We had an eventful weekend...
Bryce had his closing ceremony for his preschool on Friday, so Brian, Clara and I watched him sing and do a play. It was absolutely adorable.. and I will post pictures another time. He fully participated and had fun. They acted out the story "Caps for Sale"... Emma was the lead and did an absolutely wonderful job.. she is very theatrical. I can see Clara in her place next year. Speaking of Clara, we get to go to preschool on Wed. for a visit!
Saturday was the most eventful day of all... I got my hair cut in the morning, visited my dance studio, we to knoebels with Cathie and Jonathan and the kids... for lunch and to ride a few rides... it is what my mom used to do with us when we were little. We had a wonderful time and enjoyed all 3 kids! They rode in the airplanes, boats, cars and the very exciting tea cups... Bryce and Clara loved it, however, I don't think Jonathan loved it that much! We ate way too much random food. The car ride home was eventful since Clara got sick! Oh joy! The fun doesn't stop there, after being home... I was in immense pain and had to have my mom take me to the emergency room that night. I have a bladder infection. Last time I had one of those, I was hospitalized for days. I am finding out that I am allergic to pain medicine... when I had it before, I couldn't take codine.. not I had a reaction to darvaset. The ride home today took way too long due to me feeling nautious and shaking all over. I refused to fill the prescription for more pain medicine... because I just feel ill even though the pain goes away.
Today, my mother in law and Aunt She She took care of the kids for me so that I could rest. I spent the afternoon and evening on the couch with my heating pad and watched "Made of Honor" and "The Holiday." I couldn't tell you the last time I just layed around and watched tv. It was very nice, I wish I could say that I feel wonderful, but better will have to do.
I will post the pictures from all the events from this weekend soon... when I feel up to it. Friday is my grandmother's 76th birthday and Sunday is my cousin Deidre's 21st birthday... congrats to both of them. We will be going up to celebrate next weekend... hopefully it won't be so eventful!
Tonight I am grateful for...
my mom taking care of me
driving me to the hospital and sitting there for me while freezing for over 2 hours
my sister and mom for driving me home today, since I was not allowed to drive
feeling better
Mom C. and She She for watching the kids for me today while I rested
restful sleep
heating pad
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Kids say the darnedest things...
We call Bryce's his Bryce-isms. Here are a few.
My new favorite he said tonight.
"Mom can you do me a favorite?"- "Are you going downstairs? Can you do me a favorite? Can you get me some water?" I said, "You want a favor?" Bryce- "No I want a favorite, water please." Too adorable.
Can we go to Chucky Cheeze-its? (Chucky Cheese- Grammy and Pop Pop took him there 1 time) Can we go to Chicka-donalds? (McDonalds)
No my not
His first word was "More."
We call Bryce's his Bryce-isms. Here are a few.
My new favorite he said tonight.
"Mom can you do me a favorite?"- "Are you going downstairs? Can you do me a favorite? Can you get me some water?" I said, "You want a favor?" Bryce- "No I want a favorite, water please." Too adorable.
Can we go to Chucky Cheeze-its? (Chucky Cheese- Grammy and Pop Pop took him there 1 time) Can we go to Chicka-donalds? (McDonalds)
No my not
His first word was "More."
Positive thoughts
I am currently sitting outside my school while they are negotiating tonight... please send positive thoughts our way.
I am grateful for my new contract.
I am grateful for my new contract.
I am grateful for my new contract.
I am grateful for my new contract.
I am grateful for my new contract.
I am grateful for my new contract.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Thoughts for today
After playing "The Secret" game today, I got this quote...
"You do not have to erase negative thoughts you have had. All you have to do is feel good and think good thoughts right now, and you will shift yourself to a completely different frequency where no negativity exists. No matter what you have thought in the past, whether ten years ago or one minute ago, NOW is where all your power is. Right NOW you can use your power and shift yourself. When you know this, you can move through your life without fear or regrets, because you can always think good thoughts NOW. "
This is a great quote... I used this today. We had a rough night last night. Bryce was up most of the night because his ear hurt. Yes, after going to the doctor both him and Clara have an ear infection. Anyway, I was exhausted and didn't feel well myself... but I had happy thoughts all the way to school and ended up having a wonderful day.
So, erase those negative thoughts and think "happy thoughts" and you too will have a wonderful day!
Tonight I am grateful for...
my kids feeling wonderful
sleeping through the night
getting lots of assessments done tomorrow (due to rain day)
watching a movie
playing life with Bryce
listening to Clara's conversations (she is so verbose)
chocolate chip cookies
Jeep Commanders
my jeep
"You do not have to erase negative thoughts you have had. All you have to do is feel good and think good thoughts right now, and you will shift yourself to a completely different frequency where no negativity exists. No matter what you have thought in the past, whether ten years ago or one minute ago, NOW is where all your power is. Right NOW you can use your power and shift yourself. When you know this, you can move through your life without fear or regrets, because you can always think good thoughts NOW. "
This is a great quote... I used this today. We had a rough night last night. Bryce was up most of the night because his ear hurt. Yes, after going to the doctor both him and Clara have an ear infection. Anyway, I was exhausted and didn't feel well myself... but I had happy thoughts all the way to school and ended up having a wonderful day.
So, erase those negative thoughts and think "happy thoughts" and you too will have a wonderful day!
Tonight I am grateful for...
my kids feeling wonderful
sleeping through the night
getting lots of assessments done tomorrow (due to rain day)
watching a movie
playing life with Bryce
listening to Clara's conversations (she is so verbose)
chocolate chip cookies
Jeep Commanders
my jeep
Monday, May 25, 2009
Scrapping the Music - Challenge #87
Scrapping the Music's challenge #87 "Free to Be Me"

Below is my 2nd submission... I used the lyric "Believe" as the title and the journaling reads "you look at my heart and you tell me that I've got all you see."
I have been playing around with different scrapbook styles lately in preparation with teaching a class called "Find Your Style" we are going to find out what scrapbook style we tend to use as well as learn new techniques. The above submissions are 2 different types of styles. I enjoyed creating both. Each is a style that I don't tend to use naturally. For more information on my class or the other projects for class... click here.
All stress begins with one negative thought. One thought that went unchecked, and then more thoughts came and more, until stress manifested. The effect is stress, but the cause was negative thinking, and it all began with one little negative thought. No matter what you might have manifested, you can change it … with one small positive thought and then another.
I have played the Secret game numerous times this weekend and I keep getting matches in 34 tries which gives you the quote above. Funny thing is I have felt extreme stress lately and am trying to change my thoughts... I am guessing this is why I have gotten this quote at least 3 times this weekend... do you think it is trying to tell me something?
When adding the new Scrapping the Music song for this week to my playlist, I found another new song to me... It's Your Life by the same artist. It is #2 on my playlist currently. I added the lyrics on the side of my blog. I plan on using the lyrics while scrapping soon.
Tonight I am grateful for...
music and inspiration
mojo for my "find your style" layouts- will be completed tomorrow
inchies- upcoming class- look so adorable- can't wait to post
mom and Tim driving out to see us
Mom getting over her fear of heights to climb up to see the house- you rock!
Carabas dinner- thanks!
Tanya and Jimmy- spending time with us and the kids
Needing to buy smaller clothing
Going to the movies with Brian- seeing "Ghost of Girlfriend's Past"- It was good.
my health
my kids' health
feeling well rested
scrapping tomorrow
I have played the Secret game numerous times this weekend and I keep getting matches in 34 tries which gives you the quote above. Funny thing is I have felt extreme stress lately and am trying to change my thoughts... I am guessing this is why I have gotten this quote at least 3 times this weekend... do you think it is trying to tell me something?
When adding the new Scrapping the Music song for this week to my playlist, I found another new song to me... It's Your Life by the same artist. It is #2 on my playlist currently. I added the lyrics on the side of my blog. I plan on using the lyrics while scrapping soon.
Tonight I am grateful for...
music and inspiration
mojo for my "find your style" layouts- will be completed tomorrow
inchies- upcoming class- look so adorable- can't wait to post
mom and Tim driving out to see us
Mom getting over her fear of heights to climb up to see the house- you rock!
Carabas dinner- thanks!
Tanya and Jimmy- spending time with us and the kids
Needing to buy smaller clothing
Going to the movies with Brian- seeing "Ghost of Girlfriend's Past"- It was good.
my health
my kids' health
feeling well rested
scrapping tomorrow
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Weekend update
Busy Weekend...
On Saturday, we had "Aunt" Tanya's wedding shower. Bryce, Clara and I attended the shower which was beautiful. Clara is the flower girl in the wedding and Bryce is the ring bearer. They both miss Tanya and have grown to love Jimmy!
Clara ate some fruit with Grammy and Faith.
Tanya and Makenna
Clara practicing holding a bouquet.
Howdy, partner!
Bridal party
Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Tanya and the kids
The happy couple! They truly seem happy... we wish them all the best. After the shower, we headed to the property because Brian said a surprise would be arriving soon that I wouldn't want to miss... it was my mom and Tim. I am so glad they were able to come down to see the house. The kids were so glad to see them as well.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Challenge #85- These are the Days
Scrapping the Music- Challenge #85
These are the Days by 10,000 Maniacs
I used the lyric "bloom and grow" as my title... also, the entire line of the lyric is on the Jillibean sprout as my journaling.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
New favorite picture of Brian and I
Ocean City, MD
Terry took this picture of Brian and I on our vacation last summer... I fell in love with it. I can't wait to scrapbook this picture. Thank you Terry for capturing this moment!

I just played The Secret game... and this is the answer that I received...
Wherever you go, whoever you meet, and whatever you do, give love and appreciation, because that is your true nature. How do you know it is your true nature? You feel so good when you are giving it!
Funny thing, last week was "teacher appreciation" week... Isn't it funny that we feel we need to have special days or weeks to show our appreciation for one another? Mother's Day, Boss's day, teacher appreciation day, etc. If we all followed the advice above, wouldn't our world be a better place? I find it silly that we have some of these special days to show our appreciation for one another, when we should be appreciating each other every day.
I am challenging myself to to show my appreciation to each individual that I will come in contact with tomorrow and say how much I appreciate them and what they do.
Tonight, I am grateful for and appreciate...
my husband
my children
my hardwork
great weather
people who read my blog- I appreciate you and you taking your time to read my thoughts.
Wherever you go, whoever you meet, and whatever you do, give love and appreciation, because that is your true nature. How do you know it is your true nature? You feel so good when you are giving it!
Funny thing, last week was "teacher appreciation" week... Isn't it funny that we feel we need to have special days or weeks to show our appreciation for one another? Mother's Day, Boss's day, teacher appreciation day, etc. If we all followed the advice above, wouldn't our world be a better place? I find it silly that we have some of these special days to show our appreciation for one another, when we should be appreciating each other every day.
I am challenging myself to to show my appreciation to each individual that I will come in contact with tomorrow and say how much I appreciate them and what they do.
Tonight, I am grateful for and appreciate...
my husband
my children
my hardwork
great weather
people who read my blog- I appreciate you and you taking your time to read my thoughts.
Find Your Style
I am so excited about one of my June classes... Find Your Style. So far, I have 2 of the layouts complete... I have done the Graphic layout and the Hip and Trendy layout. I have sketched the other 6 layouts and know what I want to do for them... just need to choose pictures and paper. As soon as I have at least 4 of the 8 layouts complete, I will post them.
During this class, we will be taking a quiz to find out what "style" scrapbooker you are or how you tend to scrap. It will give you some insight into varieties of styles for the novice to advanced scrapbooker.
What to bring...
one of your favorite layouts that you feel exemplifies your style (we will guess what style you are)
paper trimmer
pictures (if you want to leave with 8 finished layouts)- I will tell you what size photos and number of photos per layout needed.
favorite ink
Some of the questions on the quiz we will be taking are...
1. What types of paper or backgrounds do you like?
2. Embellishments?
In answering these questions, we will find out what style you are...
Are you interested? Class is Friday, June 12th- cost is $20 for 8 layouts and a lot of fun!
Time- 6:30-?
During this class, we will be taking a quiz to find out what "style" scrapbooker you are or how you tend to scrap. It will give you some insight into varieties of styles for the novice to advanced scrapbooker.
What to bring...
one of your favorite layouts that you feel exemplifies your style (we will guess what style you are)
paper trimmer
pictures (if you want to leave with 8 finished layouts)- I will tell you what size photos and number of photos per layout needed.
favorite ink
Some of the questions on the quiz we will be taking are...
1. What types of paper or backgrounds do you like?
2. Embellishments?
In answering these questions, we will find out what style you are...
Are you interested? Class is Friday, June 12th- cost is $20 for 8 layouts and a lot of fun!
Time- 6:30-?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I posted the 1st challenge on our new Challenge site... Goosfraba News.
You can either click on the link above or click on the link on the right side.
Check it out!
You can either click on the link above or click on the link on the right side.
Check it out!
The Secret Game
Negative thoughts have been swooning around inside my head... which has brought on negative things. So, I decided to play The Secret game and ask for some answers and they were thrown right back in my face... first time I played I got this response.
All stress begins with one negative thought. One thought that went unchecked, and then more thoughts came and more, until stress manifested. The effect is stress, but the cause was negative thinking, and it all began with one little negative thought. No matter what you might have manifested, you can change it … with one small positive thought and then another.
Duh! I allowed myself to speak negatively and this is what happened.... Now I am about to sing "I feel pretty!" Then I played again... and got this response...
Can you consider for just a moment that there are wonderful things ahead for you? Can you put total trust and faith in the Universe and know you are so loved and that everything that happens is all happening FOR you? Because that is absolutely the case.
I haven't done this in awhile either... I think I need to read the book again!
Today I am grateful for...
a wonderful day
cooperative students
quiet voices
positive thoughts only
getting a lot accomplished
great grade level meeting
quick meetings
sleeping soundly tonight
feeling rested
All stress begins with one negative thought. One thought that went unchecked, and then more thoughts came and more, until stress manifested. The effect is stress, but the cause was negative thinking, and it all began with one little negative thought. No matter what you might have manifested, you can change it … with one small positive thought and then another.
Duh! I allowed myself to speak negatively and this is what happened.... Now I am about to sing "I feel pretty!" Then I played again... and got this response...
Can you consider for just a moment that there are wonderful things ahead for you? Can you put total trust and faith in the Universe and know you are so loved and that everything that happens is all happening FOR you? Because that is absolutely the case.
I haven't done this in awhile either... I think I need to read the book again!
Today I am grateful for...
a wonderful day
cooperative students
quiet voices
positive thoughts only
getting a lot accomplished
great grade level meeting
quick meetings
sleeping soundly tonight
feeling rested
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Our Weekend
Our Weekend's Progress...
Brian had a lot of help today. Jesse, Tyler, Todd and Dad C. were all able to help today. I have seen the most progress today. It is amazing how much they got done. When I came out this morning, it was Jesse and Brian working while the kids and I pushed water around. I got to watch Brian cut out one of the only windows that need to be notched into a piece of log. It took awhile, but turned out really nice.
Clara helping push the rain from last night.
Making the cut look smooth.
Clara looked adorable.
My cute kids. We were visited today by Amy K. and her family. They came out to see the progress. They are going to be building a log home in a few years. The kids got to meet Gabe. They got along really well. The sound of the saw was a little loud for them.
My handy husband created this neat invention which keeps the drill for the wiring from going straight and lining up each time. I am so in awe over how well Brian is doing. Our house looks beautiful. Brian's dad has a great invention too... see below.
You can see it above... it is a thing that slides over the log so that the cut is straight everytime. We are doing everything with a chainsaw and it looks awesome!
The look when I was leaving this morning.
This is what it looked like tonight when we came back.
It is amazing. There are 5-6 courses of logs up.
You can see all the windows framed in the picture above.

Tonight I am grateful for...
So much help today at the property... thanks Jesse, Tyler, Todd and Dad C. You made so much happen today!
friends visiting the property to see the progress
cute moments of the kids
Clara popping in our room tonight with her bear pillow and dolly
our home
Tanya and Jimmy (we are all glad they are up visiting)
time with Brian
having a wonderful day tomorrow
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