Friday, August 29, 2008

FRG Party

On Thursday, we went to a little FRG luncheon. They had jumpers for the kids.... but they had it from 10am till 2pm and all the kids were at school!! Jilli enjoyed being the only kid in the bouncer! Chris had to go with her through the obstacle course thing and down the big slide. They did it a couple of times and on the last time, she bonked her head on Chris' knee... Poor kid! We decided it was time to grab a hotdog and drink and meet the FRG ladies. The leader is the wife of the 1st Sgt and she was very nice. I guess it's their first time having an FRG and they are totally excited about it all. I am just really glad that we have an FRG leader who is excited, period. It was a nice little shindig and they gave us a bunch of good information. They also gave us a coupon book for the surrounding businesses - Yay! Free stuff is always a plus!
We've had some sickies at our house. Jess had a 24 hour flu and then she shared it with Miah... We got over that and then Miah had some problems with his ears again. He's on antibiotics and hopefully he won't have any more pain in them for a while. It seems like he has issues with his ears every 6 months or so... Whatever!!! We had to take him to the clinic and get the meds at the pharmacy - our first visit here! Their doctor is good. I think she'll work out. The pharmacy is a bit of a madhouse... because everything is housed in the hospital here, it's pretty crowded. We had a 1:30 appt and left the hospital at about 3:30... Not great, but what can we say!?! It's free!
Our house is feeling a lot more homey... I think we'll survive here for the year we've leased it for. It's definitely the worst place we've ever lived... but we're trying to push through all the bad and be optimistic! At least the roof doesn't leak... and I have a lot less cleaning to do! Yay!

Jilli was a little worried at first, but she warmed up after a minute or two.

The slide!

Going through with Chris

After the accident... oh MAN!
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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Our Second Visitor!

Tonight we were graced with the presence of Mr. Holmes! He showed up around 7, hungry and ready to play some Wii!! He had been at some PA training and stopped in here on his way home. We were happy to oblige and fed him some delicious Papa Johns pizza, kool-aid and as much Wii as he could handle!! Here are some pictures of Chris and Matt playing Guitar Hero. They are so funny when they play together. I think it's just a male thing - competing to see who can play better, faster, cooler... I am lucky I can just play some notes together on the easiest level!! My focus is totally on playing and not on looking good while doing it or worrying what my co-player is doing!! I am so glad we have children who can sleep through anything!! Rock On!!
I think Matt missed his kids. He sat and held Jillian for a little while. She just sat there like a deer in the headlights, looking up at him occasionally. She was really bummed that he didn't bring Lucy with him!! Maybe next time!!

They hammed it up for me!! Love that! True guitar Heroes!!
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Visit to the River Walk

We found the Morris Museum of Art!

Our little family

Cute kids

Gorgeous gals!
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Lunch with the Morris Family!!

Delicious decisions!

Enjoying each other's company!

What a group!

Mushroom girls!
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First Day of School!

Jessi - 5th

Miah - 3rd

Getting on the bus!
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Eating Out... a lot!

Jess and I

Chris and Mi

Jilli really enjoyed her rootbeer float!

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Pictures at the Place!

Jilli wore these to help me unpack...

Looking at our front door. Check out the flowers! They were one good thing about this little place, someone left them for us!

Our backyard with Chris and the kids putting up the trampoline.

Big tree in our backyard that the kids love to climb in!
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Saying Goodbye!

One last squeeze for Lucy

One last crazy face with Andrew

Bye Bye 221!

All loaded up and ready to go!
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Moving Fun!!

Here are some photos from the move...

The kids shared the air mattress.

Packed and ready!

Cute picture of Jilli!

Trying to keep occupied!
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Pictures from July...

We went to a birthday party BBQ for our friend's daughter in the week before we left! It was a lot of fun and the kids had a ball! We spotted a rare animal... the dadiunicornius (ie Chris!) Check out the pictures!


Crazy kiddos!

Miah, Jess, Squeaky and Jilli

Cutie pie!
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Monday, August 18, 2008

We are here.

Yes, we are here. We are moved in and functioning. Mostly.
It's been crazy with this move!! I must say that the company that is running the on-post housing here REALLY STINKS!! We have had nothing but problems with them and have heard nothing good about them from anyone. We were put into a very old 3 bedroom duplex here on post. It is small with very little storage. Chris bought a rubbermaid shed for the backyard so we could at least put some of the garage items in there. Go Chris!!
This place was filthy when we moved in. Filthy. We asked to see it before we signed the lease and we almost didn't sign the lease!! I asked them to send the cleaning people back in (hoping that it would help!) but it didn't. They swept and wiped off a counter... hmmmmm. So, I spent the entire first day cleaning this place from top to bottom. Yep. Very fun. We slept here on Tuesday night and the moving truck came on Wednesday morning with bad news. We were overweight!! Yep. I don't exactly know what that means for us... but it can't be good. I guess we'll be getting a bill from the government to pay for the amount we went over... grrrrr. It was just bad planning on my part. BUT I must say that I wasn't expecting this "new" place to be so tiny. We would have ditched more furniture before the truck came had we known!!! The movers unloaded us and took off and I spent a little over a week getting everything unpacked and put away. Everything has a place now, even though it's not all pretty. We had to buy some more shelves and lots of underbed boxes to accomodate things... but I think we're going to survive. We plan to only live here for a year and then we'll be moving off post, hopefully.
The kids started school on the 11th and are really liking it here! Jess is in Ms. B's 5th grade and Miah is in Ms. K's 3rd. They ride the bus (2 blocks!! Gotta love that!) and absolutely LOVE the cafeteria food. They are adjusting well, making friends and getting back into the routine.
We had my dear friend, Monica, here this weekend with her daughters and that was AWESOME!! They had fun playing with our kids. I had a blast going for a manicure /pedicure and some serious shopping with Monica! Afterwards, we grabbed the fam and ate at the most delicious restaurant I have ever been to - The Mellow Mushroom! It's this great all-natural pizza place and had the most AMAZING hummus dip. Wow! MMMMM!! The pizza crust was to die for!! We got rained on when we tried to walk the Riverwalk, but it was fun anyways!! The best part was having my sis, Monica, here... LOVE YOU GIRL!!!
Sunday, we got to attend our new ward! It is nice and starts at 12:30-sleeping in a bit (at least until we get a calling!!) will be so nice. We're curious to see where we're needed. The primary was great! The kids liked it. I enjoyed Relief Society and Chris said his High Priest class was ok. I think he's still adjusting to that whole - being with the old men - thing! No worries!
My to do list continues to grow... but I really feel like we're settling in. I went walking this morning with a new neighbor and that was fun. Life goes on.
Today the maintenance guy (FINALLY) came to do some things around this place. We have a list of things to fix that is two pages long. Yeah. I know. The biggest thing was that we couldn't unlock our doors with our keys. Yeah. I know. He fixed that. Then he fixed a hole in the wall, a leak under the bathroom sink, sprayed some wasps with raid, cleaned out 2 slow drains, replaced a light fixture, reset some crooked cupboard doors, glued the handle on the fridge... and he'll be back next Monday to finish out my list. Grrrr. I really miss Picerne! I will hear no more complaining from any of ya'll out there!! This place has got to be the worst post on the planet... seriously.
Well, I would post some pictures, but my computer died. Chris got it back up and running but I lost all my programs; Picasa among them. I can't download pictures yet. I have taken plenty of pictures though and will be sure to post them soon! I just wanted to post to let you all know that we made it. We've been better, but things are looking up! More to come....