Wednesday, December 8, 2010


These were taken back in October but I never got around to posting them. We went to a pumpkin patch for Tommy's birthday. They had a corn kernel pit which was a lot of fun. The other pictures don't need an explanation.

Have you ever seen a cuter duck.

Family Vacation

We went on our first family vacation the week before Thanksgiving. It was kind of last minute, which is the best way, because then you only have to wait a couple of weeks rather than a couple of months. We stayed in a small house in Mill Valley, which is north of San Fransisco across the bridge. We had a great time going to the beach, hiking to this lookout point of the Golden Gate Bridge, going to a children's museum and eating some good local food. The days were great, but the nights were awful. I guess Sam doesn't like his port-a-crib. He was waking up every 2 hours. We stayed 3 nights and were so exhausted and ready to come home. The kids said they liked going in the hot tub and roasting marshmellows over our fire pit the best. We could have done that anywhere.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Happy Halloween! George picked this pumpkin on his field trip and couldn't wait to carve it. He designed it and Chris carved it.

Sam is 6 months old and such a happy baby. He's still trying to figure out how to sleep at night. When he started waking up every 2 hours again, I decided I've got to do something different. I usually nurse him when he wakes up but we've started letting him cry to get him to stretch to 4 hours between feedings. It's going ok, but he's still waking up 4 times a night, I'm just not feeding him 4 times anymore. He's gradually crying less, so hopefully I'll start getting sleep soon.

Here's George acting like a Bionicle and Tommy acting like Spiderman.

Friday, September 3, 2010

We're back in the Heart of Davis

This has been a crazy year. Amidst having a baby we sold our house. We are now back in Davis. We've been back for about 2 months. We decided to try and move back in February. So we started painting and fixing the house up to get it ready to sell. We really wanted to have it sold before the baby came, but that didn't happen. We took one week off from showing the house after the baby was born and then it was back to cleaning and leaving when realtors would call. It was awful and exhausting. Cleaning and having a new baby just don't go together, but we really wanted to sell. Thankfully we got a buyer the middle of May and moved at the end of June. We decided that the commute was too long and we wanted to see each other more. With the way the market is going we thought we better try and sell now rather than waiting. We are so happy to be back. We get to see Chris before he goes to work. I've even been able to sleep in while he gets up with the kids. We see him a couple times a week for lunch and earlier in the evening after work. The kids are getting to bed earlier and we have more of an evening now. It's so great. This is a picture of our house here in Davis. We do miss all the wonderful people and friends that we made over this past year in Roseville. We wish we could have them all move with us here to Davis.

  1. George started kindergarten this past week. It was been so wonderful and he really likes it. We've been walking each morning to school while he rides his scooter. I love that we live so close.

This is Tommy in his firetruck. We've now moved the swing into the garage because Tommy used it more than Sam. He could really get that thing moving.

Sam is 5 months old and such a smiley baby. He'll smile at anyone who looks at him. You don't even have to try. It's so fun. We are so happy to have him part of our family. Even though it's our third time around with a boy, it's still fun. I just wish he'd sleep better at night. I'm exhausted and ready to get back to my normal life. Well, a new normal life.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Samuel Whaley Purves

Our baby Sam was born on April 6th at 10:11pm.
He was 2 weeks early and weighed 7lbs, 5 oz. We went to the hospital that night around 6pm that night for me to be induced. Around 8pm they broke my water. Contractions didn't really start coming until close to 9pm. But that's when one of our favorite shows, Lost is on. I jokingly told Chris that I can't have the baby until Lost is over. Contractions started coming everything 3-4 minutes apart during that hour. After a contraction ended I'd ask Chris what I missed. A couple of minutes before the show was over, the nurse came in to check me and she said I was almost dilated to a 10, so I could start pushing. What? I didn't expect it to happen so fast. I gave a few practice pushes with the nurse there, and then when the doctor was there and ready, I pushed him out. It was so fast and I was so happy to have a smaller baby than my other two boys. We love having a little baby to hold. He is so sweet and brings us so much peace to our crazy lives. Other than being exhausted from lack of sleep, we are happy and adjusting well.