Mommy and Clara's day of fun...

Clara and I spent the day together alone... We began our day shopping at JoAnne's for paper for my class. After shopping, we headed across the street to Burger King where we ate inside (which the kids know that I don't like to do, but it was Clara's choice today), then she tried to climb around in the play area, but she is still a little too little. After Burger King, we headed to my school so that Clara could play on the playground. She was so adorable! After the park, we headed home for ice cream cones! We finished the day watching Care Bear movies, playing with playdough, and just having fun!

Clara and I needed this day, since for the last week, she has had a horrible temper and very short fuse. Today, she was well tempered, happy and very enjoyable all day! Funny thing was when Bryce returned home, she threw a temper tantrum almost instantly. Her and I need time alone together weekly. She is trying to get our attention when Bryce is home by misbehaving. Goosfraba!
Tonight I am grateful for...
time alone with Clara
Grammy for taking Bryce to the Kutztown festival with Gavin
ice cream cones
finishing my classes for the store
going to the zoo tomorrow with Nana
sleeping in
interior walls
figuring out what is on the interior walls
classes filling up
blogging the layouts for classes tomorrow
new scrapbook magazines
going to see Cirque Du Solei with Cathie and Nana
choosing Clara's birthday theme and party date (Sunday, August 16th...)
Theme: Fancy Nancy (one of Clara's favorite stories... we are combining that story with "I'm Invited to a Party" by Mo Willems where the characters are invited to a Fancy, Costume, Pool Party... so yes, we are having a fancy, costume, pool party!!! Watch out for the fun!!!
Wear your bathing suits with a mask and a boa or top hat!
I love my little Fancy Nancy who knows both meaning of the word "brilliant" and what a "constellation" is...