Our summer was kick started with my trip to Utah the first week of June. I left my kids with grandparents and headed up to Utah with the East Valley Mormon Choir. I stayed in a hotel with six other women and recorded beautiful music in Abravenal Hall all week culminating in a performance at the Tabernacle.
Every day we spent time on Temple Square!
This was our rehearsal in the Tabernacle. One perk to being short I got to sit on the front row. I loved watching the organist. The Tabernacle has the most powerful spirit and singing in it was amazing.
These are all my wonderful friends I sang with.
I never imagined as an adult I would get to go on a musical retreat!
It was the perfect vacation because we were so busy singing everyday that I didn't have time to miss my kids! I felt so blessed to be part of something so amazing.
The CD we were recording will come out this fall!