Thursday, March 24, 2011

Newborn Days

Lots of sleeping, eating, pooping, kisses, snuggles... Having a newborn is such fun! Jossi is a very good baby and we're so happy to have her here!

Snuggles with the big sis



Surprise packages!! :) Thanks Kupsh family!!!

Cute cards!

Snuggling soft blankies


Cutest little feeties

More sleeping...

And sleeping again

Beautiful flowers!!! Thanks Veers!

Birthday Boy!

Jeremiah turned 11 on the 11th of March, 2011!!! Pretty cool!! He got some great presents and a delicious ice cream cake. I think he was super happy that he didn't end up sharing his birthday with his little sis! :) We sure love our only boy and think he's just the GREATEST!!

Lego's are the best!!

Jilli has the best faces!

Sweatshirt from the Fawson's! It's from Grandpa's school!

Yummy cake!

Cutie pie!
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Going Home!!

Sleeping in the hospital cart...

All dressed up to go home!!

Getting the carseat adjusted! Cute cover from Auntie Em!!

Sucking the pacifier - and holding it in with her hand! She's so talented!

In the van and ready to go!!

Home at last!!! The kids were so happy to see her again!

So snuggly!

First sponge bath!!

She hated it!

Love Jilli's face here!

Moment of calm...

And snuggled up again!
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Jossilyn's Birthday!

The doctor sent us to the hospital after our check-up on the 8th of March to have this baby!!

Here I am hooked up to all the machines... Ugh!!

We brought the kids with us- Here's Jess!



Baby's monitor...
We got to the hospital around 3pm and they started the pitocin and everything... Then about 7 hours later...
She was here!!
At 9:57 pm, she arrived!!! Jossilyn Ruby! A hefty 8 lbs 15.5oz!! Wowsers!

Chubby little one!

So glad she's here!

She's not too sure though! :)

The kids had gone to the waiting room for the actual birth and came back in to see her and hold her afterwards. It was awesome!

The new big brother... for the 2nd time!

So cute!

Jessi loved her the minute she saw her!

Look at those cheeks!!

So sweet- even when screaming!

Snuggling Mama

Adorable one

Love her to pieces!

Jessi and Jossi the next day

Jilli holding her for the first time... She was too sleepy the night before!! :)
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