Thursday, February 25, 2010

Needed: Helmet With Face Shield!

It's been a rough couple weeks for my little independent almost 2 year old! He was climbing on his chair one afternoon (one in which I had a million things to do and not a lot of time to do it in). It would have been just fine if not for a little toy air plane he dropped as he was falling. The tail of the plane went into the back of his head which means a trip to the Dr. for two staples. He was really good about the whole thing too. Getting the staples removed the next week was worse then getting them put in. One of the staples malfunctioned while going in which meant a painful removal! When he was done he said his very first sentence "I wanna go home!" and then ran out of the office without looking back!
His independence is sometimes a painful thing to learn. On Tuesday he decided that he could go down the front two steps without holding onto anyone or anything. Well he went down head first. Cement does terrible things to the face! This is a picture of him a few hours after it happened.
This is what is looked like the next day...before he did the same thing all over again. We were going to a dinner and it was dark. He made it down the steps just fine but then tripped over his own two feet and went down. I thought he avoided hitting his head and put him in the car. When we got into the light of the building I saw that he had hit his face and had a fat lip! I really need a helmet with a face shield for this kid!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Picnic At The Beach

So once again it's been a while since I've updated. That doesn't mean we have been up to nothing. I blame our very very old laptop computer that refuses to recognise our new camera disks, which means all of the pictures I took for Noah's 8th birthday are stuck until I can get onto my mom's computer and post...which will happen soon, I promise!
I am finally starting to feel like my old self again. I went in last week for an ultrasound and from that they say this baby is due on August 4th. The kids came with us as they all wanted to see the baby. They were all very excited! The kids are taking bets on whether it's a boy or a girl. Emma really wants a sister!

Today was so beautiful! The sun was shining (until we got to the beach) and it was really warm. Emma was at preschool all morning so Noah got a lot of school done and didn't really complain at all! So Noah and I decided it would be a good thing to get out and enjoy it while it lasted! We picked Emma up and headed to the beach where we explored the beach looking for crabs, ate a yummy picnic lunch and played on the play ground. Sadly it was high tide and there weren't any crabs to be found. But we did have a fun time learning all about the tides.

Okay I am posting this picture cause I love the look on Daniel's face...but you can't really see his face now that it's on here....oh well. Emma didn't like walking on the beach so much. She doesn't like the feel of the sand under her feet. So she mostly stayed up by the picnic table while the boys explored the beach. Daniel got soaked from the knees down, but that didn't stop him!

Noah showing off his clam shells he found as the tide was going out.

When we got tired of the beach we headed for the playground. Daniel really liked the slides and swings.

Noah finally overcame his fear of heights and climbed up the rope tower. Here he is sitting on the little platform about half way up.

Noah, Emma and Daniel goofing off on the playground. It was a really fun day and so nice to get out of the's been a while!

Daniel had so much fun on the long as he didn't get pushed to high. Emma pushed a little to high and he wasn't so happy. She almost got kicked in the face. Speaking of Daniel.... he's hit the terrible 2's, heaven help us!! He is currently working very hard on throwing tantrums in public (You should have been at Costco last week for that one! I had one woman come up to me and tell me she had just said a prayer for was THAT bad!). He is also working hard at throwing hard objects such as rocks or toys at Emma's head. She had 3 big bruises around her eye last week because he threw a rock at her while she was sleeping and then a car at her later that day! We sure love our Daniel! Well that's all for now. I will catch up on all the other ideas I have in my head soon!