Sunday, May 10, 2009

And then there are Four....

Tyson Judd Hatch
Born April 23, 2009 at 10:24 am
Weighed 7lbs. 3 oz.
19 inches long
Well we have four..... what a change. I thought three would be really different but four is definitely different. So much to do so little time. Although I would definitely say well worth it. Having a baby around the house again is great. Tiring but great. He is a joy to have around.

As for labor....well lets just say it was labor. We went or should I say I went 100% drug free this time and it was not that bad. I would have to say that being able to get up from my bed whenever I wanted afterwards was well worth it.. I think my recovery has been a little easier as well. I'm not saying that I would want to do this on a daily basis but it wasn't bad. Being home has been great too. Adjusting to everything new has been a challenge and keeping all the poking fingers away has been a challenge but it's been nice to be home.

Emily has been a great big sister. She loves having a baby in the house. I think she likes having a sibling that won't take her things and won't talk back to her (yet).

Brandon is super excited to have another boy in the family. He asks everyday if Tyson is ready to start sleeping in his room yet. I wonder if he will always feel the same way about sharing a room.

Aubrey is Tyson's second mother. She is always by his side ready to stick in the pacifier at a moments notice. She is in love with having a baby in the house.

We love our baby!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Preschool Easter Party

Brandon's school had an Easter egg hunt at one of the parks in town. Aubrey was able to tag along and partake in the fun as well. They were able to find candy filled Easter eggs, and played
many different games.

Everyone had a fun time, all ate a ton of candy. This was Brandons last time having this Easter party, and was a little sad when he realized this, but he is super excited to be starting kindergarten soon.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Dr. Seuss Week at school

Today was dress up as your favorite Dr. Seuss character. So we decided to keep it simple. Emily was Daisy Head Maisy from the Dr. Seuss book Daisy Head Maisy. It wasn't anything to extravagant but she looked cute and was happy that she had something to contribute to the day.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Ok so I never do this tag thing, but I've been getting harassed about it lately so I'm doing this one because it's a short one, and I'm lazy. So I'm suppose to go to my sixth picture folder to my sixth picture in that folder and post it. So here it is......

This is Emily at the beginning of this last soccer season at her first practice. Although they didn't win every game this season she sure had fun. Way to score those goals Emily.

Now as for tagging others consider yourself tagged, but guess what... if you do it great, if you don't will I care? Not really. Peace!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Time....What's that?

Ok so I know I have been slacking on the whole blogging thing, but there really has been lack of time and modivation. Now that I am almost 27 weeks into pregnancy tourture, and I thought I should actually post something atleast. We have found out that we are having anthother boy. This will I am sure guarantee us two chiildren in the NFL at one time or another. We can't really agree on a name so any ideas would be great.

Emily is enjoying being in the 2nd grade. She just recently lost her top front tooth. She swallowed it before she noticed to was gone. So she had to write a note to the tooth fairey explaining the situation. Emily is convinced that the reason that she got a paper dollar bill instead of quarters is because she was honest and wrote a note. Way to go Emily.

Brandon has turned a whoping 5 this month to match his whopping stature. He out weighs both of his sisters, and I'm sure he will out grow Emily within a couple of years. He thinks that now he is 5 that he has to try on all of his clothes to make sure that they fit, because he is convinced that he grew over night from being 4 to turning 5.

Aubrey is as spunky as ever. She loves going to nursery and playing with all her friends. She makes sure to tell Spencer and I that every week. She loves taking to the baby in moms tummy. She thinks that my belly button is the way of communication like a microphone. She sticks her mouth right on my belly button and makes her voice known. "HI BABY"

I promise this year to make an effort to post more and I will get more pictures up. Although that would require me to find and locate my digital camera. We'll see how long that takes. I hope everyone is well, and keep an eye out for more posts and pictures.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Why I haven't been posting

Well, besides the usually excuses of why I haven't been posting here is the main one..... I'm nasty sick puking pregnant and being so nauseous as it is, sitting at the computer makes it worse. Sooooooo....... bare with me as I am 15 weeks tomorrow and hopefully the nasties will end soon. (That is a big hopefully.)