Friday, June 11, 2010

For Katie!

These are not the greatest, but they are a start. They are all from her first few days. I finally had a studio photo done today.

Friday, May 7, 2010

She is SEVEN

A Dog Gone Good Party! I couldn't be surprised when Skye asked for a dog theme birthday this year. It turned out really cute. All the kids dressed up as dogs once they arrived. I made puppy chow in little dog bowls, with chocolate milk bones, for part of the party favors. One of the cute games that we all giggled at was eating doggie food (jello) out of dog bowls. The only bad part is she is now a year older, where does the time go?

Winter Blues

We fought a case of the winter blues by heading to St. George with Grandma and Grandpa in mid February. The weather was so nice and we even enjoyed the outdoor pool while there. We really enjoyed just being outside, taking walks, and enjoying our favorite park, which is really close to the condo we stay in. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for the great time. It was hard saying good-bye to the nice weather and going back home to the cold.

Christmas Morning!

Oh the JOY!

(I cannot get enough of Skye's toothless smile!)

Holidays 2009

How can you not love the holidays, making cookies, decorating the house, holidays dresses, and the spirit of giving, and my favorite two excited little girls!

Visiting Santa

If this doesn't look like the real Santa, I don't know who does. This was the sweetest Mr. and Mrs. Claus. They didn't make us feel rushed and really listened to what the girls wanted for Christmas, Stuffed Dogs and Vet kits. They posed for several pictures and gave the girls really neat candy canes. My favorite was it didn't cost and dime and the girls got to enjoy the Ogden christmas village, and roast smores. This was such a fun night to get the family in the spirit of the season.

A great day for a Snowman!

I was so impressed that Skye made this snowman all by herself! It actually was quite sturdy and lasted for several days. Too bad the dog ate the carrot nose shortly after.

Twin Permissionals

Is it bad to say that I'm a little jealous of the relationship these two adorable girls have? I have to laugh because at times they like to dress and look alike and when they do, they call it "Twin Permissionals", whatever that means exactly I am uncertain. Skye did both their hair the same, I am surprised at how long it was. This was taken at the beginning of the holiday season in their matching Christmas PJ's.


Skye had such a good time this winter playing Jr. Jazz. She was the only girl on her team, actually out of all the games she played there was only one other girl on a different team, and let's just say she was an extreme tomboy. Who knew that girls didn't jump at the opportunity to play basketball. Skye had such a great time and she had a very supportive team. I'm certain she will try it again next season. She also got tickets to go see a actual Jazz game. Her dad was suppose to take her, but he unfortunately was suffering, literally, from the swine flu. I didn't mind filling in, I love a good Jazz game. Hopefully she and her dad will have another opportunity in the future.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Halloween 2009

My little Witches!

80's Day

I thought we captured the essence of 80's day for spirit week at school.

Another Day Away

Like I said before I am spoiled that my husband takes the girls so I can spend time away. For my birthday my friend Dannie took me to one of my most favorite places, American Fork Canyon. It was so beautiful and a little cold with the first snow. Fall is my favorite time of the year and seriously I could not have asked for a better birthday!

Charli starts Preschool

Charli was really excited about Preschool this year, and has such a wonderful and sweet teacher, Ms. Diamond. I have been really happy with the school we chose for her and it's been fun to see how she has blossomed. There is no one quite like Charli, she never seizes to amaze us with her large personality. I honestly never know what she is going to say, and literally cannot be shocked with the attitude and whit she displays. She brings such spice to the family. I asked her teacher how her large personality is in school and she says she teases with her teacher and is always upbeat, but never acts out or is disrespectful. I still sometimes can't believe what a little spitfire she is, she was the most easy going, quiet little infant and toddler, I would have never suspected her to be how she is now.

First day of First Grade!

I was so sad to send my little girl to school for a full day. If I could keep them little I think I would. I cannot believe how much she has grown this year alone. I have not been able to keep her in clothes that fit for the first time in her life. She has become quite the little reader and writer. She has matured so much and really helps when it comes to her family. She is rather shy and had a hard time feeling comfortable and making friends. Well, her best friend is a little boy named Isaac. He is a good head shorter than her, and she talks about him constantly. I joke with her and tell her to stay away from boys named Isaac, they are trouble. I am happy to see she has made such a good friend and has grown to love school this year.

Summer of 2009

I think this was one of the most enjoyable summers to date with the girls. We spent many mornings at the pool for swimming lessons, and lazy afternoons in the backyard enjoying watermelon. It really doesn't get much better than this!