Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

My Happy Halloween munchkin's this morning before school!!

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Trunk Or Treat!!

We went to Chris' company's Halloween Party last night. It was a lot of fun. The kids wanted to dress up in different costumes... Aren't they so cute!! I got to hand out candy again! Yay! They had a chili cook-off and Chris and I tasted each one. Chris picked the winning pot. It was a chili made with Venison... ugggg! I had too much deer meat growing up and can't stomach the stuff now! Chris said it was delicious though! Guess I missed out! Enjoy the pictures!!

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Very Sad Witch

I took Jilli to the library for story time on Wednesday... They had a little Halloween party and had invited them to come in costume! I pulled out our costume box and Jilli chose to be a Witch. I got her all dressed and ready to go and then she hit Meltdown.... Oh Well! She had a blast at story time and I was glad I got her out the door! She even got a bag of candy! Yay! Just what a two-year-old needs to make her day brighter!
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"Rock"ed To Sleep!

Jilli fell asleep to Miah rocking out with Guitar Hero on Tuesday night! I am amazed she could fall asleep to the heavy rock songs he was playing! I guess it just goes to show how worn out she was!

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Out of Commission...

I have been trying sooooo hard to get a blog entry in each day, but yesterday was a mess!!! Our computer would not connect to the internet!!! Or at least, it said it was connected, but it wouldn't go anywhere. I guess Charter was having issues with some "outages" in our area all day and into the night! Grrrr!! So! I am back and ready to post twice today! Yay!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's Pumpkin Time!

Our Pumpkins: 1-Headless Horseman (Bro. Bastian's), 2-Bat (Jessica cut for Bastians'), 3-Skeleton (Miah's done by ME!), 4-Witch stirring cauldron with a smoky spirit rising from it! (Mine!)

We went to our friend's home last night to eat a delicious dinner and carve our Halloween pumpkins! The kids had a blast there with their kids! I hardly saw them the whole evening! I did snap some fun photos of them... You can check them all out! Sister Bastian made a fabulous meal - corn chowder, homemade rolls and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies! MMMMM!!! I couldn't get enough! Jeremiah helped clean out the pumpkins and then disappeared upstairs to play XBOX. Jessi stuck it out the whole time and helped her friend do her "batty" pumpkin. I worked on both of our pumpkin's carvings. I think they turned out VERY cool! Chris had to pull a CQ shift and couldn't be there but he was very impressed by my pumpkin carving ability! Yay! He also enjoyed all the leftovers I brought him! Thanks Tina and Jeremy! We had a ball!

Cute family shot... minus Chris!


Jilli was playing dart tag with her friend, minus the darts!


She loved the pumpkin cookies! MMMM!

Jess helping me pull out all the 'guts'!
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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ward Fall Festival

Our ward had a fun Fall Festival last night. We got all dressed up in our Halloween costumes to attend. It was a whole lot of fun! Chris and I even dressed up!! They had a cake walk, donuts on a string, a fish pond and a spook alley for the kids. We ate hotdogs and chips and got to socialize with our new ward. It was funny to see people's reactions to our "tattoos" and Chris' eye make-up!! Very fun! We just had to bring our Guitar Hero guitars to complete our looks... True Rockers! We even found a kindred spirit - Sister Vega! Jessica looked gorgeous as a princess. She's getting so grown-up! Jeremiah was loving his Jedi Knight apparel. Jilli was just darling as Snow White! She wants to wear her costume 24-7! Typical toddler! The highlight was the Trunk-or-Treating in the parking lot! We have a huge bowl of candy now to taunt me!! AHHHHH!! Enjoy the pictures!

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Princess Jilli

Jilli and I went to a Mommie & Me group meeting today. They were celebrating Halloween and all the kids were in costume. It was a great chance to get some more wear out of Jilli's cute little Snow White costume! They had coloring sheets, mini pumpkins to decorate and yummy cupcakes! It was a lot of fun and I hope we're able to go again next time they meet!

Her best princess smile!

Side-saddle is for sissies!
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Our Pretty Fall Walk

We went out to the local Library this morning to meet some of our friends from the ward. The kids are out of school today for Parent/Teacher conferences and we needed something to do! It is a GORGEOUS fall day and we followed our friends to a park for a picnic lunch after the Library. The park was awesome. It had paved trails and wooden boardwalks for the kids to run around on. We walked around and found a nice spot to eat lunch. Then we continued walking around all the trails. It was very pretty. I took a bunch of pictures. Mostly they are of Jillian because the other two were off exploring with their friends! The temperature was perfect for me! It was a great walk and I hope to go there a bunch more times! It's always good to find these great little spots!

Pretty Fall Walk

Here are some more shots from our pretty Fall walk!
Me and the Rock
Cute kiddos
They are all getting too big!
Jilli on the boardwalk.
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