Friday, September 24, 2010

We are Still Here!

Just a quick note to say that we are still alive and kicking and I will post some things soon! Upcoming events include: summer activities, birthdays, fun and picture worthy moments and more! School is going full throttle as I am in the education program through USU and trying to work when I can and take care of my 4 adorable kids! Hope all is well in your lives as we are ever aware of the Lord in ours and the prayers you send our way!! Thanks!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Kid Talk! And update!

So the other day I was having a hard time with Dallin and getting him to go to bed and one time putting him back in bed he got this serious yet sad look on his face and said, "I cried mommy! I cried when I leave Jesus! I sad!" How do you respond to that?! I asked him where Jesus was and he said, " In Heaven!" Then he said very excitedly, "Jesus come to our house and play with my toys mom okay?!" Then he continued to tell me everything they could play with and then told me, "Jesus loves us mommy!" Then he kept repeating that he cried. I was almost in tears and wondering if I should be scared that he's not going to be staying with me much longer! I just held onto him and hugged him and showered him with kisses! After that, he settled down pretty good and went to sleep, but I couldn't go to sleep until I had checked on him a few times!! Kids are pretty close to heaven!

Tepaynga is having a rough go of it lately and is constantly telling me that I don't spend enough time with her and my heart goes out to her! I want things to be the way they were when I was privelaged to stay at home with my kids all the time with all my heart! I think she knows that too, but it doesn't help the sadness go away in her head and heart she tells me! I have to keep reminding her that it is okay to feel sad, but not to let it control her actions and that the Lord can help take those feelings away and replace them with good ones.

I think Mekayla has a hard time as well but is not as vocal! She is loving dance and is excelling at trying to choose the right in as many circumstances as she can. She is constantly asking me if things are okay or not and I'm glad she feels like she can talk to me!

Kaydan is almost 6 months old and gives smiles and hugs and kisses daily! He is amazing! What a joy to be in our family!! He truly is my "gift from God" as his middle name means!! I tried giving him bananas yesterday and he didn't know what to think! Mom is trying to give him small things all the time now to calm him when nothing else does, but I don't know how he feels about that! He gets this perplexed look on his face whenever something new is put in his mouth! I have to keep reminding mom what he can and can't eat! That is a nana for you!

Dallin is a pill! He cracks us up with something new everyday! He is into this thing with POOP though!! He thinks it is funny to add it to everything! Then when we say it, he corrects us and tells us that we don't say that cause it's sick!! He is still struggling with potty training and will only sit on it occasionally now and comes and tells me after the fact that it's in his pants! Any ideas are welcome!!

School is almost over this semester!! But the end means tests and finals both of which I am not good at!! I just hope I get the grade I need to get into the program this fall! I am the 11 year old activity day leader and the stake primary music person and they keep me busy as well as my kids, to focus on things that make me happy and point me in the right direction these days!! The Lord is sure good to us!! I just watched a movie with the kids that what you get out of it is that love gets rid of all darkness. The Lord radiates light and love and without Him in our lives, we would truly be consumed because what else is left besides darkness if you don't have Him and love in your life? Anyway, it just taught me a lesson of how strong love and light really are! Thanks to all you who have been a support and strength and our love and light in a world of darkness!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Our Easter this year was a little different! The 3 kids went with Brett while his family was down for Conference and I went with Mom, Dad, Grandma, Kaydan, and Lady to Arizona to see Ian and his family and to soak up some sun in this long drawnout winter we are having! We left Thurs. and it was snowing here. Fri. we get to AZ and it is in the 80's. Perfect weather!! I understand how you could live there even though it is not the prettiest of places. It was greener than the last time I was there due to the moisture they have received! Thanks to Grandma for my early b-day present we got to get a manicure and pedicure together!! Try to have a pedicure and relax with tickelish feet! It wasn't easy, but I love the way it made them feel when I was done! I love having nice fingernails again, but it is taking some getting used to doing things differently with my hands!! Thanks Grandma LOL!

Even though we had a hard time with conference, I love the feelings and the inspiration I receive by being a part of it! I love this time of year when easter rolls around! I love my Savior and am so greatful to be blessed by his wonderous gifts he freely gives! I hope that my kids realize the true meaning of easter even though they will have 2!

The kids and I are having our easter celebration and got an okay from the easter bunny to celebrate it again over my b-day weekend! The kids are super excited for the chance to have 2 of everything all the time, so at least they aren't focused on the negative! The Lord continues to bless us each day even if it is just a little thing we know he is there! Just like our little answer to prayer about our missing garbage can! We came home yesterday after Tepaynga's dance and our big garbage can was gone outside! WEIRD! Who would steal a garbage can? So I called the city,but they were closed! All sorts of things go through your mind when something like that happens and we prayed we could find it and this morning the city called and said it had blown over and the neighbors who were missing theirs thought ours was theirs. Come to find out the neighbors garbage can was found at the gas station down the road! It is back now and that is over!

We have way too many prarie dogs to count out our back door! It is making me nervous! I swear they multiply everyday!! I can look out my window and see at least 10-15 if not more and they are starting to come closer to the house! It is making me nervous if the weather gets warmer when the kids want to go out to play! I don't know if they have rabbies or will bite. I have called the city/wildlife people about it, but I have yet to hear back! I don't know if there is anything I can do because they are mostly in the vacant lot behind our house, but would like to be able to do something to get rid of them without breaking the law! Any ideas are welcome!!

Well that was a bunch randomness with everything but I hope it makes sense!! Hope everyone is doing great and hopefully we will see some good weather soon! LOL


Just a quick note to say thanks for the encouragement and share the news! I found out that I passed my BIG test and that is one more foot I have into the door of the Education program come fall. We're keeping our fingers crossed for everything else!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

One Big Day down!

Well I had my entry test for the USU Education program today! Man, am I glad that is over! I had to be IN Blanding at 7:30 this morning after a wild night with the kids! I dropped them off at Mom and Dad's and got there right on time! Whew! I thought I was pacing myself well until she said, "You have 30 min. left". I was so scared I wasn't going to finish because at that point I was on 73 and there were 120 problems! I went straight to the back and did it backwards and skip the harder ones in the middle! I got it done just in time!! I don't know how I did yet, but hopefully I don't have to take it again! I know I will have to take an exit one, but I don't think I could handle the stress to take it again now! The kids were cute when I got back, they said, "Did you get 100 mommy?!" I hope so, but I doubt it! We'll find out results soon!

Monday, February 15, 2010


Well, I am going to get to updating pictures later because I have most my pictures on my phone and don't have card to put on comp. yet. Anyway, more excuses I know, but maybe you will forgive me when you hear what has been going on!
Brett and I have been separated since June and are now going through a divorce. The kids and I are in Monticello with my family and have a house of our own. Brett is living up in the Salt Lake Area. We've had a pretty rough go of it, but in the meantime have had many blessings come to the kids and I (and I hope Brett too).
For starters, Kaydan Matthew Lawrence Hellewell was born the end of October here in Monticello. He is a joy in our family and is now nearing 4 mo. He is rolling a little and smiles and laughs a lot! He brings sunshine wherever he goes!
Dallin is nearing 2 1/2 and is our little mimic and keeps us on our toes. We are trying the potty training thing a little at a time. He keeps us laughing everyday at
something new he comes up with!
Tepaynga is 6 and is so smart and at the top of her Kindergarten class! She loves it and has made many great friends!
Mekayla is always Miss social and has many friends and is really into sports. She has played soccer and basketball. She has done awesome and loved both.
Both the girls are in dance and love to teach each other their dance moves. Dallin is right beside them and loves to dance as well with his own added techniques!
I am in the process of going back to school and applying for the education program through the USU extension. I am working on all my prereqs. to get into the program before the deadline of July 1st. The problem was that I have been out of school for so long that I had to take a few classes over again. :( I am also working at the shop part time to make ends meat and am trying to find all the government funding that I can! Any ideas or loopholes, please let me know!
Brett has just found a job and a place to live after moving back down from Washington.
The Lord is truly mindful of us and we see little miracles happen every day! Thanks to all of you who have truly been the Lord's hands at many points throughout our struggles. I don't know where we would be without the blessings of the gospel in our lives!
I will try to be better at this, but I am not going to promise as I am at witts end as it is sometimes!! :) T.T.F.N.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009



Here's a few pictures of our cute little 6 year old!
Have a great day kiddo!