Sunday, April 20, 2008

Getting Exciting Now!!!!

Its only 10 days till Lisa arrives!!!!!!!
Im so damn excited ......can you tell??????
We try and get together at least twice a year and so far we have 4 times this year booked in !!!!!!
Very cool
She will be here from the Wednesday til the monday and we have lots of scrapping time booked in for those day:)

In June (1 month, 2 weeks, 1 day to go!) Lisa and me are heading to Brissy to stay with the beautiful Shan
We will be going to the Craft show while we are there too
Have booked into some very cool classes:)
IM EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!
Also will be so great to catch up with some of the Little Scrapbookshop forum girls too
Also my mate Kirsty who i havent seen for a few years now


its going to be so much fun

Thursday, April 17, 2008

A bit hard to scrap

I did this Layout for a monthly challenge on LSBS
i didnt think it was going to be this hard to do but it was
i couldnt stop blubbing!!!!!
im really happy with it now that its done and i totally love those Kaiser papers

Monday, April 14, 2008

Last day of the school holidays

That week has gone so fast
I wish QLD had 2 weeks like the rest of Australia
Whats with that anyway?
So tomorrow its back to work for me and the boys are back to school:(

I made this card set today
Very bright and funky
They are made with Kaiser Sublime papers and i teamed them up with AL yummy are they?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

More Stuff

Heres a LO of Me and Shannon
She is such a very special friend ......Im so glad i met her

This photo was taken at last years Little Scrapbookshop Retreat
Me, Lisa and Celeste.....How much fun did we

This is an Album full of all my great mates i have met from LSBS

The front cover is of me and my bestie Lisa!!!!

Some Blokie cards made with yummy Kaiser Papers

Some Stuff Ive Been Working On

A canvas ive just finished using Kaiser accordian frames

Kaiser Handbag i have made for my mum

Cards using Daisy Bucket Stamps and Autumn Leaves French Twist Papers

A Layout of our farm using BG Infuse Papers

A Layout of mum and dad which i have framed

Update On Life

Oh Dear .....How long has it been????
I dont even know where to start

Firstly an update on mum.....
She Has the results back now from the tests on the extra lumps that were found and they arent cancerous thank goodness
Also had Liver scan and that has come back clear wonderful news !!!!!
They are going to change the drug she is on though and start her on another one which will hopefully shrink the cancerous lump
We are all very relieved thats the news was good thats for sure

Its been very busy around here with the farm .....we had lotsof rain and actually got flooded in which was cool
Since then we have been getting outside all tidy again .......fixed up a few fences that were knocked down by the floods
Also lots of poisoning and slashing

We put the price down on the farm and right now we have 3 very interested people in it
so it looks like our hopes of staying here forever are over and we will be moving again
We have tried so many things to beable to stay here but nothing has worked out
Council wont let us seperate any of it so thats it i guess
Not sure of what we are doing yet as far as buying etc
Everything is so expensive now

Its school holidays here
Only 1 week here in Qld
So we go back this tuesday
Just had Matts mum here to stay from NSW for a week

The boys are doing well
Braiden finally got his Birthday pressie ......A Wii
He absolutely loves it!!!!!!
He had to wait for 2 whole months for the shop to get them back in stock
so by the time he got it he was so happy

Jacob has started playing footie
He is in the under 18s local team and totally loves it
I am now his personal taxi service
He has practice 3 nights a week then the game on weekends
He is also working on saturdays for the farm next door to us
Earning good money
He is happy!

Think thats about it for now
I wont leave it so long between posts!!!!!