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22 December 2009

Where Did It Go?

I totally feel like I've lost the last month and a half. It seems like that is the resounding theme of everyone I talk to. Amazing how time goes by so fast. I'm trying to decide if I should recap everything I've missed, but I think my lack of spare time will make that decision.

I am resolving to get my work done on early so I can play the rest of the week. We'll see how that goes. I have LOTS of Christmas FUN to catch up on!


The kids Primary Program (see photo on right) was great. Jonah isn't officially in Primary even though he's been going for the last few months. He just decided one day he was too big for nursery or something, and refused to ever go again. Hmm. He didn't have a part, but got to sit up on the stand and sing with the kids. His class of Sunbeams stole the show, as usual.

Zoe sang one number with just two other girls (Emily and Emma) and really enjoyed it. She and Noah both did a great job on their parts. You just can't beat the Primary Program.

My Hot Babe and I celebrated our 14th Anniversary in November. We decided to tell everyone to get married in November because you get awesome deals for little "get-aways". Because it is inbetween summer and winter seasons, we got an AMAZING deal on our room in Park City. We were upgraded to a cottage that even had a private hot tub on our patio. SWEET! Not to mention the dining credit for our scrumptious dinner. I could go on and on, but let's just say we had a great time. We also got most of our Christmas gifts taken care of on our way home the next day.

December:  Not a lot of action so far, but we're working on it.  Chris got the itch to get his trains out from when he was a kid.  It was really fun to watch him be a kid again.  Some of his trains, including mauals, date back to the 1950's.  He was having so much fun I came home from church to find he was late because he just had to play a little longer.  So funny!

Chris celebrated his 38th birthday this month.  We had his family over for a little party.  Adam luckily gave Chris a new cord for his headphones to replace the ones that I accidentally shredded a few years ago.  Thank you, Adam!

His acutally birthday was just a nice family dinner and, of course, chocolate cupcakes.

P.S.  The photo behind my title is courtesy of my Ladybug.  Good eye, hu?