Sunday, September 28, 2008

Getting fit!

Well on my Family blog I made a entry about losing the baby weight and how I was determined to do it, but i'm realizing its not as easy as I thought it would be, I have been having an extremely hard time staying motivated working out at home, I go on walks, but I get bored, I do some videos I have at home and I get bored, but on top of that, I can never really get in a good workout, because usually I'll start then Brielle will start crying so I have to stop to soothe her, or Daniel wants my attention, and so I started thinking maybe I'll do it during there nap time, but on the other hand that is really my only time to have to myself, where I could shower, catch up on some reading I have been wanting to do, and basically just have some relaxing time to myself. So i'm kinda torn on how to fit it in, do I give up that hour and half that Daniels down and workout, or to I devote it to rest, which I truly need, although working out is doing something for myself, and I know in the long run it will give me more energy I just don't know how to make it all work. The good thing is I haven't gained any weight back, but looking at the scale and seeing the number only going down 1-2 lbs isn't cutting it for me. When I have a gym to go to I stay so much more motivated, plus the advantage of have daycare, and that adult interaction, and getting in a class with other woman who are all striving for the same thing, to be healthy and fit, its such a rush for me being at the gym, and when we had one close to us, I was there 5-6 days a week doing kickboxing, spinning, and pump classes, and oh how I miss them, I'm almost to the point of giving in and getting another pass and driving that 20 minutes to the gym just to have that great feeling back again, because honestly regardless of the numbers when I was working out before I was pregnant, not only did I feel good, but my clothes fit, and I was eating healthier, and I just had so much more energy. I just don't want to get into that same rut I was in after Daniel was born. So I guess I'll give it a few more weeks, and if I don't see improvements, I'm going to just do it and get my gym pass back! So if any of you out there have any ideas or things that have worked for you working out at home please send them my way!!! I could really use the tips!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Purple Crying

So its been awhile since I have posted here, and I thought this subject was apropriate for my new motherhood blog. Now Brielle isn't an extremely fussy baby, but she does have her moments, and for us she does cry a lot more than what we were use to with Daniel, for the first couple of weeks there were times where I thought I was going to lose my mind, I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong, considering I never had this issue with Daniel, and so I was talking to my mom one day and she told me about this "Period of Purple crying". So she gave me this website and that is where I found all this information, it was nice to know and be assured it wasn't anything I was doing, its just that some babies for no reason will cry, and we may or may not always be able to soothe them. What was also nice to know is when you are in those moments where you can't stop the crying its okay to let them cry, and if you need to put them in the crib, bouncer, swing and let them cry and have your 10-15 minutes of sanity, that that is okay and that doesn't make you a bad mother. Because I was asking that very question, I told my mom am I terrible to put her down and let her cry it out so I can just shower, or I haven't had anything to eat all day and I just need 10 minutes to myself. So when I read this website I felt so much better, and I guess normal. So enjoy and I hope you find it just as useful as I did.

The Period of PURPLE Crying
Starting at about two weeks of age, some babies begin crying more and may be hard to soothe. As a result, parents may feel guilty and angry if they aren’t able to console them. The Period of Purple Crying explains that if the baby is not ill and parents have tried everything they can think of to soothe the baby, it is okay if they cannot stop their baby from crying. This is true even if the crying lasts for hours. Not being able to soothe an infant does not make mom and dad bad parents. Some babies are just going to cry. It will end, and life will return to normal.
The letters in PURPLE stand for the common parts of non-stop crying in infants:
P - peak pattern (crying peaks around 2 months, then decreases)
U – unpredictable (crying for long periods can come and go for no reason)
R - resistant to soothing (the baby may keep crying for long periods)
P - pain-like look on face
L - long bouts of crying (crying can go on for hours)
E - evening crying (baby cries more in the afternoon and evening)

How to Cope
Even if you know that non-stop infant crying is not your fault, crying can still be hard to cope with. The keys to getting through it are trying different things and having a plan.
Try Different Things—Basic Soothing Tips for a Fussy Baby
Feed Your Baby- The main reason babies cry is because they are hungry. A full tummy may be just what baby is looking for. Keep in mind that even adults sometimes get hungry before the next mealtime. So even if it hasn’t been that long since your baby was fed, hunger may still be the cause of the crying.
Check Your Baby’s Temperature- He may be fussing because he is not feeling well. Use a clean digital thermometer under the arm. If he is less than 3 months old and his temperature is above 100.4° F or if you think he is sick, call the doctor.
Hold Your Baby - This may be on your lap, in a sling, or against your chest—whatever is most comfortable for you and baby. Always remember to support your baby’s head.
Cuddle, coo, read, sing. (P.S. Your baby doesn’t know if you can’t carry a tune—it’s all music to his ears!)
Rock baby gently, walk around, dance slowly. Even if your baby doesn’t stop crying, he will know you care and are there for him. A baby swing may work. Make sure you use one that rocks side to side and not front to back.
Check Your Baby’s Diaper- Check to see if your baby has a dirty diaper. Babies should have between eight and ten wet diapers each day. Your baby may be crying to let you know it is time for a change. Also watch for diaper rash, which can make baby fussy. Ask your doctor what to use to treat diaper rash.
Check Your Baby’s Clothes- Is something too tight? Is a tag rubbing baby’s skin? Is baby too hot or too cool? Try taking off socks or putting on a little hat. Some babies feel better wrapped up securely in a light blanket.
Create “white noise”-Some babies like the sound of the vacuum cleaner or dishwasher. A radio or TV playing in the background may work, too.
Take Baby for a Walk-A change of scenery may help. It will probably help you to get out, too.
Have a Plan
Let Others Help You—Take friends and family up on their offers to watch the baby for a while. Use this time to get some work done, run an errand, or even take a nap. Do not feel bad about leaving your baby with someone for a couple of hours. Moms and Dads need some time for themselves as well.
Join a Play or Support Group—By getting together with others who have babies the same age, you can share stories and tips. Just seeing that you are not alone can be a big help. If you can’t get to a group, perhaps you can find one or two other parents in your neighborhood who would like to get together. Call First Call for Help 211 (just dial 211) to get information about local groups that meet your needs (twins, stay-at-home moms, newcomers, etc.)
Take a Break—If nothing else works and you have no one to call on, put the baby in the cradle or crib and walk away. You need to take care of you before you can take care of the baby. Relax for a few minutes, calm down and regroup. Listen to some music, read, have a snack, do something else for a few minutes. A parent who is angry and upset may take it out on the baby. Remember, this is not your fault and it is not the baby’s fault. It is just the way it is. This stage will end! Your baby will learn to smile and laugh and play. If you can be as comforting as possible through this difficult time, your baby will also learn that you are there for him no matter what.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Losing the baby weight

I know I shouldn't even be thinking about it at this point, considering its only been a week and a half, but I'm already trying to come up with plans and ideas on how to lose this baby weight. Today I did the dreaded thing and stepped on the scale, but to my surpise it was better than I thought. 10 lbs to go to be at my pre-pregnancy weight! Now I think that is something I can do, but the part that will be hard is now toning up that lovely mid-section of mine. But I'm going to do what the doctor ordered and rest until I have my 6 week check up and then its go time! With Daniel it took me forever to lose the weight, and I was just not motivated, as I look at pictures of myself then, I never want that to happen again. So for now I'm going to let myself recover and enjoy this time to just relax and enjoy my kids.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

just a little change

With my pregnancy coming to a end, I have decided I want to continue this blog, but due to the fact that I won't be pregnant anymore I thought it would be a good idea to change the title. So I have gone with "motherhood". I'm going to continue in the same manner as before, just instead of talking all about my pregnancy, and all the fun stuff that goes along with it, I'll be journaling about motherhood, handling the changes of having another child, the ups and downs, and of course all the joys of being a mother. So it will be a little bit of everything. so feel free to check back still if you want.....I'm terrible when it comes to keeping a journal, but for some reason blogging seems so much easier to me, so for me, this is my modern day journal and I hope you all enjoy!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

10 Days to go!

Well, its down to the homestretch.....only 10 days to go, there is no turning back now. But I must say I'm getting pretty darn anxious and excited to meet our little girl. I swear I have dreams about her every night, and I keep wondering...will she look me, or Jason, will she have hair, am I going to have another teeny tiny baby (remember daniel was only 5lbs 12 oz). As scared as I am at times, I am so excited for this addition to our family. Things are still on schedule for the 15th of July and my dr.apts seem to be pretty routine, my weight gain is right where they want it to be, my blood pressure is good, and luckily my sugar levels have been maintained lately. I do go in on Monday for my last apt, so maybe I'll have more to report then, but for now, things are looking good, on track and on schedule.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

34 Weeks

Today I had my 34 week check up and as usual things went really well, I got to have another ultrasound, which was wonderful! We decided to have another to check the fluid levels, mostly it was me asking for it, with Daniel I had extremely low levels and so to ease my mind I asked if we could have a ultrasound just to make sure we weren't having the same problem, and just like everything with this pregnancy, things came out good, levels were good and she looked good as well, they estimate her to be about 5lbs 6 oz right now, give or take a little, and things just seem to be progressing as they should, I only gained 1 lb in the last 3 weeks, but they said not to worry that things still look really good, so if they aren't worried about it, then I'm going to worry about it. Then I got to have the fun Group B strep test done and then the doctor checked to see if I'm starting to dilate at all, and right now I'm 60 % effaced and about a finger dilated (nice image....sorry about that) he actually said he could feel her head....kinda strange if you ask me, but this time around my body seems to be doing things more naturally than with Daniel, because with daniel I never started to thin out or start dilating, they had to get everything started for me, but this time around, my body seems to be doing what its suppose to be doing, so even with all this, I still decided to set the date for my c-section, but if things do happen before then I'm not opposed to trying for a natural delivery, i'm a little scared, but I know i'll be in good hands. So i guess we'll just wait and see what happens, who knows I could stay at this same stage until i deliver. So we have the date set, but if things happen before then, well......we will give it a try.

Friday, May 23, 2008

31 weeks!

It seems time is just flying by, it seemed like just yesterday I found out I was prego! Although lately even with time going by so fast, I'm so ready to be done with this pregnancy, yes it has been a better one than with Daniel, but the aches and pains and all the fun stuff with being pregnant is starting to wear on me. I'm tired of waking up in tears with leg cramps, and on top of that waking up every 2 hours to go to the bathroom, then there is the heartburn. I get any sleep??? Luckily I have such a great little boy that still likes to take his 2 hour naps so I take advantage and sleep with him. Sorry about my complaining, but today has been one of those days. And I guess I just need to vent. I had my doctors appointment this week also, and things went really well, although they were a little worried about my weight, instead of gaining like we should be at this point, I lost a pound, oops, I guess thats what happens when a pregnant woman is put on a diet! Also I get to have another ultrasound in 3 weeks! YEAH, they want to check my fluid levels because it was about at this point with my pregnancy with Daniel they became very low, and although its unlikely to happen again, they want to check things out just to make sure, and well...i'm perfectly okay with that, I mean heck I get to see my baby again! But really other than that it was a pretty routine visit. But the countdown is on! Less than 9 weeks to go!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Diabetes Management

Yesterday I met with the Diabetes Management Clinic, and I must say I came away from it this time a lot happier and not as frustrated as the first time around. With Daniel I came away from it stressed and upset and basically felt as if all food was bad, which we know being pregnant and having that feeling is no fun. But the ladies I met with this time were so helpful and gave me a lot more useful information, and let me know, that food is okay, I just have to make the right food choices and although there are restrictions, I can give into those indulgences every once in awhile. But basically I was put on a meal plan, I have to check my blood before every meal and 2 hours after every meal and once in the morning to see where I am at fasting. Man thats a lot of pricks in the finger, but luckily I only have to do it this much for a week until I can see how certain foods affect me and what foods I should probably avoid, but once this week is over I can go to just 4 pricks a day, 1 in the morning to get my fasting number and then 2 hours after each meal. And when I really think about it, I only have 10 weeks left, but it could be less depending on when the Doctors do the C-section, so when it comes down to it, I think I can handle it, and plus I have the big reward at the end, our baby girl! Just thinking about her makes it all worth it, and makes me want to try even harder to stick to the plan and do what I'm suppose to be doing. So here is a little layout of what my eating plan is like:

*Breakfast: 30 Carbs; 1 starch and 1 milk
Protein: 1 oz
Fat: 2 servings

*Mid A.M. snack: 30 Carbs
Protein: 1 oz

*Lunch: 45 Carbs; 1 fruit; 1 fruit
Protein: 2-3 oz
Fat: 2 servings

*Mid P.M. snack: 30 Carbs; 1 fruit or milk
Protein: 1 oz

*Dinner: 45 Carbs; 1 fruit, 1 milk
Protein: 3 oz
Fat: 2 servings

*P.M. snack: 30 Carbs; 1 starch, 1 fruit or milk
Protein: 1 oz

Sorry if this doesn't make any sense, but basically the plan is eating every 2-3 hours and smaller meals, I did it today and I felt like I was eating all day, but in reality I was eating the same amount as before when I just had 3 big meals and 1 snack, but to tell you the truth eating this way today I felt more satisfied and I never once felt hungry or deprived, and the nice thing was I never felt stuffed, it was just the right amount of food at each sitting. Now it was easy to do today because we were home all day, it will be interesting to see how things go when we are out and about or running errands. Maybe I'll just have to carry little snacks with me everywhere I go now. So now the test will be to stick with it and focus on the positive side of things. So wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

28 Weeks

Well I had my 28 week appointment yesterday and got to drink that wonderful glucose drink (sense the sarcasm). Anyways, it is probably the worse thing I have ever had to drink, but sadly I didn't have good news, they checked my blood, and it looks like another pregnancy with Gestational Diabetes, I wasn't completely surprised, I was actually expecting it, considering the facts, I had it with Daniel, my dad is a diabetic, my mom had it with me and my brother. I was hoping for for some miracle that I could bypass it this time, but sadly no. So tomorrow I get to go do the 3 hr test so they test my tolerance to sugar so we know exactly what I need to do from here on out, basically whether or not I'll be able to control it by diet, or if I have test my blood after every meal, or in the worse case scenario I have to take insulin. I was able to control it with diet with Daniel, so I'm hoping that's the case here. The one thing though I'm not looking forward to is the "diet" they put you on, now I say diet, but it more of a diet to control the amount of sugar your taking in, so basically I have to pack away all sweets (you know the things you just love when your pregnant) like cookies, candy bars, chocolate, and basically all your concentrated sugars, then I have to watch my carbs, and try to focus on eating more protein. Anyways I'm not going to bore you with my diet details, but needless to say I'm not looking forward to it, but on the positive note at least its not going to last forever, only 84 days left! The rest of my appointment went rather well, my weight gain was right on, my blood pressure was good, but when he went to measure me I am actually a centimeter bigger than I should be, but regardless of the news I got, the appointment went very well an although it won't be easy, these little diet sacrifices will all be worth it when she arrives!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Only 96 DAYS!

So I just looked at my counter and couldn't believe it, only 96 days left until we get to meet our little girl! No longer in the triple digits! It just made me realize I still have so much to do and well the time is just dwindling away. I thought this time around I won't really have to do anything because we still had a lot of things from when Daniel was a baby, boy was I wrong, well come to find out we need a new car seat, I didn't realize after you have been in an accident with the car seat your suppose to get a new one, and considering our accident wasn't just a fender bender but we totalled the car, I thought I probably should listen to that advice. And then considering the fact that Daniel isn't walking I still need to find a double stroller, I have looked and looked and I haven't had any luck in finding the right one for us and our situation, because its got to be small enough to fit in our trunk, accomadate a toddler and a newborn, and then we are willing to spend a little money, but it seems the ones that I do like are like $400 and I just can't justify that. But hopefully we'll get lucky, and thank goodness we still have some time. Then I got looking at some of other baby gear and realized it was pretty worn out(spit up stains,torn in places), and considering some of these things were given to us, I should probably invest in some new stuff, I guess I really don't need to, but this is my way of getting some things out there that I have been eying. The only thing I haven't decided on is whether or not to get a swing, we didn't have one with Daniel, but it would have been nice to have, but there are so many out there, and I just can't decide, so if any of you have a favorite or can suggest one, please let me know, and if there is one you just don't like and want to warn me about, please let me know! But I guess the major thing is just making sure I have enough of the newborn essentials, like burp cloths, layette, bottles(unless I get lucky this time and am able to nurse), and you know all those little things required for a newborn. I just want to be a little more prepared this time, because it seemed with Daniel we were constantly having to make trips to the store once he came, because we didn't have this and we didn't have that, and I forgot to get this. But hopefully, I'll remember those things and have them handy and ready for when she comes. But anyways, enough of my rambling, but if any of you have any advice on any baby products please let me know, I was absolutely clueless with Daniel and honestly I still think I am, because products have changed so much.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

sleepless nights already!

So it seems this last week has been full of sleepless nights, and the need to take a nap everyday, but we all know having a toddler in the house, we don't always get what we want. I remember this happening towards the end of my pregnancy with Daniel, but I didn't imagine it happening this soon. Waking up every two hours to use the restroom, waking up in between those two hours with leg cramps, and then waking up with horrible heartburn. But I guess these are all those wonderful joys of pregnancy everyone tells you about. ha ha. I think really at this point the only part of being pregnant I'm enjoying is being able to feel her move all around and getting excited when she does, and actually looking pregnant, not the in between phase anymore, and not the you look like your going to pop phase yet. I'm not saying this pregnancy is horrible or I don't like it, its just funny how you forgot about some of the "not so enjoyable" moments of pregnancy. But really when I look at my pregnancy at whole, I don't have it so bad, I haven't had any complications, my tests so far are all normal, and I still have my health. So in reality things are going well, I just have to get past these minor discomforts of pregnancy, and enjoy this time! Or least I'm really going to try.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Bedding and Clothes!

I'm not sure what it is but this last week I have had shopping fever for this little girl! And with a lot of success. I found the bedding I wanted, surprisingly I found it out at Gardner Village at the quilt shop, they didn't have everything I needed so I'll be picking it up this weekend, but as soon as I do I'll post some pics of it, but I think it is just darling, plus I found Daniels bedding too, we decided that within the next month we are going to finally make the transition and get Daniel a new bed and see how he does sleeping in a big boy bed instead of the crib. And so on top of that I have found the cutest little outfits! Not that I didn't have fun shopping for Daniel, but we have to admit, shopping for girls is so much more fun and you get to do all the accessories(yes I have already got a stack of bows waiting for this little girl). So needless to say that it has been a very successful shopping week, which at this point is kinda scary because we still have 16 weeks to go and at this rate we'll be broke! So I told Jason I'll slow down, besides I need to save up some money for when we go on our vacation because you know we'll be shopping at the outlets, and I know I won't be able to resist those great deals! I also had my 24 week appointment today, and as usual a success. Blood pressure and weight were good. It was actually funny though when she went to listen to the heartbeat, everytime she put the doppler on my tummy the baby would kick it away and everytime she moved to try to find it again she would kick it again. Yes we have a active little one in there! I love it though, I love this stage when you can see there kicks and even more I love it now because Jason can feel her kick! So only 16 more weeks to go!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

22 weeks!

Wow, it just seems like time is flying by, its weird to think in just 4 months we will have our little girl to hold! Now I can't wait, but at the same time, she can stay put, safe and sound in there for now, it seems like there is still so much to do. But lately she has been quite active, more so than what I can remember with Daniel, and it seems its always at the times when I'm trying to nap, or go to bed, but I love the fact that now I can feel her more through the day, and not just when I'm laying down. But since my ultrasound nothing really new has happened, just the usual pregnancy stuff, the heartburn, the leg cramps, getting up every 2 hours through the night to use the bathroom, and it seems like no matter what I'm always hungry, but lucky for me I am actually craving healthy foods, all I want is fruit and yogurt, I could eat it all day, plus I don't know what it is but my face has even started breaking out, and I usually never have this problem, even with Daniel, but you always hear people say that when your carrying a girl they steal there moms look, or something like that, its probably not true, but I can still use the "its because I'm pregnant excuse" right?? Well things have been really smooth so far, and I'm hoping they stay that way, even with being so sick in the begining, I'm loving this pregnancy, and look forward to the coming weeks!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Its a GIRL!

So today I had my 20 week ultrasound, and everything went very smoothly! And we are having a healthy baby girl! We are also still on track and everything measured to be right on track, so no change to my due date! But to start off with I loved the person who did my ultrasound, she was very sweet, very professional and most of all took everything very seriously and made sure we did'nt leave out anything. She started with the babies head and looked at the brain and checked the size and was very pleased with how things looked. Next we went on to the spine, which I was a little scared at that point, but it was only within a few moments I heard her say everything looks very good and just as it should, she took quite a few pictures of the spine and was very pleased with what she saw, all the way from the top to the bottom. Then we moved onto the organs, and checked to make sure everything was there(and it was), we saw the bladder the kidneys, the stomach, and the heart. She also took quite a few pictures of the heart and checked to make sure things were working as they should, checked the 4 chambers and all the parts of the heart, the heart was beating at about 148 bpm. Then we moved on to check for the gender of the baby, and she was being a stubborn little one(already like her mother) for awhile she had her foot in the way and we could'nt get a clear picture, then as soon as she moved her foot away she put her hand right in the way, so once again we couldn't get a clear picture, but then finally after a little poking at my belly we got her to move and got a nice clean shot. Yep its a girl alright! So I must say after this visit and being able to see the baby and make sure things were progressing the way they should, I felt a whole lot better. So this visit was once again a success!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Double Stroller

So its not really a dilema but it could be, well...not really I'm just not sure what I want. Considering the fact that Daniel is not walking yet, and I'm really not sure if he will be by the time the baby comes. And even if he is, he's probably not going to be a pro at it. So I'm in the need of a double stroller, but the problem I'm coming across is I need one that will fit in our sedan, we have a Hyundai Elantra, and I need one that will accomadate a newborn and a 2 1/2 year old. So if anyone out there knows of any good ones, or can suggest anything, that would be very helpful. I have loved our graco quattro single and chicco umbrella stroller, but I just don't know if the graco double would fit in our trunk(plus it just looks so big and bulky). And I saw the Chicco double stroller, but I really don't know how well a newborn would sit in it. So any of you pro mommies out there.....I need help!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

VBAC vs. C-section

So as I'm approaching my 20 weeks I realized time is going by faster than I thought. And it seems at every apt I have the doctors ask me if I have made my decision on whether or not I want to try for a VBAC(vaginal birth after c-section) or have a scheduled c-section. And it seems I just can't figure out what to do, at first I thought I would just do the c-section, but after talking to my doctors about it, i'm confused on what to do. They think I would be a great candidate for a VBAC considering the reasons I had to have a c-section with Daniel. There was no real medical reason on my part that I couldn't handle a normal delivery, it was pretty much all Daniel, and after 23 hours of labor and no Daniel I was ok with them doing a c-section. So now as time keeps getting closer and closer I gets more and more confused on what to do. So if anyone has any advice or know anyone who has gone through this, please.....I would love your input.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

oh...the joys of pregnancy

Leg cramps, heartburn, trouble sleeping,and on top of that waking up to go to the bathroom every 2 hours, cravings, mood swings, and the the feeling that you have totally lost your mind, and I could go on, but it seems for me in just this last week or so they have all come on full strenth! No warning, no easing into it, just bam. But I guess these are one of the many joys of being pregnant, or so I'm told, but I guess the end result of having that beautiful baby to hold, makes it all worth it. Right? I'm here looking at Daniel and I would have to say the answer is YES, I just have to keep in mind these annoying little things will in time go away, or at least most of them(we are woman). But believe me I have to tell myself that several times a day. But I do look forward to that day when I can go grocery shopping and not have to use the restroom (twice).
(and did you notice the time on my post, yes its 5 a.m. I woke up starving this morning and couldn't go back to sleep!)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A little bit of relief

First off, I know the triple screen test they do is not a diagnostic test, its mainly to screen for abnormalities and other birth defects, but for me it was a huge relief . This time I decided to take the triple screen test, considering I have a child with spina bifida I thought it might be a good idea, so when I saw I had a voice mail from my doctors office saying they had my test results back my heart started pounding, Now I know there can be a lot of false positive results and there is really no guarantee to this test, its mainly used to screen you for these birth defects to know if you are at risk and need further testing, but when I called the doctor back and I heard those words, your tests are "negative" I had an overwhelming amount emotion come over me. Its just nice to not have to worry about more test and doctors telling me they aren't sure but we think it could be this, because it seemed with the Daniel I got the run around with so many doctors, I was being told one week this was wrong, then another week that this isn't right and so on, so its nice to for once have a test done and be done with it, and to have it actually come back normal. At least for now, Now the real test will be when we have our ultrasound in 3 weeks and hopefully we will have more good news, but for now just having a "negative" result on a screening test is fine by me.

Monday, February 11, 2008

I had my 16 week doctors apt today, and just as I was hoping all is well. I was amazed at how fast he found the heartbeat, it seemed like the second he put the dopler on my tummy it was there. But still a good strong heartbeat, which is always a relief. The only downside of the apt was having to get my blood drawn, i'm just not a fan of needles and my veins kept moving around, but finally on the third try we got it(now I look like a addict with all these needle marks, ha ha) but it was a sweet simple and quick visit, which was nice because having Daniel with me there by myself isn't always easy, but he just sat in the chair and watch intently. Plus these last couple of weeks I have thought I have felt the baby, but I wasn't sure until last night, I was laying in bed and all of sudden I felt it, and I knew instantly what it was, Jason at first was like its not just gas is it? But me being more aware of my body, answered no, believe me I know the difference. This is when the pregnancy has become more of a reality to me, I'm no longer just gaining weight and losing my shape, I'm feeling and looking pregnant now and feeling it!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Boy or Girl???

So we still won't find out for about 4 weeks, but I always have fun trying to guess if it'll be a boy or girl so as Daniel was napping today I was just surfing the internet looking at old wives tales about predicting if it'll be a boy or girl and here is what I found out. According to the web i'll be having a girl and here is why.

*Its a girl if....

*You had morning sickness early in pregnancy
*Your baby's heart rate is at least 140 beats per minute
*You are carrying the weight in your hips and rear
*Your left breast is larger than your right breast
*Your hair develops red highlights
*You are carrying high
*Your belly looks like a watermelon
*You are craving sweets
*You are craving fruit
*You crave orange juice
*You don't look quite as good as normal during pregnancy
*You are moodier than usual during pregnancy
*Your face breaks out more than usual
*You refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread
*Your breasts have really blossomed!
*Your pillow faces south when you sleep
*Your urine is a dull yellow color
*You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves from side to side
*You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and *the sum is an odd number

and so far 15 of them fit me

reasons it won't be a boy according to this chart

*Its a boy if....

*You didn't experience morning sickness in early pregnancy
*Your baby's heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute
*You are carrying the extra weight out front
*Your belly looks like a basketball
*Your areolas have darkened considerably
*You are carrying low
*You are craving salty or sour foods
*You are craving protein -- meats and cheese
*Your feet are colder than they were before pregnancy
*The hair on your legs has grown faster during pregnancy
*Your hands are very dry
*Your pillow faces north when you sleep
*Dad-to-be is gaining weight, right along with you
*Pregnancy has you looking better than ever
*Your urine is bright yellow in color
*Your nose is spreading
*You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves in circles
*You are having headaches
*You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and *the sum is an even number

and so far only 4 of them fit me

So I guess only time will tell, but either way I will be happy with a boy or girl, its just fun to guess and see if any of these "old wives tales" are true.