Tuesday, January 18, 2011

That's better!

The dining room had this BIG GOLD chandelier that I just wasn't feeling. So my dad suggested we get a ceiling fan to help circulate air more. A five minute drive to Lower's and now we have a nice pretty ceiling fan! I am hoping this will help avoid using AC much this summer. I personally don't think AC is necessary in Cheyenne, but the house has it anyway. So I have a chandelier for sale now if anyone is interested!

My mom the RN!

My mom has worked hard the last 2 years to earn her RN. She graduated in December and we were really excited to be here for it! She is the first one of the first row. Initially they had her in the back and I told the photographer that she was way to short to be there so he moved here to the front! So sorry mom, it's my fault you had to move into full view, but at least the picture looks much better!

Ryan's room

Ryan worked very hard to clean, organize and decorate his room. We have not painted yet since life has been crazy! I think this summer when we have more time and have been in the house a while we will get to the bedrooms. I am however replaceing Ryan's curtains ASAP! I know the gold is awesome right! He doesn't mind, but I do! He has added a desk to his room since these photos were taken. He really wanted his friend Trigg to see what his new room looks like, but I have yet to email them. Guess I had better stop blogging and do that for him!

House pictures so far.....

Now this is going to be out of order, but I wanted to get some pictures of the house on. The bathroom upstairs and kitchen had wallpaper.....lots of very floral wallpaper! So the day we got the keys the house my sister, Elaine and I got to work taking it down. It was actually quite easy thanks to my mother in law telling me about fabric softner and water. And the house smelled great! I don't have any photos of the kitchen, but I did take some of the bathroom. We painted the bathroom a bluish gray color to match the shower curtain and rugs Zach got me for mother's day. As you can see we have a lovely gold speckled countertop, but don't worry that is on the wish list to replace! We plan to get a new tub since the one in there is kind of small so when we do that we will get a new cabinet and countertop as well. It is kind of fun to have these fixer up things to look foward too. I am learning to be patient and not try to do it all NOW! I think working full time has made that a bit easier!

Cody turns 6!

Okay I know the posts are short and somewhat lame, but I am trying to update things so I can get back on track. So on that note......Cody turned 6 the end of October! I can't believe he is 6! Seems like he was my itty bitty baby just yesterday. Now he is learning to read and adding numbers. He is loving kindergarten and keeping us entertained.

Ryan turns 10!

Not long after arriving in Cheyenne Ryan had his 10th birthday. It was the first birthday in years that we have been with family. I think the last one was his 1st birthday. Zach did an awesome job on the Captain Underpants cake too!

Last minute move!

I had about one week to get the house packed up and ready to load onto the ABF trailer. Luckily living in a military community boxes and paper were not too hard to come by. I am happy to say everything made it in one piece which is the 1st move ever that has happened! Lucy was pretty nervous the whole time, but she survived.