Tuesday, January 27, 2009

He's walking!

Last Monday Daniel decided it was time to stand on his own. Noah has been working with him ever since and he is getting quite good at it. Last night he took his first step, I couldn't believe it! Noah and Emma both showed no interest in walking til they were at least 13 months! So this morning Noah stood him up and Daniel WALKED to me...at least 7 steps! (I have a witness other than Noah and Emma.) You could just tell from the look on his face that he was quite proud of himself! Where's the video camera when you really need it?! He also did another amazing thing today....he took a nap! I real nap, not one of those 10 or 20 minute catnaps that are his normal. He did wake up coughing though, so I think Noah has passed on his lovely cough, tis the season. Now, if I could just get him to say Momma! Oh well, baby steps, right?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Last week was so crazy! I had preschool at my house which is always insanely crazy. Noah's birthday and then his party. Then on Saturday my dad and Catherine came as did my brother Joshua and niece Emily. The kids were so excited and had a lot of fun playing with everyone. They also brought up christmas from my mom and then birthday presents for Noah. So they had a lot of fun playing with their new stuff. It was a nice visit.
I was looking forward to catching up this week on all the things I had neglected last week because of everything that was going on. Well Monday morning Daniel woke up at 2am I woke up and realised I was not feeling well. By the time Kendall's alarm went off at 4am I was so sick I couldn't get out of bed so Kendall called in sick. He ended up staying home on Tuesday cause I was still sick. I went in and got on some meds on tuesday and by Wednesday I was able to get up and take care of the kids a little. My friend Dianna came over and took the kids for a couple hours in the afternoon. When she brought them back she also brought me some chocolate (cause we all know that for a woman to really get over being sick she needs good chocolate). I ate some chocolate that night and by morning I was better! Ahhh, the healing power of Chocolate!
I think I have the best husband ever! He was so kind and took care of everything so that I didn't have to do anything but rest and get better. I think the kids had a blast with daddy all to themselves. I think Kendall was kind of ready to get out of the house and back to work though. It's funny by the end of the day on both days he stayed home he was a little grumpy (like I am at the end of the day, everyday). A parent can only handle so much yelling, whining,and random screaming (from a 10 month old) before they start to loose it. I think he now knows and understands better why I am they way I am when he get home in the evenings. So that's been my week, laying around resting....

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Noah's Birthday

This is the only picture I took on Noah's birthday. I thought it was cute.
For Noah's party the kids each got to make their own pizzas. They had a lot of fun making and eating them.
Noah opening presents. Also in this picture is Samuel.

Some pirates stole the pinata, but lucky for us they left clues for us to find their new treasure. Here is Emma taking a swing at the pinata.

Noah's turn.

Omar was the lucky one to break the pinata. He was pretty aggressive!

The mad dash for the candy. My kids at first held back not knowing what was going on...but soon caught on that they had to be quick or miss out!
This was Noah's first birthday party and he really enjoyed having his friends over to play.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Where's Daniel?

Last night while eating dinner Daniel wanted down as he had eaten tons for dinner. He is getting tall enough to stand and reach the top of the table. Kendall had gone shopping and bought the last two bagels in the store. Well we were all having fun talking and stuff when I realised that Daniel was not making any noise and I couldn't see him. Then I looked under the table and found this. He had some how pulled the bag of bagels off the table and gotten it opened. He was happily chomping away at both bagels, very content with his second dinner. He is going to eat us out of house and home before he is 2!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Odds and Ends

Well here is our igloo, still standing after 3 weeks! As I write this it is snowing again. I don't think we are going to get much this time, at least I hope we don't as I have to drive tomorrow.
Here is our cute little Emma in her Christmas dress from Manna. She loves this dress!

Daniel likes to eat. I have started to let him try feeding himself. It is quite funny sometimes, cause he shoves everything in his mouth at once. Here he is eating a roll from New Years dinner.

Okay, So this should have a post of it's own but I've been busy. Kendall turned 30 in December. We celebrated as a family at home. I made him a yummy dinner and a blackberry pie for his birthday.

Daniel's 10 Months

As you can see Daniel is a silly fun little boy. He is so full of giggles and smiles. This month he is really into exploring things. He had his first Christmas and learned all about opening presents. He wasn't to into opening them but really enjoyed playing with the paper.

He loves the camera. He finds the flash funny for some reason.

Daniel's exploring

Daniel has discovered the bottom cupboards in the kitchen. At first he would just look and kind of move things around. Then Emma came along and thought he needed some help with this and showed him how to remove all the contents of the cupboard and spread it all over the kitchen floor. I guess it gives him something to do while I am busy in the kitchen but then the clean up process is getting to be a little more work. His next favorite thing in the kitchen is the dishwasher (of course). He loves to stand there and remove all the silverware. I have to really watch him and get to the knives before he does!
This is his favorite cupboard, it holds all the baking pans and tupperware stuff.