Friday, February 25, 2011

Baby Shower!! :)

My dear friends, Tricia Lamb and Emilie Nixon, threw me an AWESOME Baby Shower last weekend!!! The food was FABULOUS and I got some adorable things for little Jossilyn! We sure can't wait for her to arrive!!

Food table... mmmmmm!

Homemade Marshmallows, Cheesecake, Hummus... total Heaven!

Opening presents!

So tiny and cute!! :) I love Pink!
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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Field Trip to the News Station!

We took a field trip with our local homeschool group to the Channel 6 TV News station downtown. It was really cool to see the inner workings of the News. The sets were a LOT smaller than they seem to be on TV! We got to meet the Weather Man, Matt Monroe, and ask him a bunch of questions. It's amazing all that goes in to broadcasting! The kids were really entertained and it was a short and sweet visit there since it's not that big of a place! It was the perfect trip to begin the four day holiday weekend!

Don't know why Chris and I were the only adults in the picture.... but this is a group shot at the news desk!

News desk

Outside the building... Lovely colors! :)

Weather with Matt Monroe!
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My Birthday!

I had a wonderful birthday!! I got to relax all day-which was WONDERFUL! We ordered take-out from Outback Steakhouse - DELICIOUS! Chris bought me a cheese"cake" and only put 3 candles in it. :) I got some AWESOME gifts! Chris bought me a Nook Color. It's an e-Reader and it can also surf the internet. It is fabulous and I totally love it. He did great! My mom sent me two fun mystery books with recipes in them! What is better than that right?!? Rebecca sent me a cool new wallet and a clip to hold my keys where I can get to them in my purse... RAD! I got a heart shaped waffle cooker from Chris' parents and LOTS of loving phone calls, cards and Facebook love!! It really was an amazing day and one I'll remember for a while.

The hard part was deciding which flavor to have first! :)

Opening presents!

The kids gave me a huge box of Pringles... It's been a staple for me during this pregnancy! :)

My Nook!! :)
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Sunday, February 13, 2011


My Book Club women surprised me with a baby shower! It was so much fun to get some things for the baby!! It gets me a little more excited for her arrival!!

Tracie made this adorable cake from disposable diapers!! So Cute!

Lexie made this rose bouquet with little baby socks!!! I didn't even notice they were socks! I totally thought they were flowers!! :)

Just a couple of the outfits she got!! :)

Janice made her this blanket... LOVE it!

I'm so blessed to have such great friends!! Thanks Ladies!! :)
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A Cute Outfit!

I found this cute ruffly maternity dress and had a lot of fun wearing it last Sunday! It's nearly time for our little baby to arrive and I rarely feel 'cute' these days, but several people told me I was... so here's some pictures of the occasion! :)

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saying Goodbye!

We had to say goodbye last week to some friends of ours. The kids were very bummed that they are moving on to their next post. They will be missed enormously. We wish them well in their new home and hope to visit them soon!!
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Chris was promoted from Sergeant to Staff Sergeant on February 1st!! I got to "pin" (velcro) on his new rank at the ceremony which was fun for me! I just love standing up in front of people in a tiny HOT room... but it was awesome to finally get to do it! We will definitely enjoy the pay raise!! :) His assistant mayor put this announcement on the neighborhood sign for us. Too cool!!

Me changing over his rank

Happy Harrison's!

Jess took pics of Jilli during the ceremony to keep her still and happy! :)
We celebrated with Baskin Robbins ice cream afterwards. YUMMERS!! It was a wonderful day!!
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Looking Back...

Jess finally fit into this dress from our wedding reception. I believe that my sister, Emily, wore it as one of our bridesmaids!! It is just nuts that Jess fits in it!!! It looks like black velvet but it's really dark green. Our colors were forest green, white and silver. Pretty! What memories come rushing back seeing this dress!! :)

And, of course, Jilli had to join the photo! :)
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Field Trip!!

A few weeks ago, we drove up to Washington, GA for some historic home tours arranged by our Homeschool group! It wasn't too far to go and the homes were gorgeous!! I had a wonderful time walking through and hearing the stories about each piece of furniture. The kids got a little bored, but they did find some things interesting too! Great history lesson!!

The first home we toured was the Robert Toombs House. Robert Toombs was a successful planter and lawyer who also served as a state legislator, U.S. Congressman and Senator. He served for a few months as the Confederate Secretary of State and was a brigadier general in the Army of Northern Virginia. He also helped create Georgia's state constitution.

The second place we toured was the Washington Historical Museum. The house was gorgeous but it was also filled with tons of historical displays from top to bottom. Samuel Barnett was the influential owner of the home.

Here we were being told about the chess table and chess pieces. There were pieces for the North and pieces for the South. It was incredible. The South's had all the Confederate generals and influential people, while the North's had Abe Lincoln and the Union generals. Pretty cool!

This dollhouse was Jillian's favorite. It had tons of perfect miniature furniture and working electric lights!!! She didn't want to leave!

These belonged to Mr. Toombs

This was Toomb's law office in the basement floor of his home. The floor was brick.


I wanted to take this rocker home!!! It was made for Toombs and was his favorite chair. It looked SUPER comfy!!

Jess checking out the books in Toombs' Law library

I could have hung out here for HOURS!! :)

On to the next house!!

This was Mammy Kate's basket. It had an awesome story behind it... According to the family legend, in Revolutionary War times, Stephen Heard was taken by the Tories and put in jail prior to being hung. Well, Mammy Kate, his black slave, wouldn't hear of her master being hung! She rode his Arabian horse to Augusta to visit him in jail with this basket and asked if she could do his laundry and the laundry for all the other soldiers and men there at the jail. Each week she would come in with the washing and the soldiers got used to seeing her go to and fro. Well, one day she left with some dirty laundry and NEVER came back... Hidden beneath that dirty laundry was Mr. Heard!!! Mammy was 6'4" and Mr. Heard was a small 5'2". He climbed into the basket to escape and it worked!! Because of her great service to him, Mr. Heard freed Mammy and her whole family. He gave them land and a home on his property and Mammy and her family are all buried in the Heard family cemetary. Stephen Heard went on to become a Governer of Georgia. Pretty amazing!!!  

Jess at the dinner table... Gorgeous china!

Little piano

This piano looks similar to the one at my Mom's!!

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