[Al Asr... A Moment]
[corat coret3]
Seseorang tidak perlu pengalaman yg banyak utk membolehkannya membaca alasan orang. Dengan sekadar memahami kehidupan rutin manusia, dia sudah dapat mengesan adakah alasan ini benar, sudah cukupkah usaha si pemberi alasan itu utk mengelakkannya dari memberi alasan, atau adakah dia sengaja memberi alasan kerana lebih cenderung kepada “prog.”nya yg lagi satu. Ini lumrah yang boleh dibaca ibarat potential/voltage difference yang diukur oleh voltmeter. Walaupun, alasan tersebut akhirnya terpaksa diterima juga.
Cubalah mengelak dari mencipta alasan
Kita biasa mendengar kisah seorang dari Ikhwan yang terpaksa berjalan kaki berkilometer semata2 untuk ke halaqah kerana dia telah menggadaikan basikalnya untuk dia berinfak kepada Ikhwan. Walaupun jauh, tiada transport, bahkan gadaiannya adalah untuk Ikhwan, jiwanya tidaklah kecil untuk menggunakan situasinya itu sebagai alasan untuk tidak hadir ke halaqah, walaupun dia tiba lewat.
Kita sepatutnya mencari jalan keluar dari kesempitan alasan. Alasan sepatutnya dianggap sebagai penghalang, bukan penghujung jalan. Ia harus diatasi, bukan kita tewas kepadanya. Kita harus meneroka jalan lain untuk mengelak roadblock untuk sampai ke destinasi, bukan pulang dengan kecewa.
Sangat menghampakan orang yang sengaja tidak mahu mencari jalan keluar dari predicament-nya, dan membiarkan dirinya dikawal “suasana”, sedangkan keputusan dirinya sepatutnya ditangannya sendiri, bukan ditangan orang lain. Ini adalah contoh jiwa yang kecil yang tidak mampu berkorban.
Lebih menghampakan, adalah seseorang yang bukan sekadar tidak berusaha mengelak halangan, bahkan gembira dengan halangannya tersebut, supaya ia diberi alasan untuk tidak melakukan tugasnya atau tidak hadir ke programnya. Ini adalah contoh bukan sekadar jiwa kecil, tetapi berpenyakit.
Paling menghampakan adalah orang yang sengaja mencipta-cipta alasan sendiri, contohnya sengaja menyibuk2kan diri, mencari tugasan lain, keluar ke tempat lain, atau memberi alasan kosong, sedangkan dia tahu waktu itu waktu mabit, daurah, halaqah, atau mukhayyam, etc. Walaupun alasannya tidak logik, dia sanggup mengemukakannya asalkan ia boleh terlepas. Ini adalah contoh jiwa yang sudah hilang punca.
Rasa Bersalah & Rugi
Al-Quran serta sirah Rasulullah menunjukkan orang munafik sahaja yang suka memberi alasan untuk mengelak dari turut serta dalam program2 peperangan Rasulullah. Gulp! Mereka memberi alasan yang pelbagai, tapi sebagai manusia & pemimpin, Rasulullah menerimanya dengan penuh berhati2. Dengan itu, orang munafik merasa lega dan gembira kerana tidak perlu serta dalam peperangan. Orang beriman pula akan rasa sangat bersalah, dan rugi sekiranya terhalang daripada ikut berperang; termasuk orang2 tua & kaki pincang seperti Amr b Jamuh (akhirnya dia berperang juga!), dan orang2 muda seperti Usamah b Zaid, Zaid b Arqam (sewaktu mereka kecil), begitu juga yang orang2 yang uzur.
Orang beriman yang tiada alasan syar’i namun ditakdirkan Allah tiada kekuatan jiwa untuk pergi, mereka akan langsung mengaku tiada alasan, dan menerima keputusan/hukuman Allah ke atas mereka dengan rela, sebagaimana Ka’ab bin Malik & 2 lagi sahabatnya. Ini bukanlah untuk membenarkan kita bermalas2 dan berundur tanpa alasan, asalkan rasa bersalah ada di hati, Tidak sama sekali! Point di sini adalah, andaikata kita terpaksa memberi alasan dari perkara wajib (tarbiyah), kerana outstation, exam, etc, kita perlu rasa ia satu kerugian pada diri kita. Kita sepatutnya rasa berat, rugi, bersalah kerana tak mampu mengelak untuk benda yang difahami wajib dan akan dipertanggungjawabkan ke atasnya.
Usaha saya
Bg perkara2 yg wajib ke atas saya, saya akan berusaha mengelak agar tiada berlaku pertindanan dengan prog wajib saya. Namun, walaupun kadang2 mmg ada alasan, & terpaksa kemukakan alasan tersebut, namun sementara itu, saya tetap akan sedaya upaya untuk menghadirkan diri ke program atau melakukan tugasan wajib tersebut. Perkara yg tak wajib tu lain la, itu mmg kelonggaran.. Tapi maksud saya ttg perkara2 yg disepakati wajib, namun masih terpaksa minta di-excuse krn faktor2 tertentu. Alasan & keizinan utk saya dilepaskan sementara bukanlah bermakna saya sudah tidak perlu berusaha mencari jalan utk keluar.
Bahkan, sekiranya saya benar2 tak available pada sesekian tarikh, saya akan pohon prog wajib tersebut dianjakkan ke waktu lain untuk accommodate saya. Ini boleh dilakukan untuk prog yang orangnya sedikit seperti halaqah. Namun, kalau tak dapat juga, maka perlu ada perasaan “rasa rugi”, bukan lega kerana diberi pelepasan.
Semoga kita sama2 ter-elak dari penyakit memberi alasan ini dan terelak dari sebarang sifat munafik.
Saya menulis entry ini bukan untuk ditujukan secara spesifik kepada sesiapa, bukan juga supaya kita memerhatikan kawan2 kita. Ia lebih kepada satu pengalaman common yang mungkin dihadapi oleh orang-orang dalam perjalanan pertarungan jiwa. Bahkan, perasaan ingin beralasan-alasan itu mungkin muncul dari dalam diri kita sendiri, bukan datang dari orang yang lain. Jadi, harap kita sama2 berwaspada, memperbaiki diri dan juga memperingatkan orang lain.
Hati-hatilah dengan beralasan! Jangan mula memberi alasan pertama, kerana ia membuka jalan untuk alasan kedua dan ketiga; Jangan sampai alasan-lah yang menyebabkan penglibatan kita dalam amal Islam sekadar tinggal sejarah lama.
“99% kegagalan datang dari orang-orang yang suka memberi alasan.” -George Washington Carver-
Seorang Murabbi pernah berpesan, mafhumnya: Sekiranya kita ingin memberi alasan, fikirkan adakah alasan kita ini akan diterima oleh Allah?
[kesannya zahir, rupanya maknawi]
Hakikat Bahagia - UNIC
[Corat coret2]
[corat coret]
[Asma Allah]
a very beautiful song from Sami Yusuf
[A story from the past]
Actually this post is from my fs blog... but this story is one of my fav coz it reminds me of someone dear to my family and now its been almost a year since both of them passed away. for me, they are one of the best example of husband and wife relationship in my life and how they are tolerating each other, taking care of each other... maybe there is no words to explain it, its just too amazing. so take a break and here it goes:
Sometimes, when bad things happen to us... we always forget about Him... we keep thinking about that again and again... make us suffer inside... but why don’t we go back to Him? There's is reason and meaning behind every incidents... sometimes it is unexplainable but it for us to seek the meaning so that we will not astray from the path that He created for us...
I like one quote by my Patho lecturer... if im not mistaken it would be like this "We are what we remember... if our memories are taken away then we are nothing". It has a very deep meaning for me (not related to effect of turmeric in enhancing our memories... haha). I remember one time.... when I’m in form 4... my parents and me went to kampung because someone has passed away that time... I met with an old lady... I talk a lil bit with her and she told about her husband... who couldn’t remember alot of thing.... including who is his son and daughter but he can remember about his wife... she also told me how her husband attitude change... from a happy person to a depressed old man... its quite sad...
Another one... which for me is the most touching....
Its about my uncle (a relative of my mom)... He and his wife are both teachers before they retiring... ask anybody from our family... they are a very close couple, even my grandma says they are the most romantic couple... Recently... i think about 3 years past... he develop Alzheimer and he kept forgetting one by one things... even his own best friend's name, even my grandma's name and the only thing he can remember best is about his life with his wife...
Sometimes when we visit him he told us about how hard for him for unable to recall alot of things.. and he very grateful he does not forget about praying, fasting and a lot of things related to religion... But he always keep smiling and happy go lucky attitude as what he is in the past...
And then... i think about 3 months before the university exam, i got a call from my mom...."Mak Lang dah meninggal pagi tadi"..... innalillah wa inna ilaihi rajiun... the week before, my mom said that she is suffering from pneumonia and it is not bad and she is recovering well. It is quite a shock... and we all expect the same thing... Pak Lang will suffer the most... we know how much he love his wife and how important is she to him..
Several weeks before that its Pak Lang who got admitted and Mak Lang will always visit him and whatever she told like "jgn lupe makan ubat", "jgn x makan"... When Mak Lang was recovering, everybody can see how cheerful is Pak Lang... and suddenly Mak Lang passed away due to some complications of pneumonia. Pak Lang is so happy when he see that Mak Lang recovering but Allah love her the most...since then... like what my grandma said... he looks like he is no longer himself... slowly he changed and never come back to his old self..
Since then... his condition worsened... his Alzheimer become worse, he no longer smile, he no longer be a talkative person as what he is used to be, he rarely eat... just two or three spoon of porridge and not even half glass of water for every meals...
When my grandma meet him... she feel very sad for the changes that happen to Pak Lang... For Mak Lang not by his side is a great loss for him, a great sadness for him, a thing which is hard to describe by words... Even my grandma said... "opah rase x lame lg Pak Lang pun akan ikut Mak Lang..."
And in the first week of Ramadhan... on Thursday 6.30 pm we got a call from one of his son, who quit his job to take care of his father....
"Ayah dah meninggal..."
As what my grandma expected before.
We go to his house that night... and I can see how thin his body...for his close friends and relatives... the news come not as a shock because they all know that he can’t live without Mak Lang, who has been his support for the rest of his life... In the next morning, he was buried next to his wife, as what he requested before... but his story, the closeness of Mak Lang and Pak Lang will be rest forever in our heart...may Allah blessed his soul with eternal peace....
al- Fatihah....
Ya Ayyuhannafsu al-mutmainnah, irji’I ila Rabbika raadhiyatan mardhiyah, fadkhuli fi ibadi, wadkhuli jannnati
” Wahai orang yangmempunyai jiwa yang sentiasa tenang tetap dengan kepercayaan dan bawaan baiknya,kembalilah kepada Tuhanmu dengan keadaan engkau berpuashati (dengan segala nikmat yang di berikan ), lagi diredhai ( di sisi Tuhanmu), serta masuklah dalamkumpulan hamba-hambaku yang berbahagia dan masuklah ke dalam Syurgaku. ”
[Khabar Cinta]
Khabar Cinta - Mirwana
[Is it safe to fly Airbus anymore?]
Why are we asking this now?
A little over a month after an Airbus 447 crashed into the sea off the coast of Brazil, killing all 228 people on board, another of the manufacturer’s aircraft has been involved in a disaster.
This time, there were 153 people on the A310 in question, a Yemenia Air flight which dove into the sea as it tried to land on the Comoros islands, an archipelago of volcanic islands off the south-east coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean.
The plane was heading from Yemen to the Comoros, but many on board had begun their journey in France.
So what exactly happened?
So far, we don’t know much. While at least three bodies have been recovered and a 14-year-old girl, Bahia Bariki, has survived, the rest of the passengers are unaccounted for.
The circumstances of the crash will become clearer once investigators find the plane’s black box, but initially they have pointed to atrocious weather and the late-night landing time as possible contributing factors.
More worryingly, the condition of the aircraft itself has been called into question. The families of many of those on the flight, who were Comorans returning to the French overseas territory from holiday from France, have bitterly blamed the state of the Yemenia Air fleet.
“They put us aboard wrecks, they put us aboard coffins, that’s where they put us,” one relative told French television.
“It’s slaughter. It’s slaughter.”
The Comoros’ honorary consul in Marseille, Stephane Salord, called the Yemenia aircraft “flying cattle trucks”.
“This A310 is a plane that has posed problems for a long time,” he said. “It is absolutely inadmissible that this airline, Yemenia, played with the lives of its passengers this way.”
The French Transport minister, Dominique Bussereau, told parliament yesterday that the Yemenia Airbus 310 which crashed was not permitted to fly into France, and raised concerns about the transfer of passengers from a plane classed as safe to one that crashed into the sea.
Most had flown on a different Yemenia aircraft from Paris or Marseille before boarding flight IY626 in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen.

An Airbus A340-300 takes part in a flying display during the 48th Paris Air Show at the Le Bourget airport near Paris June 17, 2009. — Reuters pic
Yemenia’s fleet has certainly come in for considerable criticism in the past. Most damningly, French inspectors who looked at the plane at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris in 2007 noticed a number of faults.
The aircraft was banned from flying in French airspace and, under the EC’s safety directives, they instructed Yemenia to carry out stricter checks on the place in future.
But Yemen’s Transport minister, Khaled Ibrahim al-Wazeer, insisted it had since been rigorously checked under the supervision of Airbus experts.
Why was the plane still allowed to fly if French officials had flagged it up?
For one thing, even though the EU was due to investigate Yemenia’s safety record following the 2007 inspection, the airline was not added to the “blacklist” of airlines banned within the EU.
Even if it had been, there would have been nothing to prevent the flight from Yemen to the Comoros; that would be the responsibility of the Yemeni and Comoran governments.
Is there another viable explanation besides a technical failure?
David Learmount, safety editor at Flight International magazine, thinks human error is most likely the cause of the crash, pointing out that a tired pilot would have been coming in at 1.30am into a strong wind.
The pilot would have had to make a “non- precision” approach without radar, using his eyes rather than instruments – a method which is three to five times more likely to result in an accident. If it was indeed such an incident, Learmount says it is hard to avoid, adding: “Accidents like this happen. They always have.”
Is this crash anything to do with the recent Air France disaster?
It seems not. That aircraft, an A330, was a different model entirely.
Whereas yesterday’s crash happened on the final descent to the airport, Flight AF447 went down in ordinary flight, making it more likely to have been a technical failure than a human error. But two crashes so close together are a public relations disaster for Airbus. The share price of its parent company, EADS, fell by 3.6 per cent yesterday.
What does Airbus do after selling an aeroplane to ensure its safety?
Once an aircraft is sold, a manufacturer is no longer responsible for its safety. They do sometimes work for airlines in a safety advisory role, but they do not offer maintenance services. Legally, the responsibility lies with the operator.
So should I worry about flying by A310 in future?
You should certainly think carefully about travelling with Yemenia. The EU transport commissioner Antonio Tajani has announced a new investigation into the airline’s practices, and that may well result in the company being added to the next airline blacklist, which is published in two weeks.
Other airlines flying the same model are as trustworthy as ever. Nevertheless, those of a nervous disposition may think twice on any carrier.
The A310 is an older model designed in 1986 – the one that crashed yesterday was built in 1990 – and older aircraft are statistically more likely to crash than newer ones. The A310 has also been in more accidents than its main competitor, the Boeing 767.

Debris from the missing Air France flight 447 is seen at the Air Force base in Recife June 12, 2009. — Reuters pic
Airlines would not buy Airbus jets if they had serious doubts about their safety record, which is respectable and comparable to its rival, Boeing.
Some pilots have expressed reservations about the Airbus “Fly-By-Wire” approach, which automates more processes than Boeing’s system does – but Airbus firmly believes its method is safer and eliminates opportunities for pilot error.
There may have been a string of recent Airbus accidents – last year, the Fly-By-Wire system led to a Qantas A330 plunging 650ft in seconds – but it is probably only a matter of bad luck.
“That’s the throw of the dice,” says Learmount. “There are only two major aircraft manufacturers in the world. Any crash is bound to be one or the other.”
What can be done to improve air safety?
One practical step already proposed by Tajani is to extend the EU blacklist system to a global version. That would not have stopped this crash but it might give travellers peace of mind to know that dozens of airlines banned in Europe will not be operating elsewhere either. It would also ensure that, if Yemenia was added to that group, it could not continue to operate regardless.
Should I continue to fly in the meantime?
Flying disasters are often horrifying, and the concentration of deaths in a single incident can make air travel seem uniquely risky. In fact, while it is never risk-free, it is certainly not the most dangerous way to travel.
In the US in 2006, for instance, there 42,642 deaths were caused by car accidents and only 1,500 involved aircraft. While there are 117 fatalities per billion air journeys, there are 170 deaths per billion bicycle journeys. So, unless you are also planning to travel on only foot in future, your routine should probably not change.
Are there good reasons for concern about travelling on an Airbus?
* Airbus aircraft have been involved in a string of accidents, and no firm explanation has yet been found for the crash of Air France AF447
* Some pilots worry about relying on the company’s automated “Fly-By-Wire” navigation system
* No manufacturer or airline can entirely legislate for human error
* There is no reason to think the two recent disasters are linked; they involved different models of Airbus in different circumstances
* With only two plane-makers, accidents are bound to be with one or the other
* The risks of flying are no worse than those of many other activities — The Independent
maybe airlines company need to conduct a thorough inspection on their airbus fleet... even the safest mode of transpotation now seems so fragile nowadays...
source: themalaysianinsider