Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Part 2

Last night was our Ward Trunk-or-treat party. The kids switched up their costumes... Jessi was an Artist, Miah was the Wizard and Jilli was a Fairy Princess! They had a lot of fun with their friends. We brought my friend Jeanne and her daughter Bella with us too! The kids got a ton more candy and it wasn't even Halloween yet! We're going to have enough candy to last us till next Halloween at this rate! Hee hee!

The Artist

The Wizard

The Fairy

Ward Party Chaos! So much fun!
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Happy Halloween Part 1

Happy Halloween!
We have had several Halloween events to attend... The first one was Chris' work party. It was on Thursday night and I made a cute banner for the wall with my Cricut!
I also made my White Bean Chicken Chili and it WON the chili cook-off!! Pretty sweet!
Jillian was a witch for this event. Jessi was a wizard and Jeremiah was a bandit... The costumes didn't stay on long though as they had a bouncer and a big slide set up! It was a lot of fun! They also got to Trunk-or-treat and we came home with our first round of candy! Yay!

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The Fair!

Our friend, Thomas, got us FREE tickets to the Fair last Saturday!! And the tickets included UNLIMITED rides!!! They were 22$/per person tickets for FREE!!!! Yeah, we have awesome friends! Soooooooo.... guess where we went!! We spent the whole day at the Fair and the kids rode as many rides as they wanted, as many times as they wanted and it was soooooooo awesome not to have to say, "Nope, we're out of tickets"!!! We saw the pretty shaved cows and ate hot french fries with vinegar on them and drank fresh lemonade!! It was the best day we've had in ages!! And I took tons of pictures!! So check them out!

Miah drove around this little girl who was too short to ride on her own... He's such a great kid! And Jilli rode around with her best buddy! Cutest!

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Friday, October 30, 2009


Fall has finally come... Ahhh how I love the cooler weather!! If only it would just snow! Hee hee!
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Chris is the Den Leader for the Wolf Den of the Cub Scouts in our Ward. He does scouts on Wednesday nights each week and he's got his hands full!! He had noticed the poor condition of the flags in our neighborhood and asked the management if he and his scout troop could go around and replace the flags with new ones - the management gave him the new flags and agreed that it would be a great service project. Jilli and I followed them around for two and a half hours as they wove through the neighborhood replacing flags. The new flags were soooooo pretty and it made Chris so happy to see them waving at us as we drove around the next day!! Here's some pictures from that night...

He had the scouts salute as he removed the old, worn flags and salute as he placed the new ones...

Jilli's face just says it all...
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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Family Pictures

We went out a few weeks ago to get some new family photos taken and we had soooo much fun doing it! We took them in the older part of town and it was awesome. There are some really beautiful buildings and old brick walls... Here's just a peek!

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Pumpkin Fest!

We went to our 2nd annual Pumpkin Fest at our friend's, the Bastian's, on Saturday night! It was a blast with great food and lots of fun. We ate Tina's delicious homemade rolls with cinnamon honey butter with my yummy white chicken chili, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and took home oodles of pumpkin seeds to bake up and eat! Yay! We had a lot of fun gutting the pumpkins and cutting out the fun patterns. Now we just have to get them to last until Halloween... I'm thinking the deep freeze? Unless you have any better suggestions??? Anyways... Enjoy the pictures!

Bastian Family!
Our Family!

Jman gutting a pumpkin!

Cheese! from Beany

Our spooky trio

Chris showing off his skills

Ewwwww!!! Really?

Love your guts!!
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