Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I want peanut butter on my face!

Last night I was woken up by Daniel at 3am. I went to his room to see why he was crying. He says to me "I want peanut butter on my face." I thought he was trying to tell me he had peanut butter on his face and I told him his face was clean. He then repeats that he wanted peanut butter on his face and used his hands to pretend he was spreading peanut butter all over his face. I finally convinced him to go back to sleep, but not before I had a good laugh! I'm curious what kind of dream prompted that!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Noah Turns 9 years old

Noah turned 9 last week! We had a little birthday party with family for him. My Dad and Catherine and friend Shweta came up from Olympia to help celebrate. My mom also came for the party.

We had a yummy dinner and lots of birthday pie!

My dad with Emma and Jacob.

Noah got a snap circuit board and has already spent many hours playing with it! He loves things like this!

Emma and Daniel really wanted to help open gifts!

New movie from Mana!

Kendall surprised him with a new bike! He had had his old bike since he was 3 1/2 yrs old and he had out grown it.

Perfect fit!

The next day we had a little break from the rain and he got to spend some time riding around the neighborhood.

You Stole my Pickle!

The other day I was looking through some old pictures and Daniel joined me on the couch. He saw a picture from Oct 2008 when he was just 7 months old. Two pictures caught his eye, one of him sucking on a pickle and then another one of me taking the pickle away from him so he didn't choke. He was crying in the picture of me taking the pickle away and he asked me about it. I told him what was happening in the picture and then he got really mad! He started yelling at me for taking his pickle (2 years ago). He was crying about it all over again and he wanted another pickle! We had no pickles in the house so next time I went to the store I bought pickles. I gave this one to him and he was very excited to have his pickle. But he took one bite of it and said "Yucky!". Turns out he no longer likes pickles. Crazy kid!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ringing in the New Year with Potty Training...

Well so far 2011 has been a good year. Kendall took some much needed time off work and it was so nice having him around for 2 whole weeks over the Christmas holiday. We got a lot done around the house while he was home. The house needed a major cleaning and Kendall did a lot of it. Today is his first day back and I know he was not looking forward to getting up early! My biggest goal for the new year was to potty train Daniel. He was long overdue for it! I wanted to do it while Kendall was home for the extra help with the other kids. We started on a Friday and after day two and the 10+ pair of dirty underware I was ready to give up! This was after the 5th or 6th pair of poopy underware! Ugh, it was so gross! But I had promised myself that I would be strong and NOT go back to diapers so we just kept going with it. On Monday (Day 4) he went the whole day without a single accident! He is doing so great and doesn't even need a reminder any more! Happy day, it's done!! The only problem is keeping him in underware! The other day the FedEx man came to deliver a box to us, as I was signing for the box he was giving me a strange look. When I closed the door and look behind me I see Daniel doing a little "boogy dance" in nothing but his little t-shirt. So embarrassing, I wish I could call that man back and explain that we are potty training! So don't be shocked if you come to visit and find Daniel in the nude, you've been warned! It seems Daniel has aged a bit since he is out of diapers! I think he likes being a "big boy" now and likes the new found freedom. I enjoy not having to change his diapers! So now we are down to one in diapers. Happy Day!!