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22 January 2009

Good & Bad

So the bad news is that I had the flu and was flat in bed all day Tuesday. The good news? There was a House marathon on USA. Yes...all day.

19 January 2009

Been too long...

It has been waaaay too long! I think I will just start today and hope that one day I'll get around to posting the last couple of months that I have missed. (Not because you need to know, but for my own journaling purposes.) Work has been busy lately. It is a really good thing, but it just makes it difficult to fit in any extras. Sorry, but blogging is an "extra" in my world. Nothing personal.

So....I've changed my background, and my latest book that I don't know if I'll get around to reading, and now I am off to read about you. I've missed you and can't wait to get caught up.
My Boys...
Me and my Ladybug...

(Just thought I would throw in a couple more family pics from this fall that I did not blog.)