Tuesday, January 3, 2012

First Day School

They were so excited for school to start!
Emmet 2nd Grade
Emery 1st Grade

Summer Fun

Summer of 2011 was full of fun family adventures.
We hiked near Flagstaff to some well preserved Indian ruins.
Emery finally lost her first tooth!
Endless summer days spent at Nanny and Papa's playing with cousins!
First Olson vacation with cousins! My kids couldn't get enough
of these babies.
Olson Men
Grandpa, Emery and I took a break from the beach and enjoyed eating
lunch at the American Girl Store.
Good times on the beach. Emmet spent hours playing in the sand.
Emery was a little bit more adventurous and enjoyed boogie boarding.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Utah Fun!

Our summer was kick started with my trip to Utah the first week of June. I left my kids with grandparents and headed up to Utah with the East Valley Mormon Choir. I stayed in a hotel with six other women and recorded beautiful music in Abravenal Hall all week culminating in a performance at the Tabernacle.
Every day we spent time on Temple Square!
This was our rehearsal in the Tabernacle. One perk to being short I got to sit on the front row. I loved watching the organist. The Tabernacle has the most powerful spirit and singing in it was amazing.
These are all my wonderful friends I sang with.
I never imagined as an adult I would get to go on a musical retreat!
It was the perfect vacation because we were so busy singing everyday that I didn't have time to miss my kids! I felt so blessed to be part of something so amazing.
The CD we were recording will come out this fall!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Summer Swim Team

This was Emery's first year on swim team and Emmet's third! It was my favorite swim season so far. I loved watching them both race and they had a great time. I was amazed at how much fun Emery had. She woke up every morning excited to go to practice and she loved the swim meets. Here are some pics from their first swim meet! The meets are held in the evenings, but it's still over 105 degrees. So sweaty!!
I lover her dive!
Finishing her first race!
This year Emmet wanted to wear the official speedo, but he made me buy it one size bigger because he didn't want it too tight. I was worried it would fall off in the pool! We did avoid that mishap!!
His favorite stroke, backstroke!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Last Day of School

What an accomplishment the year has been. I can not believe how quickly the year flew.
Emery loved kindergarten and thrived despite a rocky start. She's really grown-up!
Emmet has a love hate relationship with school and despite his teacher moving to Switzerland in October his new teacher was wonderful. He handled the change like a champ.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


My favorite holiday Easter! It is such a beautiful time of year in Arizona.
Potato Sack Races
enjoying cousins to...
a crazy Easter Egg Hunt
ending with water fights
and a giant water slide.
I love these memories!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

April 2011 (My favorite time of year)

I love April and what a fun month it was.
We celebrated my birthday at a family Easter Egg Hunt.
I held my third Let's Play Music Recital.
Emery had her song memorized, but was too nervous to play without it.
I love his tongue in his cheek. He worked hard to memorize his song.
Each of my third year students composed their own songs.
Emmet's was entitled, "The Grey Sky".