Tuesday, August 4, 2009

FYI: A Lesson In Baking Learned

Just so all of you know if your going to make German Oven Pancakes and you happen to not realize that you are out of milk before you start....YOU CANNOT SUBSTITUTE Aerosol Whipped Cream, even if you put A LOT in....it doesn't turn out; it just ends up one big flat blob of rubbery substance that in no way resembles edible food.

I hope this clears up confusion.
the management

Friday, July 24, 2009

happy birthday Jax and congratulations, it floats

For Starters I know it's been a while since I posted. I apologize. I have A LOT of pictures to post so I will do a slide show later, but in the mean time, this is what happened this week.

So, Wednesday was Jacksen's birthday and we got him a lego rescue helicopter complete with a water rescue pod and a powered wench on the helicopter that he said he had been wanting for "a hundred thousand years"....wow, I'm glad we finally got it for him since he waited around till he was oldy-moldy....ANYWAY.... back to the story. What is a lego water rescue pod if it doesn't actually float in water? What are 3 boys to do? (I say three because who do you think headed up this project? yep, Micah.) So when Micah got home from work yesterday, the boys spent a good hour trying to figure out a way to make the lego water rescue pod, which has so many legos on it that it weighed probably a good pound, float. It began with rudimentary methods such as taping foam ear plugs to the door and then flipping each of the doors down facing the water ergo the ear plugs would end up on the bottom "holding" up the vessel. Well that sort of worked but only if you like your rescue pod to be half sinking with water up to the poor lego guys' waists. So it was on to more extreme measures which finally led to the solution. NERF bullets. The BIG ones. They were the only things big enough to keep that baby afloat. So they cut them up and distributed them around the bottom of the raft and VOILA you have a rescue pod that actually floats. [pictures to follow later] Meanwhile dinner got cold while I waited patiently for them to fine tune the floatation device for the raft/pod. And how dare I want to use my bathroom when it is being used to test the buoyancy of a lego pod.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Did I mention

So did I mention that this new coupon savvy site (As if saving loads of money wasn't good enough) krazycouponlady gives stuff away ALL THE TIME. Now she is giving away *drum roll* Lots of baby accessory awesomeness from a totally cute online store called GoBabyIdaho.blogspot.com
up for grabs is a HOOTER HIDER, a so so chic diaper bag, and a carseat cover. Does it get any better than free? um. Nope.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Spinning. So Dizzy. and also so Savy...money Savy that is

Ok so this morning I woke up and when I got out of bed, I felt like the room was tilting. Yeah, I think I got a bit of Vertigo...It's odd I've been walking around like a drunkard all day cause I feel like I go to step and the floor is tilted...its a very strange feeling, its never happened to me before.

And on another note: My friend told me about this lady's blog and she ONLY posts deals on how to get stuff for super cheap...like pennies. Really, I'm totally serious and she posts stuff DAILY if not hourly! I've already printed a bunch of Kleenex Cottonelle TP coupons cause that brand is on sale & with the coupon it makes it $.29/pkg So Srsly...go here you will not regret it:


Friday, February 20, 2009

my apologies

Sorry I posted that Seinfield clip, I didn't realize it was not very appropriate until watching it again...oops. I have removed it to keep the integrity of this blog at a 'G' rating...

The Management

Thursday, February 19, 2009

"One in a million shot, Doc"

If any of you have ever seen the proctologist episode of Seinfield, You know what I'm talkin about. Kramer says that at cocktail parties Proctologists are the ones you want to be around because they always have the best stories and the stories always end with "One in a million shot, Doc"
Well today, My hubby and I decide to go shooting while the kids are in school for kicks and giggles (the thing about being unemployed is your schedule is more open) So I'm practicing shooting Micah's little .22 pistol and one of the shells kicked out of the chamber and flew into my shirt and burned my cleavage. I was wearing a t-shirt even. It was one of those unlikely things. a small peice of burning hot brass happened to pop out at just the right speed and angle and got down my shirt where it happened to have a bit of pucker. One in a million shot.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

So I don't know where this saying came from, but my mom is always saying that "When your at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." Although usually she just says the "tie a knot and hang on" part. I'm not really sure which knot I'll tie...I'm trying to remember all of the different kinds I learned while helping my mom with cub scout day-camp last year, but I'm having a bit of trouble. I may just have to stick with a good ol' fashion square knot.

I stumbled upon this article today on being steadfast and immovable. Read it for a really great pep talk on keeping the faith.

Also, In other news, I didn't realize that a few weeks ago my Favorite non-politician person in politics spoke to the Republican side of the House on this Asinine bill that some .......not-so-smart people are trying to pass. Yep, in case you didn't guess it was Mitt Romney---the "wicked smart" guy who should have won the Republican nomination and the presidency. He spoke at the House Republican Conference bringing some very valid points. For a great speech full of insight and wisdom go here

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