Thursday, September 10, 2009

Photo Shoot @ Chudleigh Studio!

Thanks so much for the impromptu photo shoot. Love the pics!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Dustin, Jill & Ella Visit - August 2009!

Ella helps with the dishes. Notice our matching outfits! Cute, huh? She is such a huggable little sweatheart! xoxoxox
Ella gets wet in the kiddie pool at Entrada. She's a bit shy of the water, but pool fun looks hopeful.

Taking a stroll along West Canyon trail. She actually walked quite a long distance before hitching a ride.

The kids stop for a sweeeeet pic! xoxoxox

Take a peek at Jill's "poker face." She's just won the pot, but we don't know that yet. We're playing Texas Hold 'em.

Dustin dons the official hat, a gift from Uncle Mike. We all wear it but, so far, only Dustin looks "cool" in it.

To baby Ella, our home is an adventure, a desertscape full of plastic cups!

Plenty of G-Kid Adventure - July 2009!

Campout in the kiddie pool inside is always a blast!
On location for National Geo..., Hannah and James spy from afar.

Hannah gets her nails done at a local salon! Isn't she adorable? James was so good to wait patiently with grandma Jana. Hugs! xoxoxox

Plenty of swimming for these kids! Only missed one day of pool time during their one-week stay. Hannah is in training for snorkeling the Caribbean. She's definitely comfortable underwater. James is comin' around. A another few years, but we've got to go!

Darla and Bethany learn to share toys!
Hannah, James and new pup, Bethany, pose at the West Canyon trailhead. So cute!
We loved our visit with Britt, Pete and the kids. The pup too! xoxoxox

Capitol Reef - May 2009!

Okay, so the last blurb was a bit poetic. So, here's to regular folk. Capitol Reef is, as for most desert parks, colorful and still, yet so alive.

I guess that's what I love about the desert.

It's so peaceful. So quiet, you notice everything.

In historic Fruita, a small school house still stands.

Look through a single-pane window and imagine this classroom come to life.
FYI - Fruita makes a nice lunchtime retreat. Homemade pies and sandwiches, picnic tables and shaded park. Sorry, no pics.

The many faces of Capitol Reef. Rob and I noticed all three of these rock formations scattered along one trail.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Yosemite - Spring 2009!

A highlight of our Yosemite trek was departing from the Happy Isles trailhead near Curry Village and venturing up to Vernal and Nevada falls. The paved trail follows along the northern bank of the Merced River. Taking the Mist Trail leads to a steep ascension of 300 +/- granite steps that seemed as if we were climbing to some ancient civilization. Someone actually laid these steps! (6.9 miles roundtrip) Leave early to avoid the crowds.

We enjoyed other falls in Yosemite Valley, including Bridalveil and the Upper and Lower Yosemite falls. Also enjoyed a 5.4 mile roundtrip hike to Wapama Falls near the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir. Magnificent scenery throughout the park. Spring is so beautiful here.

The temperature was nice, and because we were early in the season the crowds were within reason. It was cool for our dog, Darla, back in the trailer as well. We always have to think of her.

We love having her with us, even if she doesn't get to hike with us on most of the park's trails. But we always take her on walks back at the campground and on approved paved paths. She loves it. We do too.

Horse Shoe Canyon - Spring 2009

As guides situated at Horse Shoe Canyon, Blaine & Linda led us and others to several notable pictograph sites, including the Great Gallery. Once again, thanks to both of you for enriching our outdoor experience!

These are life-sized picto-graphs that have lasted through ions of time.

An extension of Canyon-lands National Park, Horse Shoe Canyon is a tremendous documentation of the presense of beings from another time.

Click on this photo for a closeup. The central figure is actually called The Holy Ghost.

2009 G-Kid B-Days!

Ella celebrated her #1 B-day!
James turned a whopping 4!
And Hannah is 7!

Much Love Kids!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Death Valley Trek! - January 2009

Linda's looking for her golf ball. Somewhere on the 8th green, but where is it? No kidding, this is called the Devil's Golf Course. Blaine told us they golf in Death Valley whenever they get the chance, but not actually here. Not far away is a resort village with a general store, post office, museum, diner & golf course. Death Valley is full of historic tidbits, like the Borax 20-mule team that once inhabited the valley & plenty of hikes! Must return.

Christmas in Sedona - December 2008

An unexpected treat, the Chapel of the Holy Cross, built in 1957 in the Red Rocks of Sedona. We were excited to see the church based on its architectural merits. The irony. We're sitting on a pew in the chapel contemplating the birth of Jesus on Christmas Eve. It was such a lovely experience.

You can see the ancient habitat of the Sinagua tribal community at Montezuma's Castle below. They thrived here one day, where a nearby stream offered up plenty of irrigation. Then one day they disappeared. Hmmmm?

It was bitter cold during our stay in Sedona, but we did venture around on a few short hikes, enjoyed Italian cuisine thanks to a timeshare spiel and went to the movies. Not far from Montezuma's Castle, we also explored a mining town called Jerome. Stopped to eat at a cafe serving the best hamburgers!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Trek From The Past (10/07) - Elephant Hill

Britt & Pete invited us to join them on a jeeping expedition up Elephant Hill in the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park. Beyond the climb, they led us to a private campsite beneath a rock overhang. Plenty of hikes close to camp surrounded by pristine desertscape. Thanks for the invite! They are so much fun!

Trek From The Past (9/07) - Orderville

Another Sorenson-led cayoneering adventure! The Orderville trek fulfilled another full day of hiking and rapeling down waterways into the heart of Zion National Park exiting through the Virgin River narrows. Great company, exeptional country!

Trek From The Past (09/06) - Subway

The Subway at Zion National Park is a full day (nine hours for us w/lunch stop) of hiking and rapeling through stunning landscape and waterways. Below (left to right): Jana's sister-in-law and brother, Linda & Blaine Sorenson, Jana & Rob, and Blaine & Linda's good friends Debra & Greg Caiyas. They invited us to join them on this trek. What a bonus for us! A bit late in the season, Sept. 30, 2006, it was "nippy" at 7:30 a.m. at the trailhead but warmed up as the day progressed. This sojourn is absolutely beautiful, worth every frigid water crossing! See for yourselves!