A little behind in my blogging again...big surprise! I can't believe summer is almost over! Lucky for us, we do not start school until after Labor Day, so we still have time to squeeze in some more fun.
Big news around here is this...
Yep, we're expecting a baby in March. We have been trying for a couple of years, so I did a couple of tests. Then I spoke to my midwife to get a blood test. When I told her I had done two tests she said, "And you still need a blood test?" YES! I NEED ONE! I had to be positive it wasn't a false alarm.
We tried to keep it on the "down low" for a few weeks, but then we told Jonah. It slowly started to leak out one person at a time. Someone would come around and he literally would start jumping up and down as if he was going to explode unless he could let out this secret information. So funny!
Back to square one for us, as Jonah and the baby will be six years apart. But, it will be great to have so many "helpers" around the house.
I'll try to get some of the big holidays blogged at some point. (I know...no one is getting their hopes up!) But otherwise, here are a few of the other things that have happened:
Towards the end of the school year, Jonah brought home a sprout in a cup. All of my kids have done this, and they have all died within the week. Not Jonah's! He was adamant we get it planted in the ground ASAP. I humored him assuming it would still be dead within the week. To all of our surprise, it kept growing and growing. One morning he was outside and came in yelling he had beans...and by golly HE DID! They were even edible and it continues to produce. Way to go J!
We've made a trip or two up to Logan to visit the Michaelson's. On one of our trips we took an evening stroll around the temple. It was beautiful! Then we were off for some Aggie ice cream. YUMMMMM!
Zoe finished off another year of dance. She has decided not to dance again this year so she can spend more time working on her photography and other interests (sewing and such). She also turned twelve and is now in YW (birthday post to come...maybe). She is turning into such a beautiful young lady and I am really proud of her.
Zoe & Julie Brown
Julie is the director/owner of eMotion dance.
Zoe received her 5-year award with the studio at the year-end concert.
Bear finished out his baseball season with a bang! They had a rough year and were actually in second to last place coming into the tournament. But suddenly they found their groove and were on fire! It was SOOO fun to watch him play this year. He made the game-winning play that put them into the final for their bracket. The next morning was the final and they pulled it off...B Bracket CHAMPS!! It was very exciting and I can't wait for next season.
When you hang out at the ballpark all of the time, the other players' families become your good friends. Jonah loved these girls! ;)
In not-so-exciting news...I turned 37! Woohoo! My kids/neices/nephew did a cute job decorating the backyard for our little celebration.
Jonah also played t-ball this year. After watching Noah all season, he couldn't wait to get on the field himself. It wasn't quite as action-packed, but definitely had some entertaining moments.
So, there you have it. Some little tidbits from the last few months. I know it doesn't cover much, but at least it's a start.