We spent some time this summer about 2 1/2 hours north of us with my brother Chance and his wife Jessica. They live in Toledo and by this fun beach/camping place called Maumee Bay.I think its actually lake michigan. It was a Fun relaxing day on day on the beach. =)
Not even a week after we were there is when the deadly Tornados hit Toledo. SO many homes and buildings and school were destroyed. I believe 7 people were killed and while all that was going on Chance was out risking his life in the crazy weather because thats what news reporters do, its crazy! A couple days after the Tornadoes hit Chance went to Haiti for a week so I went and stayed with Jess all by myself for a few days. They actually cancelled church that weekend I was there and ask that we go volunteer and help clean up after all the devastation. So thats what Jessica and I did. It was so sad to see some peoples house just GONE. IT was crazy sad.... I didn't do much help in the grand scheme of things but it felt good to be there with so many other people and be able to help out a little bit.