30 April 2008
28 April 2008
it's what FUN is

Arlette, her boys (Parker, Elliot & Bridger) and Colette came with us. Bridger and Noah are only a couple of weeks apart in age and are good buds. We had so much fun!
My kids LOVE coasters! Chris and I used to be "coaster chickens", but our kids have broken us of that (well, Chris anyway). Noah's favorite ride was WICKED (above). He was barely tall enough to get on and could not wait to ride it again.
Colette and Arlette decided to brave the Sky Coaster. That is one you will not see Chris and I on any time soon. They basically attach you to a harness, lift you 143 feet in the air and the you pull the cord and swoop down. It is supposed to be like hang gliding/skydiving. Arlette loves the adrenaline rush, but you can see Colette contemplating the fate of her decision. If she hadn't have been on drugs (root canal), she may not have gone ahead with it. You can see in the picture of their first "swoop" Colette was holding tight to Arlette's arm and would not let go. I am really proud of you guys!
As for me, I was beat by the end of the day and could feel it in every part of my body. My hips were so sore I could hardly walk at church the next day. I know I am not that old, but I sure could feel the years after that.
We finished the day off with yummy pasta at Firehouse Pizzeria in Centerville (also in Logan). Of course, we couldn't leave without a FH'zzookie! (What is a FH'zzookie!? It's our famous gourmet cookie baked to order in a cast-iron skillet then topped with ice cream, chocolate, and caramel syrup.) DE-LISH!
The Highs and Lows

Of course when I called the doctor they wanted to see him. We know his body is fighting something, but frankly we do not know what. That led to testing. Jonah is not yet potty trained, which makes a urine sample interesting. The poor kid had to have a bag stuck around his unit. It was so uncomfortable and he was nervous to use it. It took him over four hours to go. Then came taking it off...
On top of that, we had to get blood drawn. Unfortunately, I did not go to the lab at PCMC. The lab we were at was obviously not used to small children. The lady could not find a vein and stuck the needle in his arm and was totally moving and twisting it around trying to get lucky. Nothing came from that, so she had to do it again in another spot. He was screaming! I was so grateful Chris came with me. It just broke my heart!
That pretty much covers the lows. I know this is too much info, but it is more for me. Of course, he has recovered from the trauma of the day (kids are so resilient) and was back to himself tonight. Also, thanks to my mom for covering carpool, soccer and dance while we were with J.
As for the high...listening to Chris and Jonah lying in my bed tonight singing Teach Me to Walk in the Light. What could be better?
24 April 2008
PaRtY TiMe!
We followed with some soccer cupcakes. The black frosting made for some awesome smiles (too bad the pics didn't turn out)! I couldn't resist the tablecloth that looks like grass. Very fun. Noah begs Grandma Hardman to tie him up. She used to be a cowgirl and can rope him up good!
On his birthday, Noah took Fat Boy Jr.'s to school for his class treat. That is where he received his crown that you see in the pictures. That night Nana, Aunt Deb and the girls, and our family had hamburgers, waffle fries and more cupcakes.
Chris and I got Noah his first pair of Rollerblades. Dazmn & Zoe had to help him at first, but he has really come along the last couple of days and is good on his own now. He also received a scooter, Jengo Fett gun, and more Transformer stuff. Thank you everyone! What a great birthday!
I can't believe he's SIX!!
- His smile. It melts my heart. He has the cutest dimples.
- His laughter. Noah is about all things funny and entertaining. He loves to put on a show and make others laugh. He will always be the life of the party.
- His kindness. He is always considerate and aware of others.
- His lips. They are just luscious. He can pucker like no other!
- His heart. He is so tender. He is very sensitive and will do things just to make others feel good. He also is the first one to give me a hug when I am having a rough day.
- His friendship. Noah LOVES his friends and they are all his "best friends". He is very gregarious and I can tell he will always be surrounded by good friends.
- His nickname. I have called Noah "Bear" since before he was born. What's funny is how it fits him perfectly. Rough and tough, yet cuddly. He also used to make a growling noise when he ate. Noah also needs a lot of sleep, and hibernates often. When he was little he actually thought it was part of his name (kind of still does).
This is just the tip of the iceberg. He makes our home a wonderful place and I cannot imagine life without him. Thank you Bear for another year of laughter. I love you more than anything!
19 April 2008
Noah scored three goals their first game. (I only saw one, but that's what he told me. I had to run to my car and get the treats, so I am trusting him on this one.) The only bad thing was that it ended up being in the 30's...man it was cold!
Noah is fun to watch. He has a hard time being aggressive. You spend all your time trying to teach them to be nice, take turns and don't take things away from other kids. Then when they get on the field they are supposed to do the opposite? When someone comes to steal the ball, a lot of times he will give them a turn. He is getting better with this, so we'll see...
The other funny thing at this age is their strategy. They still use the "group" play, where everyone in the group follows the ball wherever it goes. It cracks me up!
This last picture I just threw in because it is one of my pet peeves. It is of Noah, biting his nails inbetween plays. He has had that habit since he was just tiny. We don't have anyone in our family who bites their nails, so I don't know where it came from. He did really good for a while, but unfortunately has relapsed. I hope to get him back on the wagon soon.
Handy Man J

Thanks for the pictures Jenn!
14 April 2008
Man Cold
13 April 2008
Time Flies...
Playing "hair salon" with Zoe (note hair clips, etc.)
Noah had a field trip to Tracy Aviary and had "Johnny Crow Day" at school. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend and therefore have no pictures. He starts soccer tomorrow and is very excited. He also was dad's big helper this weekend. We just love our Bear.
Zoe had a busy week. She had an extra violin rehearsal for Federation and then went straight to dance dress rehearsal. Saturday my friend hosted a shower at my house. From there we went to Sadie and Elle's dance performance (Zoe's best buds). They dance with Tanner Dance at the U and their performance was at Capitol Theatre. All I can say is WOW! We went straight from there to Zoe's dance performance. Good mom that I am, I videoed her performance, but forgot to take still photos. It was their Choreographer's Concert for modern classes and self-choreographed pieces. I think it's really cute that they let girls make up their own dances and give them a chance to perform them on a big stage (Cottonwood High). Their big concert is still to come, so I'll do better with pictures then.After a crazy Saturday, I was looking forward to a relaxing Sunday. It has been a mellow, lovely day. Sunday is usually the day I enjoy baking. My kids love to cook with me. Jonah is really into cooking right now. (Perhaps I should invest in a more boyish apron. And no, he did not get out of his pj's today.)
Today, brownies were a must! I needed them and they me. I have a great recipe that is really yummy and super easy! Here you go...
1 1/2 cups flour
2 cups sugar
1 cup butter (NOT margarine)
4 eggs
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. vanilla
10 Tbsp. cocoa
2 cups +/- semi-sweet chocolate chips
Mix everything but the chips together. Beat for 3 full minutes. Add chocolate chips. Bake in 9x13 at 350 degrees for around 30 minutes.
The trick really is to throw everything in at once, otherwise it does not turn out. Enjoy!
09 April 2008

06 April 2008
Conference Weekend
We had a big dinner before the boys went off to the Priesthood Session. I love this great weather and being able to fire up the grille (my favorite way to cook). Chris' parents, Keri, Adam & Jenn and my mom all came over. When the boys left we, the girls, visited and played games (I demand a rematch Jenn!).
We started today with our usual "holiday" breakfast and cuddled up on the couch for more edification. In between sessions today Chris put up the hammock for the kids. It is amazing how much fun they have on something so simple. They love it and can play on it for hours!
Since all their toys (aka mess) were still out, the first session today went about the same...unsuccessful. However, I came back from the break with a game plan. I cleaned up the mess and tried to improve the environment and eliminate the temptations. I prepared finger foods for lunch and set them at the table I moved near the TV. The only other things I left out were their Conference Packets, crayons, etc. Guess what? It worked! After they ate they moved right on to their packets. They stayed until just the last few minutes.
So here's the question: What do you do with your kids during Conference? I would love any ideas and/or suggestions. I know there are really great families who probably get thier kids to sit through all four sessions without a word, but I would just like to know how.
I loved Conference and am already looking forward to October! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
05 April 2008
Spring Broke
At any rate, I didn't finish blogging our Spring Break. We stayed home but tried to fit in some fun stuff. I took the boys to the zoo (thanks Lisa!) while Zoe was at her friends. I only got one picture before my camera died, but at least it turned out.
We went to the playground with friends/neighbors (forgot camera, of course) and just let the kids have a lot of outside playtime. I already posted Jonah's surgery and Zoe's haircut. Then Chris and Noah went camping for a couple of days with the Madsen's (Jon, Kasen, Braden & Ryan). I wish we had two cameras because unfortunately I have no pictures of that either. They had so much fun! Those one-on-one times are priceless, and Noah just eats it up. It was FREEZING the first night, but they survived. Noah also had his first quad experience. He rode with Chris for a while and then was able to ride on his own. (That's one of those things that was good for me not to know until after.)
While they were gone, I took Zoe and her friend Elle for a "girls day". They played for a little while and then we were off to the salon. They had their nails painted, make-up put on, and up-do's complete with glitter. Then we went shopping (of course) at Justice and came home for dinner. After that we were off to Murray Idol. We only lasted the first half (it was country night and the girls just weren't that into it, and I was tired of chasing Jonah) and then stopped at our ward activity for pie. Thanks for the salon info Julie!