Thursday, January 28, 2010

Under Construction

Both my websites are under construction and SOON to be updated...FINALLY!! I think it's been 6 months since I last posted on this one! Well, that's what you get when you move states, then have a baby, then take on huge projects and work a lot. Anyway, Sorry for the half pictures, or other wierd stuff and I'll be back in the blogging world very soon ; )

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


So, I posted some pics of my first bride on my photography website. Check it out...

Monday, May 4, 2009

For Mom--Happy Birthday Today

Okay, so my child does not normally hit her head against the wall. This is in the "secret room" with the slanted walls, so you can't really sit up straight against the wall. Haha.

Mom: Talented, giving, smart, encouraging, beautiful, thoughtful, creative, loving, amazing. I love you and wish we could share this day with you. Happy Birthday, Mom!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

If I Could Just Be Like Dad...No Training Wheels.

So, after a couple of weeks with his new bike, Mike took off the training wheels. Here he goes...

Mentally preparing...

Maybe if I can just do it like dad does...

We like to teach by example in our family. Haha Mike's always giving us a good laugh.

Okay, so can you believe a 4 hr old said this about SALAD?? Haha. By the way, I think the complete loss of train of thought in the middle of his sentence is hillarious. Check out this video...

Friday, April 17, 2009

Moving to Utah

Well, on to a new job and a new home. Back to Utah we go. We are so grateful for this job Mike has. We did not expect to be selling Life Insurance, but it definately is a blessing right now. This has been placed in our hands. It is very hard to leave Texas, and the people I have so grown to love. This place will always feel like home.

A good friend reminded me of the quote that brings me comfort, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

The next 7 posts are dedicated to..."What We Will Miss About Texas..."

here comes a big fat wad of photos...

Being Outside

I've always loved being outside any chance I can get. It is so lush in Kingwood. We loved our daily walks.

A favorite was sitting on the porch, watching how the sky would change...

Labor and Delivery

Last day of work...

I will miss being a part of those deliveries, and such incredible experiences. No words will ever describe the birth of a child.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Blue Bell Ice Cream

Oh, this is a hard one to leave...nothing else compares :) Why can't they just distribute this brand outside of Texas?? Do you ever wonder how much ice cream you have eaten in your life? Seriously?? I'm sure you've at least bought that many gallons over the years...

By the way, "You are never too old for ice cream." This will be me one day. I asked this lady if I could take her picture when we were at the Blue Bell factory. Sweeet.

Texas Thunderstorms

Texas thunderstorms rain crazy hard, then minutes later... the sun is shining and everything sparkles. We loved sitting out on the porch to watch.


I seriously could not ask for better in-laws!! V-ma is too good to be true. The kids cherish her like nothing I've seen. She loves them and knows them inside and out. V-ma, Pompa, and Mike's sister Jaquee are all so easy to be around. I know, I realize this is not normal to be so lucky. What a blessing they have been in our lives! Honestly, I can't wait for everytime they come stay with us. It hurts to move away from them.

Teaching at Gold's Gym

Last day teaching class. Sitting with my faithful yoga girl...Kristi. Thanks for the "foot thongs" :)

Blue Bonnets and Wildflowers

Ooh, it smells so good to lay down right in the middle of them.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cherished Friendships

So hard to describe the support, examples, friendships, and love, of friends made in Texas.

This was a surprise baby shower/going away party a few days before I left. Thank you girls! I will always remember that.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"You Never Really Leave a Place You Love, You Take Part of It With You, and Leave Part of You Behind"

Austin turns 4

Hours and hours already riding on your birthday bike : ) Oh, I can't believe we have a 4 year old!
Austin, you are so smart and inquisitive. Always wanting to learn and understand how things work. If it can be taken apart, you will figure it out. You have a strong love for Jesus, and always get excited to go to Primary. Such a good big brother to Keira. You are our little buddy. We love you with a love we never knew we could have, precious son.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Trip to my California home.

Loved playing in the snow at home in California last month. Seriously, the climate here can't get any better. Gorgeous weather, and if we do get snow, it's not even that cold--I always used to walk around with shorts and sandals even with snow on the ground.

Mike and I trying to make a sledding trail in the backyard.

We Texan residents don't really have snow clothes, so garbage bags and duct tape work nice...
until the bag rips... haha. Poor thing : (

I just love kissing those little lips.

This was summer of '07 in my Cali home backyard. That's a grape vinyard behind us...smells SO good. I miss home!

Baby blues--can't get enough of those eyes. She's checking out the horses in the back.

Austin LOVING petting and throwing bits of food into their fence.

Always something to explore and catch...this time, they had 6 ducks to follow around.

I can't remember a time growing up without animals. Lots of memories as a child leading baby ducks and geese around in the grass, making tunnels in the snow for bunnies to run through, riding horses all around the forests around us. I loved growing up here. And so far, it's like a paradise for the kids to come visit...endless discoveries!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Do they ever learn anything on Sunday?

He blew me away! I've never heard him recite a story like this. His Primary teacher, Sister Palmer is just a jewel--so kind and sweet. She obviously gets through to the kids!

My favorite are his facial expressions and both of them popping those suckers in and out :)

Sorry about the wind noise--just try to ignore it ; )

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Never say can snow in Texas

I'm not saying anything about it sticking for more than 20 minutes, but it was enough to make a snowball :) Wahooo! (So, this was back in December, but I just had to post it!)