Tomorrow we leave for Florida! 2 whole weeks as a family with no work, nice weather, Disneyworld, Universal Studios, the new Harry Potter world, and the beaches. I can't wait! I have a new swimsuit, that I actually think I look fabulous in, and can't wait to go have some fun in the sun with my cute family. The kids are excited too. They each have their own bag packed for the plane and are probably not going to be able to focus much at school tomorrow. Griffin doesn't really know we are going yet (after all, he is only 1), but he has definitely enjoyed the packing part. For over an hour on Saturday he put his clothes in one suitcase, and then another. It was so cute!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Griffin packing for Florida
Posted by Heather at 1:02 PM 0 comments
We had a wonderful Halloween. The kids all had a blast! Faith let me make her a fabulous tutu for her witch costume, Gavin was a Ninja, Brayden went old school and was Dracula, Landon was Spiderman (of course) and Griffin was Superbaby!
Doug had to fly out on Halloween, so he missed the actual trick or treating, but he was able to rearrange his flight to leave later and he volunteered to help at Gavin's class party while I went to help at Brayden's. Doug was also able to come to the kids school parade that morning, which was great. Brayden and Gavin were very excited to see us and show off their costumes. It was really fun to see all the kids in the ward dressed up too (especially since we didn't have a ward Halloween Party).
The kids and I went Trick or Treating for 3 1/2 hours and had a lot of fun together. Faith was going to go with her friends, but decided to invite her friend to come with us, which was really nice. We met up with more of our friends and finished the night trick or treating with them. Griffin was so cute. It was his first time trick or treating and he LOVED it. He loved getting things in his bucket, and he fell in love with licorice and dum dums.
Did I mention I love Halloween (tell me you didn't know that already).
Posted by Heather at 12:19 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
I Must Be Crazy
So, I started running back in July. I ran my first 5k race on July 23rd in 30 minutes, which I thought was pretty good. I have my first 10k race this Saturday (I really hope it's not too cold)!
Well, here comes the crazy part. After achieving 7 miles, now I think I could actually run a marathon. It would be almost a year away, and even if I am not running consistantly in the winter, I will have 5-6 months to be able to train. So, we will see, but I am very excited at the thought of doing this.
If only I didn't know so many fantastic people who ran the St George Marathon this year. Blast you all, you inspire me!
Posted by Heather at 9:59 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tie Day at school
Today is tie day at school! I am so grateful for video chat! My husband helped me learn to tie a tie by walking me through it on video chat. That's right, I tied all these ties myself. woot woot! Also, a big thanks to my brother David for letting us borrow the ones that sing!
Posted by Heather at 8:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 4, 2011
Can the Holy Ghost put me to Bed?
Tonight's family home evening was about the Holy Ghost, and I thought I would share a few of Landon's thoughts on the holy ghost that were shared throughout the evening.
I had Landon help me out by banging pots and pans while I whispered a message about the Holy Ghost to the family. I asked the kids what kinds of things got in the way of us hearing the promptings of the holy ghost. Landon said, "pots and pans."
I asked Landon if the Holy Ghost was loud or soft, he whispered soft. I asked him if we needed to be quiet to hear the Holy Ghost, he said, "Maybe the Holy Ghost can talk to me at bedtime, because that is when I am quiet."
Then, I blindfolded each of the kids and had them try to find a picture of the Savior after being turned around several times. It was difficult, and they ran into things, until they got some help and listened to the whisperings of the "holy ghost" who told them which way to go.
We talked about different ways the Holy Ghost helps us, guides us, and comforts us. All of a sudden Landon turns to me and says, "Maybe next time I am on the trampoline, the Holy Ghost can help me go higher!"
I talked to the kids about how we always want the Holy Ghost with us and what we need to do to always be worthy of his companionship. Landon says, "I hope the Holy Ghost can come to Faith's soccer game with us and watch her play."
Then, after prayers and scriptures Landon was ready for bed and asked me, "Mommy, can the Holy Ghost put me to bed?"
I am not sure if Landon knows exactly what the Holy Ghost is, but he knows that he is someone who helps us and someone he wants around. If all he knows is that the Holy Ghost is a good friend, well, I will take it. I love Family Home Evening!
Posted by Heather at 10:28 PM 0 comments
A Wonderful Weekend
Conference weekend is always a special weekend. I make a special breakfast on Sunday morning, the kids play Conference Bingo, we spend the weekend as a family, and we are all spiritually uplifted.
Something really special happened this Conference. When Landon, my little three year old saw President Monsen on TV yesterday he started singing a Primary song we recently learned, "Our Prophet has some words for you, and these are his words, be true, be true. At work or at play, in darkness or light, be true be true, and stand for the right." The spirit touched my heart as I realized that he knows who the prophet is. I hope he knows how wonderful it is to have a prophet on the earth. I know I am grateful for a prophet on the earth. It was wonderful to hear him talk of temples and what a blessing they are.
There were so many beautiful and wonderful talks. I loved President Uchtdorf's talk and his analogy of the puzzle of the Savior, and how the Lord gives us a piece to the puzzle at a time, not always all at once. That kind of went along with Elder Bednar's analogy of the lightbulb vs the rising sun, and how usually it's a little knowledge or experience at a time, helping our testimony grow, line upon line and precept upon precept. I also loved President Uchtdorf talking about the knobs and tuning out the world to tune into the Holy Ghost. I also very much enjoyed M Russell Ballard's talk and how the "little flecks of gold", when compiled together amount to a lot. Thus, by small and simple means great things come to pass. I also loved this quote from his talk. "Unless we lose ourselves in service to others, there is little purpose to our own lives."
And finally, I really loved the question posed, "To Be or Not to Be, is actually a really good question." I think it is safe to say that I am taking a lot from Conference and I will be trying a little harder to be a little better each and every day.
Posted by Heather at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Being a Single Mother
It's true, when we moved here and Doug started working for MasterControl, we knew that travel was involved. However, in the three years we have been here, Doug has never been gone this much! It came out of nowhere, and at a really inconvienient time (although I don't know that there would have been a convienient time to basically become a single mother).
Doug was home for one week in March, he should be home a couple weeks in April and then one week in May, and one week in June. He flys in on weekends for a day or two, just long enough to remind me that I actually do have a husband, and then he's gone again. In May/June he will be going to Thailand, so he will be gone for three weeks straight, and for my birthday too!
Thanks to my wonderful friends, I have still been able to coach soccer, which I love! I suppose I have learned that I can survive without my husband, although that doesn't mean that I like it. I really do miss him. There really is a lot to be said for marriage, having a partner to be there for you to support you and be there help out with things.
I do have to say that it is nice to be able to talk, text, and video chat while he is gone! Gotta love technology!
The hardest thing is to find a balance sometimes when he is home. There is so much we want to squeeze into a weekend, or a day, or even a week. We want to have family time, one on one time with the kids, time for us as a couple and then we have so many fantastic friends that we would like to hang out with, but it is really hard to find a balance with all those things.
I am sure we will get the hang of it......someday. I just have to focus on the benefits and hope that they are worth it. San Diego in June and Florida in November! Maybe someday the bonus checks will go towards something other than debts too! Fingers crossed!
Posted by Heather at 12:52 PM 1 comments