Sep 13, 2011


aku penat...

penat dgn agenda seharian... trigin nk cuba sesuatu yg br... tp x reti nk mncari...
rs mcm nk lari.. tp xkn selesaikan masalah..

br setahun due keje, mengomel mcm lg 2 thn nk pencen je aku ni... bile tgok kak ija (my beloved sister), aku rs mcm ntah pape la aku ni nk membebel mcm org yg keje smpi kul 11 mlm hari2.. kakak aku mmg hebat, kdg2 kul 1 pg br blk.. very commited.. jgn aku... kalo bole, lg sejam nk kul 5.30ptg aku dah siap2 nk packing.. g solat la sengaje nk bazirkn mase... teruk betull... aku dan suami mmg berbeze... yes, we're working under the same roof, same dept... but our job is way diff... plus he much much much more commited than me... sometime aku rs, he's way better than me...

aku selalu tertanye2, apekah yg aku buat seharian ni adelah betull?? aku cube tuk jdkan working life tu as fun as study life... but it don't work like that... kdg2 aku rs lost... lost dlm dunie aku sndr.. yg mcm aku sndr pon x phm... aku x putus2 berdoa semoge ALLAH sentiase tunjukkan aku jln yg betul.. spy aku x tersasar jauh... sbb sekali tersasar, mg susah nk buat u-turn...

semoge kite semua sentiasa di bawah linkungan Rahmat dan Rahim-NYA

Aug 21, 2011

A piece of Hope

sesungguhnye br aku sedar yg hanya ALLAH shj Maha Mendengar lg Maha Memahami.. Manusie mmg x sempurna... setiap org ade emosi atau sng cte mood yg berbeza.. kdg kte rs org ni kte knal dh lme,rapat dgn kte, slalu dgr problem kte, tp hakikatnye die pon ade mase emo jugak.. makin lme makin aku sedar yg x semue bende kte bole senang2 je nk share dgn org even with husband.. its not because sesuatu yg kte nk sorok tp kdg2 lelaki ni susah sket nk phm hati perempuan.. to them things are simple n women make it complicated.. Man is a problem solver unlike woman needs attention, love and to be loved...

I should be lucky to have a husband who is really patient even sometimes i feel like he is not matured enough but at least i still can manage him well.... argument is normal in a relationship and how you manage your argument is important.. the choice is in our hand whether to take it seriously or just to let it go... no body is perfect in this world.

hurm... Ramadhan dah nk smpi ke penghujunye... rs sedih n sayu sket... adekah aku masih berkesempatan berjumpe dgn Ramadhan akn dtg??? adekah aku mampu istiqamah di luar bln Ramadhan nnt??? Td ms ceramah kt ofis, ustaz ade ckp, kalo kte buat sesuatu yg baik yg kte jadikan rutin di sepjg Ramadhan, InsyaAllah lps ni kte akn terbiase dgn rutin tu tp kalau rutin kte tu menghala ke arah kejahatan, mmg lps ni pon kte akn terbiase dgn bnde2 jht tu... jd aku harap aku bole istiqamah smpi ble.. sesungguhnya ALLAH amat menyukai hamba-NYA yg istiqamah..

cukup buat mlm ni... ape yg aku kongsikan ini hanya la sekadar luahan hati dan peringatan utk diri sendiri... sesungguhnya, pencarian aku masih belum selesai....

Salam Ramadhan, semoga kte semua dipertemukan dgn mlm seribu makna (Lailatul Qadar)

Aug 19, 2011

I'm still Alive...

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Dah lebih dr setahun aku x update blog... terlalu byk bende yg berlaku dlm ms setahun lebih ni.. bukan x update sbb mls, tp aku memcari mase yg sesuai.. 2010 terlalu istimewa buat aku.. byk watak penting yg aku pegang.. aku sbg hamba-Nya...aku sbg pekerja... aku sbg tunangan org...dan lastly aku sbg isteri.... isteri kpd lelaki yg amat aku cintai.... jd, kdg2 tenggelam timbul dlm menjiwai watak2 itu... masih dlm process penyesuaian... dan Alhamdullillah, sekarang ade sedikit ruang utk aku kongsi pendapat yg dah lme bersarang dlm fikiran ni...

Cukup2 la nk bernostalgik kan... hari aku nk cerita psl kerja.. kerja itu satu ibadah... dan kerja itu ada masanya mencabar kesabaran kite... sejak due menjak ni, aku rs mcm hilang focus ms kerja... ntah la.. setiap bende yg aku buat nmpk mcm x lengkap je... tiap2 hari aku mengadu... thanx to my supportive husband yg x pernah jemu dgar keluhan si isteri.. tp tu la... kerja tu 1 hal.. org2 yg disamping kte pon 1 hal jugak... bos aku semua ok... Alhamdullillah... aku bersyukur sgt sbb bg bos yg sgt motivative and supportive...

so ape yg kurang lg kn.... aku kdg2 x phm kenapa ade org yg x bole nk tgok kte sng... nape nk bersaing?? cemburu ke?? or maybe die hebat tp x perlu nk tnjk sgt... kerja tu kn ibadah... kerja krn Allah... sigh~

Lucky it's Ramadhan... Ramadhan mengajar kte utk jd lbh penyabar... redha dgn ape yg berlaku... aku sbnrnye tgah mencari... mencari sstu yg aku sendiri x pasti ape... tp aku harap suatu hari nnt aku akn jumpe dgn ape yg aku cari...

Sempena Ramadhan yg mulia lg indah ini, aku nk ucapkn selamat berpuase even dah nk abis kn,better late than never kan... hehe... Semoge Ramadhan ini memberi makna yg tersendiri pd anda semua....

aku akhiri post kali ini dgn:

"The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak a good word or remain silent." Our words are powerful and so many of us are not mindful of how we use them. May Allah swt give us the ability to not hurt anyone (including our spouses) with our words"...ameen

Just a reminder for u and myself…

Mar 19, 2010

Tidak Bekerja....

hr ni MC.. yeah!! tp ati xsdap sgt.. smlm aku dilanda skt kple scr tbe2.. tp x terfikir nk cuti plak.. tp ble bgn td, kple sengal2 sket.. memandangkn hr ni merupakan hr terakhr bekerje, aku buat kptsn tok x pegi keje... cuti aku sah ok!! aku pegi klinik.. doc siap bg ubt penenang lg.. dia ckp aku ni byk sgt befikir.. hahaha... tp mmg btol pon.. sejak2 skang ni, byk bnde yg aku fikirkn.. sigh~

kul 12 aku grk blk kl.. tunang aku(blush!!) pun x keje.. die mmg da apply since last week sbb die ade famly gath kt melake.. so aku pon blk la kl..

skang, aku rs tiap2 mgu nk blk.. rs nk spend quality time dgn famly.. lg beberape bln mungkin aku dah jd hak org len.. so, aku rs ni la msnye aku nk lpak2, sonok2 dgn keluarge..

being a woman is a privilege.. i agree with that... but as muslimah, once u got married, u'r forever his.. wutever comes out from his mouth is a command to u.. for example, i'm reading the quran, then my hubby call me and wants some drink, i HAVE to stop reading and do wut he ask. ..

emm... aku sgt2 berharap smoge aku dpt mnjd isteri yg solehah... ckp mmg sng tp nk melaksanekan tu, tuhan je yg tau betape sshnye...

td, pegi tgok alice in wonderland tgah famly.. best,, cme kt mines xde 3D.. kalo x mesti lg best.. esk xtau ape plan lg.. maybe bgn tdo, g pasar kot.. haha... sjk keje da lme aku x g psr.. rindu plak..

ok la.. mau tdo suda.. see ya nex time...

p/s: doc pesan, b4 tdo jgn fikir ape2.. tdo ialah ms untuk minda berehat... adeyh.. aku da la ske brangan b4 tdo.. tu yg xsyok... sigh~

Feb 14, 2010



thanx to ALLAH

thanx to bobon and syikin - for the help and support from the very beginning

thanx to yan - my make up artist

thanx to mieyra and along - photographer

thanx to yana, wana, eija, shah, na'z, rein - menceriakan suasana

thanx to famly - for the support and sudi dtg

thanx to all the guests

and finally

thanx to my only sister - the most important ppl from day 1. without her, i dun think i cud have a perfect engagement day. i love her to the max...

not to forget, thanx to abah.. i love him

Jan 30, 2010


emm... cmne nk start?? it's been a long time im in silent.. maybe that is the best for me.. well, ape yg membuatkn aku nk blogging blk ialah.... i wanna tell u ppl, yg aku sgt.. sgt rindu zaman blaja.. working life is just sucks man.. i hate it.. stiap pg, ms kaki melangkah ke ofis, aku mesti merenung luar tingkap n terbayang ms aku kt perlis dlu.. tenang.. aman and full of joy.. but now, life is just about work... work.. and work... if im not working, i have no money.. when i have no money, i can't get married...nmpk x skang?? hahaha...

okkayy!! enough!!!! forget about work..

well.. can't wait for tomorrow.. u know why??? hahaha.. im getting engaged in 2 weeks time... yay!!
esk nk g ble cincin n baju tunang.. wah... cm xcye je aku nk jd tunangan org da.. pasni kne jge dr bek2.. ngee... eh.. skang pon bek je.. cmne kne jd lbey sopan santun kot... hahaha....

Jun 13, 2009

after a while....


lme sguh x update blog ni.. sori la... ms tu ade je.. idea pon ade.. cme mood je x smpi lg.. mlm ni tetbe rs nk update..

roughly, xde pe yg menarik sgt terjd bwat ms ni.. ok,biar aku summarise kn evrything briefly..

huh!! cm haram sket... the worst ever since i've been in unimap.. fyp?? seb bek sv sgt cute.. kahkahkah... jd xde prob sgt la xdpt A pon.. tp power system.. sigh.. a bit kecewe.. aaaahhhh... biar la kn.. sume pon da over....

smpi skang aku x keje2 lg... huhu... itu sgt menakutkn... few of my frens da keje.. damn it.. aku nk keje gak!!! keje tlng la dtg kt aku... emm... nex mon, ade interview kt stapak.. doa2 kn aku k... aku bkn pe, kalo dpt keje awl, cpt sket tuka status... hahahaahah.....

ari2 aku berfacebook tau x... sbbnye, aku skang ni da jd petani moden di alam maya... hahaha... maid aku sari2 ckp aku gle.. dok ngadap bnde tuh.. pd hal bkn ade hasil pon... tp biar la.. dr aku bwat keje2 yg x bfaedah, at least aku dok umah diam2 x kacau org... hehe....

haaa.... ini yg plg best ble dok umah...bole ngedate slalu.. hehe... movies, karok, wed sume g same2.. rs dunie ni aku yg punye je skang... hahaha... jgn jeles k... sethn kot aku bjauhan dgn die.. skang bg la peluang kn... hahaha..

as u know... aku n mknan mmg sukar tok dpisah kn.. haha... surprisingly, ms mle2 aku blk ritu, aku kurus yg agak byk... hahahaha.... xcaye la tuh... like i care... hehe... but now, huh... da mule melebar blk... this is the worst part being at home... lg2 ari ahad... ya ALLAH... dr pg smpi mlm keje nye mkn je... korg mmg xkn dpt nk bygkn unless korg dtg sndr umah aku.. haha... pnah 1 ari tu mmg x brenti2 msknye.. pg2 bute bwat keow tiow grng for brekfst.. then bwat laksa for lunch.. after asar, kakak aku ajk bwat baked macaroni... aku mmg x bg peluang la kn... sume pon aku mkn... nekad xmo dinner... ibu aku bole plak bwat msk lemak ikan masin sbb die nk mkn nasik gak.. org tue, cmne pon nk nasik gak... aku cbe kuatkn tekandas sbb die suap aku.. hahaha... aku pon lyn je la.. bkn slalu dpt lyanan istimwe cmtu.. haaa... mesti ingt da abes kn... act nope... finale mlm tu ialah lobster...n lucky me sume ank2 buah aku allergy seafood... haha... kakak aku n aku je yg dok meratah bnde tuh... huhuhu... aku pon xtau la cmne rupe aku pasni slagi x dpt keje... sigh~

sjk akhir2 ni rmi yg aku knal bkahwin... congratulations to them.. ade yg aku smpt g, ade yg x.. tp yg pening skang ni... ble turn aku??? hahahaa... aku rs cm lmbt je... i had an argument wif my mom last wed.. tau psl pe... psl duit hantaran... act aku x tau pon brape pihak laki kne bg kt pompuan.. mmg aku bodoh bab2 tu... hehe... aku rs, ibu cm nk letak tgi je sbb aku yg bongsu..aku ckp kt ibu jgn letak tgi sgt, nnt xde org nk pinang aku... aku xmo jd anak dare tue...hahahaha....

bwat ms ni tu je la yg aku nk update... aku kne tdo da ni.. esk nk bgn pg... oww... aku ade keje khas tiap2 sbtu pg iaitu pegi psr... hahaha... k la.. nite evrybody... mmmuaahhh