Sunday, March 30, 2008

Playground Fun!

We found a new playground this week! It was just put in at our local Library and it is sooooo much fun! There is something for each of the kids and we have spent hours there this week! I finally remembered my camera on Friday afternoon! We went with a bunch of our friends and the kids had a ball. Jilli and her little buddy Lucy were so fun to watch! They are nearly the same age and get along great! After playing at the park we all went out to eat at Quizno's and got ice cream at Dairy Queen afterwards! It was a great end to our fun Spring Break week! I'm so excited to send the kids back to school tomorrow so I can catch up on the housework and all the errands that I've put off, not wanting to run them with 3 children tagging along! We'll remember Spring Break 2008 for the great warm weather, lots of visits to the park and some really fun times together! Enjoy the pictures... I've filled up several posts with all the pictures from this week!

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Our New Favorite Playground!

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More Spring Break Fun!

We went to the Resident Carnival that Picerne throws for us twice a year. They had bouncers, free stuff and food, but the place was PACKED! We waited in line for an hour to do this bouncer and even longer for the food! I finally just gave up after not moving more than 10 feet in an hour!! It got so late that we just had to leave. We went home and ate Spaghettios! This was Thursday afternoon and we had a Ward Swap that night to go to as well. I was able to unload my garage full of junk that I've been collecting through all my Spring cleaning! It was so wonderful to come with a van full of stuff and leave with the few things we picked up! Yay!! I did get some cute pictures of the kids at the carnival. Enjoy!

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Walk Around The Block!

We had such a fun time at the Walk Around the Block Health Fest that was thrown here on Friday morning! They had balloons, face painting, bouncers, TONS of free goodies and fun characters roaming about. The kids and I walked over to the Jr. High School track and we got there right as they opened. We made the rounds to all of the tables and then went over to the bouncers so they could jump off some energy. Our new friends, the Holmes, came along and Jilli and Lucy just love being together! Jessi and Jilli got their faces painted and Jeremiah played Jess' game boy while he waited... He's always trying to find ways to sneak more game time in! My favorite picture is the one above, with Jilli holding the balloons and wearing the fire hat! Love that!

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Walk Around the Block

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Walk Around The Block

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Horton Hears a Who!

We are enjoying Spring Break this week and I've been trying to keep the kids plenty busy with things to do. Today we went to the movies! We saw "Horton Hears a Who" and it was VERY cute! I loved it! Jilli sat through the whole thing and I'm so glad she likes movies as much as the rest of us! We've been to the park twice so far this week, but I keep forgetting the camera! I will try to snap some pictures on Friday when we go again! They put a new playground in at our Library and it is SOOOOO much fun! Thank goodness for playgrounds and warm weather to enjoy them in! I'll post pictures later, but I definitely recommend for you to go see Horton! We loved it!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Smilies

We have had a wonderful Easter! The Easter bunny brought darling Sunday outfits to the kids on Saturday morning and they had so much fun hunting around the house to find their hidden baskets. Our Sacrament meeting today was centered on the Savior and worshipping Him through music and it was really pleasant! I sang with our ward Choir and we had several soloists and piano solos. The Spirit was very strong and it was a lovely meeting. Jillian has been battling HORRIBLE allergies. She has watery eyes, runny nose and an awful cough. Poor kid! I've given her Claritin, Zyrtec, Benedryl... (not all at once!) I guess we'll have to make a trip to the Doc tomorrow to see what more we can do for her! She is just miserable and you can see it in her pictures today. Hopefully we can get her some relief soon! I hope you all had Happy Easter celebrations! We were invited for dinner at one of our good friend's home tonight and it was delicious food and great company! We're so blessed to know such awesome people here!
Enjoy these pictures from our celebrations! We love you all!

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Easter Basket Hunt and Dinner with the Landons

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Easter Photos of our little Family!

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Friday, March 21, 2008

Space Night 2008

We had a very fun night last night! Jessica's teacher, Mrs. Laney, runs a great space study program at her Elementary and it ends with Space Night! We went and it was very entertaining. They had several stations that we moved around through. Miah loved the Balloon rockets and Jess was a pro at the Moon shoes! They looked like a lot of fun and I was wishing for adult sized ones! We got to see and touch some tiles from the space shuttle that had been into space! (I can't remember which shuttle!) They were surprisingly light! I was amazed that they could withstand all the heat and pressure of going through our atmosphere! Overall, it was a lot of fun. We learned a lot and I was glad that we had gone! Enjoy the pictures!
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Space Night - Moon shoes!

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