Monday, January 24, 2011

Mad Scientist!

Jeremiah did a science experiment and had to wear his goggles. When he finished, Jilli picked them up and was running all around the house yelling "Mad Scientist!" So, I had to get some shots of her. She's so much fun! Such a great personality!

Love it!
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Oreo Stack Contest!

We were in the PX here a couple weeks ago and they were having a bunch of contests. The kids wanted to participate in the Oreo stacking contest. It was awesome!! Jess stacked the most with a stack 15 Oreos high!! Yay! It was so fun to watch. Then Chris tried it... He got to 15 too before the stack started to wobble. I think 15 is pretty much the max... although I think we should definitely buy a bag of Oreos and try it again here at home... :) With milk!!!

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

We Love Our Grandma and Grandpa!

We grabbed a quick photo of Grandma and Grandpa with the kiddos on the night before they flew back home.
We sure love them and will miss them so much!!

Naughty Miah and his bunny ears!!
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Friday, January 21, 2011

Snow (Ice) Day and Bowling!!

It snowed again here!! So, we had a snow day which actually turned out to be an ICE day!! The snow came down and then it rained... the result was crusty, icy snow, but the kids loved being out on it! It was crazy to have it snow while Chris' parents were visiting!!! It did delay their flight home though, so we got to keep them an extra day and that was awesome!!! :)
With no-one on the roads, the Post shut down and Chris home from work/school, we decided it was a great day to try Wii Bowling with Grandma and Grandpa! They did very well at virtual bowling! :) It was super fun watching them and I even gave it a try with my big bowling ball belly. Jillian did a little dance after every roll and that was fun to watch too. Fun times at the Harrison house!

Snow (Ice) fun!

Dad H bowling

I think I got a strike here... :)

Mom H bowling!
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Trip to Savannah and the Mighty Eighth Museum

We took a trip to Savannah to visit the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum there. Chris' dad is retired Air Force and we just LOVE museums!! It was a great trip and we had a lot of fun being together. Time flew so quickly while they were there and we really wanted to make some fun memories together. I think we succeeded.

Dad Harrison took this photo of us in the museum rotunda...

Then Chris took this photo of us in the same spot! :) The museum was pretty empty and we couldn't get someone to snap the photo with all of us in it! :P

Huge airplanes inside along with lots of fun displays

And this gun for the kids to try shooting at the target screen was a hit!

After the museum, we drove around Savannah and did a driving tour of the beautiful buildings, foliage and little squares. Savannah is such a gorgeous old city!! So much history. It was awfully cold while they were here and it was sad that they came from Utah for some warmth and didn't get any!! It was too chilly to walk around much - plus I'm just sooooo uncomfortable right now and walking too far is hard for me to do! It is a good thing our van has big windows! :) After our tour and some dinner at Quiznos, we drove back home with a movie playing on the portable TV's- which made the time fly!
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We Have a Teen!

Jess turned 13 and it was so fun to have Grandma and Grandpa there! We ate at Olive Garden (Jess' pick!) and then went home for presents and yummy chocolate cupcakes and mint ice cream!! It's so hard to believe that our little Jess is a teenager!!

 I swear this was just taken YESTERDAY!! :)

Delicious Olive Garden dinner!

Presents and More Presents!!

Make a Wish!! :)

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A Visit From Grandma and Grandpa!!

We were so blessed to get a visit from Chris' parents!! We had so much fun with them! Jilli hadn't met them yet and she just fell in love with them both. She was super excited to play games with them and have Grandma play our keyboard every night for her! It was so wonderful to have them in our home! I'm going to post pictures in the next few posts from our activities together... We took them to some of our favorite restaurants and on a little day-trip to Savannah. Here are some pictures from our first day:

Dinner at Logan's!

Super excited to play Cat and Mouse!!

Grandma played the piano every night for us! :) We were in heaven!!

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Saturday, January 8, 2011


We took the kids bowling and had a 'ball'! I was the cheerleader since I couldn't very well bowl with a bowling ball for a belly! :)


Jilli- jumping for joy that she hit some pins!

Miah rolling

Chris' pro-bowling form... :)
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Friday, January 7, 2011


Chris has wanted to refinish our dining table, chairs and my old couch for ages! Well, over the holiday break, he did it!! Here are the photos of the whole process!!! It was quite the project!! :)

Totally stripped table

One chair partially sanded... You can see what it used to look like in the chair next to it...

Totally sanded chairs and couch


Then the ebony stain...


more ebony staining...


Second coat and laquer

So shiny and black!

Nearly done!!

Second coat of laquer

Like glass!

Finished couch - now it just needs new cushions!! :)

I LOVE it!!!


Chris did an amazing job!! It kept us from doing anything from December 28th - January 3rd while he worked... but it was totally worth it!!! :)
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