Friday, July 31, 2009

Reptiles at the Library!

We went out to story time at our local Library and were amazed by the fun display of reptiles they had! The man showed the kids various frogs, lizards, turtles, snakes and even two alligators! I caught a few photos (not the best from the back of the room... ) It was extremely cool to see some of the native reptiles that make their homes here! My favorite was his largest alligator! And the tree frogs! So cute! Jessica loved it when he pulled an Opossum out of his box at the end! It looked like it was a cute little stuffed animal! He did say that they have over 50 teeth and are NOT cute or cuddly! We've only seen them squished in the road here so it was nice to actually see a live one! I'm amazed at the fun story times this library has! You never know what to expect when you attend! It gave the kids lots to tell their dad when he called later!

Possum! (Yes, not a reptile...)

Huge snapping turtle!

Box Turtle

Baby alligator

3 1/2 year old alligator!

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Playing at the Pool!

I took the kids to the post pool the other day. They had a whole lot of fun! The water looks amazingly blue in these photos! And the kids just look so cute floating about! Jess and Miah took turns with Jillian and she loved every minute! Such summer fun! Hard to believe that our summer days are soon coming to an end!

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Jess and the Baby

Our friend just adopted a brand new baby kitty! Jess got to snuggle it today and she was just in HEAVEN! It's name is Baby. She let it fall asleep on her lap and didn't want to leave! Poor kid! She has a mom who hates cats and a dad who's horribly allergic to cats... At least she got to enjoy one for the afternoon!
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Fun In NC

We spent nearly a week with our friends in NC and I only took four photos!!! Hee hee! We were just having too much fun! I got addicted to Cranford (Netflix it - It is AWESOME!!) and Brandon Sanderson books!! We were well fed on delicious food and were able to watch all 5 Harry Potter movies before going to see the AWESOME 6th movie!! (Can't wait for the 7's!) All in all it was a great time and now we only have 3 more weeks without Chris! (Not that I'm counting days or anything... )

Jilli with the glove she picked up somewhere! She would either 'box' with it or use it with the dowel and 'joust' with the cats! Silly kid!

Miah pretty much just played the Wii. When he wasn't playing the Wii, he was playing the XBox. When he wasn't playing the XBox, he was playing the Wii or asking to play the Wii or bothering the cats or the girls or both!! Hee hee!

Jessica loved playing the computer, playing with the cats, playing with Michelle and then doing it all over and over and over again!! Pretty much Heaven for her!

This is Walt, just one of the cats who had to put up with us!! Marchello was too elusive for a photo (and yes, I know it's not spelled that way Katie!!)
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Trip to the Raleigh Temple!

We spent the week last week with our friends in NC and I was able to go with Nicole to a session at the Raleigh Temple! It was just awesome and so needed! We even stopped at the bookstore and grabbed lunch at Arby's (yay Reuben sandwiches!!)
It was a perfect day!

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Cute Pictures from a Few Weeks Ago

Donuts!! Yummy!!

Dressed to the nines, cell phone at the ready...

We ran into this guy at the PXtra and just had to have him over for Church, dinner and Sunday popcorn!! He babysat our kids a few times
at our old post!! Now he's a man and in the Army!! Crazy!!

Don't you just love the earring!! Cutie pie!
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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I fixed it!

With some help...(thanks Jeanne!) I have fixed the Bike Ride video so now it will play when you click it! Yay! Check it out now!! And don't worry, Chris didn't wreck he just scared me to death riding without watching where he was going!! Silly guy!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Bike Ride Video

Biking the Greenway!

This morning we woke up and loaded up the bikes for a bike ride together. It was perfect weather! Chris was taking photos from his bike... not the safest but he got some cool ones! He even took video of us while riding! I'm going to try and upload the video later... but here are some fun pictures! We saw our friend, Mr. Alligator, again and a LOT of snapping turtles at the ponds. It made for a very fun morning! I think we biked about 10 miles! Not bad! Now we're off to stuff ourselves at IHOP... hee hee! Enjoy the pics!

Watching the turtles and Mr. Alligator!

Riding a cool wooden alligator we found!

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Fourth of July Fun!

We were invited to our friend's home in North Carolina for the 4th of July this year! We jumped at the chance to head up there and spend some time with our friends and reminisce about the good old days! We drove up on Friday morning and had a heck of a time getting there through all the holiday traffic! Yuck!
We met our friends, the Soh's and Morris', at the movie theater for Ice Age 3D and loved it! We laughed and laughed at the antics of Sid the Sloth... If you haven't seen it - it's a must see! Afterwards, we went to the Soh's home for dinner- a delicious chicken curry salad! Mmmm!
Saturday morning we woke up and headed to the Morris' for a delicious breakfast - Beans, rice and HOMEMADE tortillas!!! My favorite! How I have missed Monica's Mexican food! Mmmmm! I got to hold and snuggle the newest little Morris - Ammon! What a little sweetie!! I even got to give him a bath! He hated every minute of it! No worries!
The BBQ at Nicole's started at 5 and we were there a little early to help her set up! She had two pools out for the kids and Jilli was the first one in! The food was FANTASTIC! Delicious burgers, salads and homemade guacamole! Mmmm! It was also great to see so many of our friends - the Weyenbergs, Salyers, Thyers, Fossums, and Andy Anderson! Chris took a bunch of the men and most of the kids over to the golf course to toss the frisbee around and they came back with pockets full of lost golf balls! It was just a blast and I am sooooo glad we went up! The fireworks display that night was awesome - as usual- but the company was definitely the best part! Thanks Nicole for the invite!!

Jess on the hammock with her friends

Chris and I

Mmmm... watermelon in a bathing suit!

the lone swimmer!

Family picture!

Silli shot!

Soh Family -our gracious hosts!

Monica and little Ammon!

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July 2nd Carnival!

We went to the Post Fourth of July carnival this year with our friends, the Kupsh's. It was a lot of fun. We were treated to some DELICIOUS fresh lemonade (thanks Thomas!) and got to watch a demonstration with Police dogs before going to play on the huge army trucks and ride the rides. Check out the pictures in the next couple of posts for the highlights!! God Bless America!!

Watching the dogs attack!
LOVE Jillian's face in this one! Cutie!

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