I want to share with all of you my family's newest tradition. My mom hosts a Christmas Tea annually for the last 4 years. It all started when our newest addition to our family was born. My sister's first baby boy. That same year my mom decided that it would be a great new tradition to start as a symbol of new beginnings. So,four years later brings us to our '2007 Christmas Tea'. Above you see my sister's oldest son and middle daughter decorating Gne'ma's tree. My mom sets out the best china (which has been passed down for that last 80 years). And she sets out a basket of ornies for the grandchildren to put on Gne'ma and Grumps tree (as you see above). My mom makes wonderful tiny sandwiches with wonderful groups of flavors. She makes 4 wonderful teas for us 'girls' to try, as the children drink their milk.
We all sit around the table and share what we have done that day or what plans we have come up with. This year the children were all a buzz about being on the POLAR EXPRESS. Yes, you heard me right. The Polar Express came into our town, Old Sacramento. My sister bought the tickets (which looked like the ones in the movie)and they all wore their PJs. The Hobo came on board as did the Conducter, too. The chef came out, and dancing waiters came out singing the 'hot..hot..hot chocolate' song. All the children received hot coco. And then the big DEAL...guess who came on board next...SANTA! To each child he handed them a BELL. Just like in the movie...and said 'remember to believe!' My oldest nephew was just a gush of emotions that makes Christmas so beautiful and magical! He BELIEVES!
Gne'ma then sets out plates of wonderful and famous goodies out in front of us all. We ...aaaahhhh and ooohhhhh and then pick up our favorites. My oldest nephew was all ready to jump in and Gne'ma was ready to help!
A couple days prior my bestfriend and I went to a fabulous Christmas production, called 'The Singing Christmas Tree, Christmas around the world'. The production takes place at one of the biggest churches in the Sacramento area, Capitol Christian Center.
I sent the invitation to Adrien ezplaining that the dress attire was a dress-up mystery trip! As some of you know, Adrien and I both plan mystery trips for each other on alternating months. It just happened to be my month, December and I planned this.
We walked into the foyer and saw the most beautiful site...Christmas trees representing different countries on display. I unfortantly forgot to take a photo. But did take some of the show. The one above is telling us the little story of how German children celebrate Christmas...with gingerbread!
The last couple days have been a whirlwind of sorts. But what fun I am having rediscovering the spirit of Christmas! I hope all of you are having such fun during these last days before Christmas. I truly am. And love being with my family and friends. These lasts days have meant alot to me and love sharing some of those moments with you all!