Thursday, May 29, 2008

Memorial Day Photos

For a few years, we have had a tradition of going to a local cemetery on Memorial Day and placing flowers on random graves. It is a lot of fun and we really enjoy it. This year we took the Holmes family with us. We showed them all the old confederate soldier's gravestones and the headstones for some Revolutionary war soldiers at the old Cross Creek Cemetery. The weather was perfect and the kids loved placing their flowers along the way. Afterwards, we came back home and barbecued and played the Wii. Loads of fun!!

a Moorman! Hee hee!

Jillian posing

The flags mark soldiers...
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Pool Party!!

We went to a pool party for one of our friend's daughters on Saturday. They had rented out a local pool and the kids had so much fun!! They have been begging to go swimming, but our neighborhood pool is only open on weekdays and we haven't been able to make it yet! I'm sure once school is out we'll be there every day! Until then, here are some swimmy pictures!

Jessica and Kelly

Jeremiah and Nathaniel

Jilli and Chris
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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Our little Jilli!

We went to our friend's home for a barbecue and the kids were trying to get their dad to come and chase them but saying, "Daaaaad, come and geeeeet me!!" Well, Jilli thought she'd try it too and she had us all laughing at her little poses. She definitely keeps us laughing!

She closed her eyes to catch the ball!

A princess crown and an umbrella... what more do you need?
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All American Week Display at the DZ (drop zone)

We love to go out and watch the planes drop humvees and soldiers for All American Week. It was awesome again this year! Jilli loved seeing all the parachutes in the air. Chris had driven the General out and was able to come and sit with us for a minute. I had invited the Holmes family to come out and watch it, since it's not something they had seen nor will see again! This year, they had Apache helicopters fly over to check out the "enemy camp". Can I just say, "WOW!!!"? They also had four different helicopters parked along the side that we could go up to and climb in. We went into the Chinook. It smelled like "Army". That's all I can say! Enjoy the photos!

The heavy stuff had three chutes attached.

The sky was full of little green parachutes.

Jilli and her friends, Lucy and Andrew Holmes
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DZ Photos... continued!

Sgt. Harrison

Jilli and Daddie

The Apache that came zooming over us before heading to the "enemy camp" to check it out.

Jillian in the Chinook Helicopter
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More Photos from the Drop Zone!

Jillian at the Drop Zone

Brave men, falling from the C-17

Jilli loves cheddar bunnies!
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A Saturday Story

Chris went to the Temple on Saturday (the same Saturday as my grandfather's funeral) to attend the session with some friends of ours who were going through for the first time. He got these gorgeous shots of the temple and the beautiful blue sky!!
On his way home from the temple, he was stopped at a red light and a big dual-wheeled, four door truck pulled up behind him. The driver of the truck mistook the left-turn arrow for a green light and slammed into the back end of our van!!! The van was pushed about 15 feet into the intersection!! Chris had a sore neck but was otherwise unhurt. The van will have a 4000 dollar doctor bill before it will be brand new again! (Luckily not paid for by us!) The joys of life!! Needless to say, I was a little bit worried about my sweet husband and family at home, while I was miles away!!

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Family Love!

Me and my sweet Grandma in front of her home. I couldn't believe how gorgeous her roses were! And they smelled amazing!
My sweet parents!
My newest nephew - Corbin!! I just love him!!
My sister, Emily, was a gracious hostess for me and all my siblings during the funeral!! Thanks Rue!!
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Grandma's Garden!!

Gorgeous pictures I took in my Grandmother's garden!!

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My Grandpa!

My Grandpa Fawson was a very special man. I loved him dearly! He always had a listening ears and quick smiles for me. He passed away on Mother's Day this year. He was 79 years old. Jeremiah was born on his birthday, March 11th. His health had been declining for some time, but I was still so very sad to hear that he had gone. I know I will see him again. He was a wonderful example to me. I remember on one occasion, he let me drive his very nice car down to pick up Grammy Fawson. I think I was a Junior or Senior in High School. He sat in the passenger seat and talked with me the whole time about my life, my plans, my ambitions. Grandpa Fawson always had the latest and greatest, expensive cars and I was overjoyed to be able to drive this one! It was awesome. That is just one of my memories. I have many, many more but I'm out of tissue and I don't want to start weeping at my keyboard or I may not get any other pictures posted today!!
I was lucky enough to be able to go home for the funeral. It was nice to see all my family and share memories and laughter. I hadn't seen them since our trip home in July. I got to meet my new nephew and see how much my other neices and nephews had grown! The funeral was so wonderful. My Uncle Chris and Uncle Parker both spoke. They did an incredible job and their thoughts filled my heart with the joy that my grandfather spread throughout his life.
We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day!!! The sky was the most amazing turquoise blue and no clouds in sight! It was warm and glorious. Grandpa would have loved it. His gravesite was located just a few blocks from Grandma's home under a big tree. The perfect spot for his resting place on earth. Grandma can walk up and sit in the shade of the tree and be near him.
The local Veterans chapter came and did a gun salute and trumpet solo. They folded up the flag and gave it to Grandma. That moment was especially poignant for me. Being a military wife, I have a sweet affinity for moments like that. Grandpa had served in the Army. I believe he went to Germany in WWII. Chris really wanted to be at the funeral so he could wear his dress uniform and play a part in honoring my grandfather. Chris didn't know any of his grandfathers, so he had adopted mine. It was hard coming out alone on this trip, but I'm so glad I did.
Joy and Rejoicing!!

Me and my sweet Mother!

Me and my siblings, except for my brother who is serving a mission in Mexico!

All my family who attended the funeral - Grandma Fawson and my parents are in the middle. This photo was taken before the funeral and we are all standing in front of Grandpa's casket.  
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Jeremiah's First Scout Camp-out!

May 9th and 10th, Chris took the kids to Clark Park for a cub scout camp-out! They had a blast! Jillian loves being outdoors. She helped Chris set up the new tent! Chris forgot his camera, so we got these pictures from our friend and I'm just now getting around to posting them! Jeremiah loves being in Cub Scouts. He got his Bobcat patch and is in the Wolf den now. He's on his way! Yay!!

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