Friday, March 18, 2011

Emma gets a hair cut!

Emma has been begging me to let her get a hair cut for weeks now. I finally caved in and said okay.
So this is her hair before. It was braided the day before so it's all wavy, I love it!

She was so excited!

This is after the hair cut. I miss the long hair already, but she Loves this new hair cut!!!

I can tell you that I DON'T miss the tangles! She has is such a little girl! Today she keeps saying things like "Mom, did you know I got a hair cut?" (repeated 4 or 5 times an hour), "mom, I wonder if anyone will know me at school" and "I want to show my friends my new hair cut"!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Vernon and Jessica's Wedding

On February 24th my sister Jessica called us up and said "Vernon and I are getting married...on March 7th". That's right less then 2 weeks notice! That's okay though, cause our family has a history of short engagements...I think hers takes 1st place for short notice! :)

Jessica waiting at the courthouse for the judge to marry them.

Emily, Darien and Cale waiting to the wedding to begin. They were very excited!

Vernon and Jessica Littlewolf

Emma and Emily

Jessica and Vernon getting married.

My mom made the wedding cake.

The Littlewolf family

All the kids were eating the frosting off flowers. It was a fun crazy day, but well worth all the craziness! Now we are just waiting for baby Alex to join the family!

Bald Eagle

One morning we looked out our window and saw this bald eagle in the field. He stayed there digging in the grass for a good half hour and was even joined by a female eagle! The kids loved watching them.


We got quite a bit of snow in February! My mom got even more snow so we spent a day up at her place.

The kids built snow men while I shoveled the driveway so we could get the cars in and out. Sadly the day wasn't all fun. My mom broke her ankle while looking for the snow man's arms.

The kids were in heaven in the snow!

There were many snowball thrown that morning!