Q: How long do I expect the ugly peeling to take place after getting TCA peel treatment?

A: It really depends on (1) the percentage of the peeling agent (2) your skin's sensitivity to the chemicals (thin vs thick epidermal layers) and (3) the method by which your derma applied the TCA peeling agent.

Different strokes for different folks.  But on the average, the ugly peeling starts to be visible on Day 4 (my sister-in-law experiences large chunks of peeling skin as early as Day 2! See what I mean by different folks, diff'rent strokes?) and is completely gone after a week or a little over that.

Let's look at the factors affecting the length of time at which you'll start seeing the TCA peeling effect:

(1) percentage of the peeling agent.  the first time I ever had TCA, I was given 40%.  TCA peels are normally done at 20 to 30%. Now, does it mean that the higher the %age, the quicker it is for your peeling to commence? Yes, to some degree.  We'll have to consider factor 2.

(2) your skin's sensitivity to the chemicals. The thinner your skin is (meaning, the faster it naturally exfoliates or remove the dead skin cells), the better the chemicals will seep through the skin.  And so, if you have 20-30% TCA agent on your thin skin, you are most likely to peel "on-time".

(3) the method by which your derma applied the TCA peeling agent. In my experience, there is maximum peeling on Day 4 or 5 post-TCA treatment when there is no rinsing involved. Rinsing happens when the skin turns outrageously red from the solution and the derma has to subdue the chemical's effect by cooling the skin with iced water.  If your derma's very familiar with your skin already, you have higher chances of getting an optimum TCA application.  Another good method is to let the skin reach its frosted state when applying the solution (you may ask your derma about it). In my case, my derma patiently waits till the frosting of the skin comes up.  You don't ask the derma to put a thicker amount of solution (unless you want to increase the risk of burns).  You want her to go by her method until she reaches the frosted state.

Whew, that sure was long! And I haven't even discussed my timeline!

Day 1: sunburned look, may still mingle without being too conscious
Day 2: sunburned look, skin starts to become taut and a cling wrap-like thing starts to form on top of the face (but can still mingle without being too conscious)
Day 3: my skin really looks ugly. i feel like i've aged drastically. the cling-wrapped face is more obvious (start thinking about whether you want to mingle with others)
Day 4: peeling begins.

Day 4 post-TCA peel

Day 4: TCA peel photo under different lighting

Day 5: peeling on most parts of the face. peak of peeling.
Day 6: the old skin easily washes off when cleaning the face. peeling tones down and are only seen on the sides of the face (others will notice that you're still peeling). you'll appreciate the baby pink and smooth condition of your newly peeled skin against the peeling old skin.
Day 7: minimal peeling happening. okay to wear makeup (but i suggest you don't! enjoy the beauty of a baby pink skin! i actually can't stop looking at my face at this point, and sometimes on Day 6). go out and mingle! you've been living under the rock already!
Day 8: my skin is completely refreshed!

For those of you wondering if you can actually go out after getting the treatment, you actually can.  But be prepared to be oily (as you are supposed to wash the face 6-8 hours after TCA peel) and for pimple marks to show up.  I have posted a pic of me 4 hours post-TCA peel during the previous post, now here's a pic of my face immediately after the procedure.

Immediately after TCA Peel @ Doc Six Foronda's clinic

Ideal Time to Have TCA peels:
Since I have school/work on weekdays, I see my derma, Doc Six Foronda, on a Tuesday for TCA peels. I'm gonna be unpretty on Friday but I'll let them laugh at me until they see me back on the next work/school week! *evil laugh*.

I love TCA peel because it gives my skin so much benefits.  I really like it more than the Diamond peel since the effects are more long-term for every TCA session.

4 Hours Post-TCA Peel Look


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A lot of people are curious about TriChloroAcetic Peel (TCA Peel) but are rather reluctant to get the procedure because of fear that they might look unpleasantly weird after treatment.

I get TCA Peel from my derma once every 2 months and I must say that I'm cool enough not to mind the 1 1/2-hour commute back home accompanied by frequent peculiar stares from co-commuters.

Perhaps they envy my weird tan?

4 hours after TCA Peel Treatment

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Acne and Pimple Treatment Review: TCA Peel and Steroid Injection


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As narrated in my best oil-control products post, oily-skinned girly like me are sooooo prone to acne. And we hate it a lot! We're in an endless search for the best zit-zapping cream that can give us a big hug and tell us that the humongous pimple sitting on our cheeks will be gone by the morrow.

TCA Peels and steroid injections are my last hopes when all else fails (because they are quite expensive). Here are my before pics (the costs of sleeping soooo late! Lack of sleep+hormonal imbalance+being lazy for skin care routine are the culprits, I can tell) :

A closer view of what women's chins must never be: yes, there are pimples, and see how ugly and rough my skin is?

Acne-fied chin: In need of a good pimple treatment!

I never liked steroid injections simply because they're all about needles. And I'm just not a fan. But I needed those trapped pus out of my chin, and so I had to face my fear and give in to that sort of acne treatment. Gosh, of all the places, I had to get the needle right along my T-zone area! Great.

I received a 30% (or was it 40?) TCA for the entire face. I didn't take ibuprofens or anything beforehand, and so I took the burning sensation of the procedure like a man, erm, a woman. Boy, it really stung my face! To think that a cooling fan was already hovering at my face, it still felt like my face was against the gas stove.

45 minutes after, I got up with a harrassed look on my pimpled face. The TCA Peel and Steroid tandem did a good job in freaking me out, but I know they'll be giving me the results that I want. Cliche-ish, but... no pain, no gain.

3 days post-treatment:

Welcome to the jungle!: A not-so-resolved chin area where peeling adds up to the jungle theme

5 days post-treatment:

Minimal peeling, I'm itching to force em out, but that's a no-no! Can anybody see a difference now?

I should've taken a shot of my chin the following day after visiting my derma. I know most of you already know how steroid injections work like magic, but I should've archived a proof of its wonder! Anyway, the above shots were take 5 days after my derma trip, and I have to admit I'm happy. I do mind how obvious the peeling was on day 3 (and that people stare at you like you're some walking... well, peel girl. haha, i can't think of anything else to say!), but seeing a whole new "baby" skin relieved me. Plus the pimples shrank significantly and are already drying up!

Boyfie had his fair share of the experience, minus the steroids... he's got less complicated zits (If ever you're reading this... I'm sorry!):

such a darling to pose for me! xoxo

Acne and Pimple Treatment Review on:

TCA Peel:
  • Painful Procedure? Yes, but tolerable.
  • Length of Treatment: ~15mins
  • Downtime: depending on TCA strength (x%), peeling may take up to 10 days max; I normally have 5 days down-time at 30%.
  • Cost: 1,000 to 3,000php/session (it's a thousand bucks with my doc, buti'm paying 50% off...yipee)
  • What you'll fall in love with: takes old skin out and a rosy, smooth skin in place of it; pimple-busting/drying; skin looks thinner (in a positive way)

Steroid Injection:
  • Painful Procedure? Terribly painful! (Hindi siya kagat ng langgam!! Grrrr!)
  • Length of Treatment: a few secs
  • Downtime: None
  • Cost: 500-800 per shot
  • What you'll fall in love with: instantaneous effect on acne/pimple

(L): Before Acne treatment (R): 5 days after acne treatment
A proof of my extremely imperfect skin (click to enlarge): The after pic isn't drool-worthy, but this is the best that my skin can get

I love my dermatologist to bits because she makes the cost part of my review inkling to the positive side! These above prices are the usual ranges you'll be quoted when you derma-hop around the metro. I'm a lucky gal to have found a good doctor who is passionate about her craft, and who is already rich enough to even think about dermatology as a business!

Have you tried TCA Peels and the dreadful steroid shot? Or do you prefer other acne and pimple treatment? Tell me about them and I'll try them out, too!

My MD, a fellow Thomasian: Sixta Foronda , M.D.
6F Aesthetic and Anti-Ageing Center
14/F Medical Plaza, Amorsolo St., Makati City


Made a POST on how my entire face looks like 4 hours after threatment!

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