Wednesday, July 27, 2011


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I've Reached the Max?!

Ok. So I keep trying to update the blog and I get this error that says I have met some Upload quota. What?! So, I'm going to open another blog... ( and see if that helps... ?? Anyone having this same issue?! :) Let me know!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Family!! At Last!

It is so great to be among family again!!

Sam and Miah

asleep on Grandma's bed!

Our visit to Chris' parents' home was awesome with great food from his sister, Angela!
Here is Angela and her 7 foot tall son, Jordan, holding Joss!

Sarah and Joss

Eating dessert!

Jordan with Jess and Miah

Jordan with Jilli

Chris getting dwarfed by his niece and nephew!

Chris and Angela

Getting a bath in Grandma Harrison's old tub!

Lovin it!

so sweet!

Brigham City Tabernacle

Brigham City Temple under construction

Chris' dad, sister, Mylinda, and her daughter and husband, Marshall, with Jess and Jilli in front of the Tabernacle

Chris' mom and Jillian


waiting to eat at Maddox! Yum!!
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Nearly Home... Destination Reached!

We stayed three days in Colorado - Chris had to recover from getting super sick!! It was awesome seeing the cousins though!! :)

Uncle Chuck and Joss

Delicious food at Julie's!

We Love our Clawson cousins!!

Awesome moving truck! :)

It snowed on us as we crossed the Rockies into Utah!

I love all the tunnels!!



Coming out at the mouth of Spanish Fork canyon - nearly home!

The sign my sister made for us!!

So great to see everyone!!

And snuggle Grandpa!

Jilli by the sign!

Jill and Miah

Happy to be at Grandma's!

SO happy to be home!

Joss and I

Sleepy girl
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Further West!!

We just got more and more excited the further we got from Georgia!! Utah here we come!!

St Louis Arch

Grandma's Toes!

Getting dryer and flatter!!

My spot!

The driver!


Taking a bath in Aunt Julie's sink!! - Aunt Amy is doing the bathing!

Smiles for Aunt Julie!

Amy, Julie, Jossi and I

Grandma, Quade and Jossi

Joss tried to eat Quade!

She loved Auntie Amy


Cousins having fun!

Chrissy and Quade

Cousins reunited!
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