Sunday, May 27, 2012

Oh, what a mess!

Oh, the joy of spaghetti!
 Can you say bath time!?!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Weekend With The Littlewolf Family

This last weekend we went to visit my sister Jessica's family. They have moved 4 hours away and we haven't been able to go visit since they moved. The kids were super excited to see their cousins again! 
 There is an outdoor shooting range near their house so we decided to go out and shoot a little. Emma and Emily have never shot a gun before. Emma has been wanting to go shooting and convince Emily to come along. Emily was a pretty good shot!
 Emma had a lot of fun shooting the .22!
 Emma was so funny, she was getting a little frustrated that she couldn't hit a target, but when she did finally hit a target she got this huge smile on her face and yelled out "This is so fun!" The range master just laughed!

 Emma and Alexander got along great!
 Jacob and Alexander....umm, not so great. We need to teach them a little about sharing before they become real buddies! :) No, really they did get along pretty good.
 We had a bbq at the park one evening.

And this is the 1st (that I know of) Littlewolf family picture. We had a great time visiting. The kids all stayed up late and woke up early so they could spend as much time together as possible!

Guess What's Missing

Emma lost her 1st tooth this week. She was pretty excited about it too! The tooth fairy gave her a whole dollar!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! Today has been wonderful! We went to church this morning and then went to my mother's house for the rest of the day. We had some very good food and the kids ran around playing and we got to relax and visit.
 I love being a mother! It truly is the hardest thing I've ever done, but it's all totally worth it!
 They really are so goofy!
 See, here is the proof!

 Jacob is learning at a young age how to make silly faces.....he still has a bit to learn about how to make a proper silly face, but he's catching on. :)
 As we were getting loaded up into the car to leave the kids saw my mom's neighbors out and they had this horse named cocoa. There was a little girl Jacob's age riding it. The kids went over to watch and they offered to let the kids ride the horse. None of my kids have ever been on a horse before. But they were all smiles sitting in the saddle! I think Emma's hooked!

My Boys and Dandilions

My brother Joshua took pictures of Noah teaching Jacob about dandilions. I love these pictures!

 Noah got a mouth full of fluff!

Hiking Adventures

One of my goals for this summer is to go on a hike once a week. We have lived in Washington for 5 years now and I want to get out and see more of it. So this week was just beautiful! I decided to take the kids on a hike we have never been on, but when I checked the website it said it was great for kids. How hard can it be to take 4 kids on a little hike?
 I brought the moby wrap so I could easily carry Jacob. But he wanted to walk the first little bit and we started out great, all smiles.
 So if any of you know my brother Joshua, he has a long goatee. Noah found this moss growing everywhere along the trail. He picked some and put it to his chin and looks just like my brother! Ha!
 The kids had so much fun playing on all the old stumps and rocks along the way.
 As we got further along the trail I started getting really nervous. We passed a big group of older folks coming down and they all seemed amazed that I was hiking with all these little kids by myself. One man warned me that the trail narrows up ahead and to keep the kids close. Well the trail did narrow and that wouldn't be so bad, except the trail was very high up above the river. I was constantly telling the kids to stay away from the edge, hold my hand, don't run and other such things a protective mother would say! I could just see one of them running along and then tripping and falling to the river below. Ugh, I'm such a worry wart!
 Daniel was running up ahead of me and tripped (don't worry, we were not near any big cliffs he could fall from at that time). He fell on his head and got a little "battle wound" on his forehead. You can't take 4 little kids on a hike without at least one scrape or bruise.
 This is a view of the river below us. We weren't too high up at this point. It was beautiful up there.
 One mile up the trail was the 1st of the water falls. This is as far as we got as it was getting late and we needed to get home. 2 miles is far enough for us, especially with carrying a almost two year old.
This was a cool old tree along the trail and the kids begged me to take a picture with them on it. What you can't see is that just behind the tree it drops off over 100 feet to the river below. It was a fun hike, but I think our next hike will not have any cliffs or raging rivers for my littles for fall off or into.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Kendall and I have been dreaming of getting a greenhouse for years! Kendall has spent hours researching them and yet we have never bought one.....until now! We found a used one that was in our price range and I pushed Kendall to get it.  It was very dirty and took a lot of work getting it cleaned and setting it up. My brother Joshua came over and helped a ton!
 The boys and I learned how to use a rivet gun!

 Noah was up on the ladder taking pictures of us working.

 Here is the inside all done! We are going to have awesome tomatoes this year (hopefully)!

This is a view of the outside of the greenhouse. It takes up a large portion of our back yard, but I think it's totally worth it!