Monday, February 20, 2012

Almost a Year Later

So, it has been almost a year since I have blogged. We have had lots of excitement and craziness in our lives. In April, my Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had a huge lump on her left breast about 7 cm. Mark and I helped her and my dad move up to Utah so she could go to the Huntsman Cancer Institute. She moved her into my sister's house and then stayed for a few weeks to be there for doctor's appointments and the surgery. She had surgery the day after Easter. The surgery went well and she was sitting up typing on her computer 2 hours after. Mark took the kids back to California. I stayed with Josh to help however I could. I went home a couple of days after Mother's Day and was informed that everything was fine. We thought she was completely cured and we received a miracle. I felt strongly about moving to Utah to be closer to my Mom. Mark agreed that it was a good time. So we found a beautiful house in Highland that wasn't very much more than what we were spending in Cali. It was sad to say goodbye to all of our friends and family. But we set off for Utah on July 3rd. We arrived in time for the 4th of July. Our new house is huge and we love it. The kids each have their own room. We don't even have enough furniture to fill the whole thing.

In August, we received a nice surprise. We found out that we are expecting our 5th child. We are so excited. My due date is March 26th. We found out it is a GIRL!!! We also received some bad news. My Mom had some routine blood tests done and they found something abnormal. So we took her in to get a CT Scan and a Bone Scan. The Bone Scan came back fine, but they found something in her liver and her lungs. She was asked to come in the next day. That night I couldn't sleep at all. I kept having dreams about what they were going to tell us. My worst nightmare came true. The doctor showed us the CT Scan. My Mom had two lesions in her liver. One was quite large. Then she went to the lungs. Her lungs were covered in tumors. I asked the doctor, "How long she had to live." She said, "At least 6 months." We were in shock. As far as we knew everything was fine. She was given the option to do a chest x-ray and then watch what happens. If the tumor get better or stay the same. She could also have a biopsy to find out what kind of cancer it was. She decided to do the chest x-ray and wait. Teresa and I were in denial and kept hoping that there was some other reason for her chest to look that way. I researched anything that might make sense. I didn't want to admit that my Mom was going to die. Mom decided a couple days later that she wanted to know what kind of cancer it was, since she already had breast and uterine cancer. She did the biopsy and we went back for the results. We found out that it was indeed breast cancer and it was very aggressive. She probably had it for over a year, but didn't know it. She was given 3 options:1) she could do nothing, 2) she could take Xeloda, a oral chemo drug, or 3) she could have an intravenous drug. She chose the oral drug because she didn't want her grandkids to watch her sick and lose her hair. She took the Xeloda for two weeks and felt fine. Then she was supposed to wait a week. During that week, she was very sick. She was put on oxygen. We had her use the oxygen at night when she was sleeping. She decided that she would get off the Xeloda. On Halloween, she was really sick. She hadn't eaten or drunk anything in a few days. She looked awful and wasn't really even talking. Teresa and I convinced her to go to the hospital. They admitted her into Acute Care and pumped her with some fluids. She was very dehydrated and in a lot of pain. The doctors gave her some pain medicine. By the time, we left the hospital she was doing a lot better. She kept worrying about Teresa and I missing Halloween with our kids. We told her that our husbands would be fine. (She was always thinking about everyone else. She never thought about herself.) She started to seem like she was getting better. A couple weeks later, she wasn't able to get out of the bathtub. Her legs just kind of stopped working. We moved her and my dad up to Teresa and Matt's room where we could wheel her into the shower. About a week later, she was really swollen and retaining water. So we convinced her to go to the hospital. Shauna, Debra, Patty and Teresa took her and stayed home with my kids. I got a call telling me that Mom was having a heart attack. I didn't know if I would make it in time. She decided to have them put three stints in her arteries. She had a 100%, 90% and 2 80% blockages. They told us that it would be touch and go and that she might make it through the week. She told everyone that she couldn't leave until all her kids got to Utah. She left the hospital the next day through Hospice. They brought in a hospital bed and a nurse came to visit her. All of my brothers and sisters got here and we had a nice Thanksgiving. We got to take a huge family picture. On Saturday, we had all of my Mom's family over for dinner. Mom was not looking very good and her oxygen levels were slowly decreasing. She kept telling us that she would be fine. On Sunday, Mark gave a talk in Church on Charity. His whole talk was about my mom and all the things she did for everyone. It was beautiful. We had no idea that the next day my Mom would pass from this Earth. She passed away at 8:30 pm on Monday, November 28th. I am so glad that she is no longer in pain. But I miss her a ton. The funeral was on Saturday, December 3rd. All nine of us spoke and all of her children and grandchildren sang. It was very beautiful. I am blessed to have such an amazing mother. I know that she is being taking care of everyone on the other side now. Life will never be the same without her.

Here is our last family pictures with my sweet mother.

The Whole Family

The Grandchildren

The Children

The Children and Spouses

Mom and Dad Together Forever

Monday, March 28, 2011

Joshua's Baby Blessing Aug. 2010

Joshua was such an angel during his blessing. He didn't make one peep. We had lots of family and friends over for the blessing. It was a wonderful day!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Our Summer Fun 2010

We had an awesome summer. We went to Utah, the beach, celebrated three birthdays and saw lots of family.

Mark took the boys to the Father/Sons ca
mpout. They came home filthy, but had a blast.
We went to Chuck E. Cheese and yogurt for Hailey's birthday!

We saw our good friends, the Addingtons on the way to my sister's house. They were visiting family in St. George.

We were at Grandma's last birthday party. Joe was born on her 90th birthday. It was fun for them to share their birthdays.

We went skating for Joe's b-day. They dedicated a special song to him. He thought it was awesome.

We played at the Highland Splash Pad.

We celebrated Joe and Kade's b-days. Teresa and I made the ice cream cake. Joe has already requested it for his next birthday. It had cookies 'n' cream and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. It was yummy!

We went horseback riding. The kids loved it.
While we were in Utah, my grandma passed away. She was 97. We celebrated her and Joe's birthday 2 weeks before.

We went to the Tide Pools. It was a beautiful day. We had a great time.

Playing at Steve's pool before school starts

Monday, August 30, 2010

Baby Josh May 2010

So I have finally finished this blog post. It only took me four months. Hopefully, I will be better at this. But don't count on it. It feels like every day goes by so fast with all of our activities.

Josh was born on May 26th at 8:49pm. He was 9lbs. 1oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. I was induced five days early. My doctor said if we would have waited until the due date, he would have been over ten pounds. No Thank You!! I was in labor for 12 hours. It would have gone much faster if my epidural was in the right spot the first time. Oh Well!!

I look very happy right before induction. My friend, Anniece, made this cute hospital gown. I received a lot of compliments on it. It beats wearing the ugly blue one they give us at the hospital. Why wouldn't they choose pink or purple for women?

My big guy!

Grandma and Grandpa Hermen

Josh's First Bath

Our Little Family

Hailey was thrilled when he arrived. She forgot that she wanted a sister instead.

The Durhams with Josh

Going Home!!

Medieval Times May 2010

We went to Medieval Times for our friend's 30th birthday. It was a blast. I opted out of all pictures since I was 9 months pregnant. Kade loved running around before the show started with his crown over his eyes. By the time the show started, Kade had fallen asleep. He woke up at the very end of the show.

Hailey and Kaydence had a great time. They looked at the horses and all the souvenirs.

Luckily, we had an empty seat next to me where I could lay Kade.

Our knight threw Hailey a carnation during the show. She was so honored, she had to take a picture with him. After the show, she walked up to people and told them that they cheered really well for their knight. It was hilarious.